From: vivi
Date: 12 February 2000
I never really left you.I just moved on. Your still in my heart.Your words still slip thruogh my lips. My mind still drifts to thuoghts of you.Your effect on me still munipulates my actions. Yet...your return is unwanted.To remember I once had your love is enough.The memory of you captivates me.
im not a regular contributor, but i am a regular reader... im always captivated by kevin,megs,gup and esp. misti. misti, i am a big fan of yours and it feels great we have the same taste in music (&/or lyrics)... i am a huge fan of the pumpkins, mike stipe, ani di franco and the beatles because of their lyrical sense..... thanks to all for choosing the blender as an outlet of your talent / emotions/ mishaps/ troubles re: romance
i love you
your personal
Hey Gang,
Valen-shine Time! This will make you nuts, but here and love poetry require inspiration for all of I ask you all to acknowledge those wonderful souls who have caught us, and written large on our hearts---I know who they are for me---but folks---today let's all give a nod to those who make the poetry happen...
My Valen-shine list---Charles, the Big Kahuna of my heart---dear Friends like the Master Sargent, nuisances like Bad Boy---and of course, the ardent knight who bears my standard....
You inspire me---j'adore!
(Now who inspires you?)
Oh and Kev---
Transusbstantiation is sublime. The title is a little supercalifragilisticespyalidoshus, but I bow to the Master....
Humble Gala
Dee - I know you were kidding too! :-) Ugh, let's not think about the drive to JFK, all the traffic know. It was Coyne, hehe...Coyne got you to drink a margherita after you downed half that bottle of that funky liquorice stuff, what was that again? Girl, you're cray-zeee!!
gala - our road trip is on halt right baby in philly may have dead lines around that time, since its right before spring break, so he may not even have time for us to come visit...:-( I miss him so much!
Hi Kev - welcome back busy boy!
Sure Shady---
You're probably just afraid I will embarass you---get you arrested---something neat like that! Hey---you can meet some REALLY colorful types in lock up! Chicken!
Shady - I remember Galliano, I remember the stuff in the little bottles - (hot sex???), I remember something crushed with ice in the blender that turned my tounge a funny colour, and I thought I remembered a plastic cup full of vodka.. was there more? oh god.
(hehe.. and the house wine at BMW ... another night, but just as funny.)
Gala... you might be a year off 658 but you ain't dead yet. I'd like to make a suggestion for a valenShine to go to Angel McNease - she's not been about the blender for awhile, but she set up the MyFamily page and has contributed alot to this site and the lives of us on it.... can you add her to your list, please?
By the way.. Kirk and Kev.. good calls.
I got some wonderful news yesterday - and a great Valentines Gift from my sorta man. <grin>
email me.
Way to go Trees62!
You finally put your work out there for others to see!
welcome to the blender! I love the last line best!
Hey Everyone! Hope you're all having a good valentine's weekend! I love the recent submissions by everyone. I haven't thought of anything creative enough to send in recently. Oh well.
Oh and me with all your news!
I really like "Mutual Maybe." an excellent read, thank you for that one.
I am the proud sis' of the controversial Misti Velvet...her brilliance amazes me. To Mis'- I apologize for neglecting this site for so long, you inspire me and enlighten me and I thought I knew you better than anyone...!!! "Needed" is going to be read at my wedding!! =) ashli
Hey Gang---
It's not quite midnight, and I"m going to post the next Valen-shine---but first I want to tell you all a story...
Just a few hours ago, we got word that a noble soul, and gallant lady had passed on. Her name was Zena De Preter---and she was my husband's godmother...Zena was half of one
of those love stories you hear about, and never quite believe---but since I witnessed about 20 years of it, I can testify to the truth of it.
Zena has been married to John De Preter for over forty years---I'm not sure how close they were to fifty years together---but close. Fifty years. With one person.
They were not always billing and cooing---it wasn't their style. But devotion was, and companionship---and certainly love.
Zena was a breast cancer survivor. That wasn't what took her out---and not a one of us was amazed when she beat that wretched bastard, and took another 20 years to enjoy her life. John adored her---and will take her passing hard---but we will all miss her. She was funny, feisty, and very much her own person. She was fearless, and bouyant, and unafraid to speak her mind.
John and Zena spent the last few years together traveling when they felt like it, visiting their sons, and doing what they wished.Not the worst way to finish a life, if you ask me...
Love is many things---it changes shape, has it's own taste, and it's own style. But I think all of us hope for a life partner who can make it through the ups and downs, the bad the good, or maybe just the very weird stuff. John and Zena had that---so it is possible. You can love someone that long, and not lose yourself in the process. Zena proved it.
So folks, forgive me---but my Valen-shines are John and Zena De Preter---god bless them both...I hope I have the guts to be who they were, when I grow up.
Gala - that was very heartfelt, sweet and sincere... and if you need to talk more. I am here. ((great, big, tight hugs))
Thankyou for sharing that wonderful story or love and strength, and for sharing your spirit.