* The Blender Board
From: slug
Date: 1 December 2000

BK - it never bothered me until now. now it sucks that i'm allergic to ginger.

From: deevaa
Date: 1 December 2000

(grin) I'm offically on holiday!!!!

In just 3 more sleeps I'll be flying out of here to Japan... I arrive in the USA on the 10th..... (giggling) I can't WAIT!

If you mail me from now on in please use: deevaa@paradise.net.nz

I don't know how soon I'll be able to respond, but give it a go!

From: Susannah
Date: 1 December 2000

I always enjoy visiting this page and reading your poems. You are all so talented. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts (special thanks to Michael,terry and
Stands with a smile)

My heart feels every word

From: Michael (pompous)
Date: 1 December 2000

Nikki ~ Man I sound full of myself in that last one. Don't hold it against me, k?

Misti ~ "Clipper Shipped" Where did you get your rhythm? You and guppy have this kickbutt rhythm! I need some of that.

Guppy ~ "Tooby me" I never completely understand what you say. But I like it. Where do you and Misti get your rhythm?

From: Galadrial
Date: 1 December 2000

Heya Riggs,

Once again you corner the market on raw emotion...
well said, well done.......

Hey Guys-----

The Dee is heading for our shores! I have alerted the local authorites, and am removing things from her path that might be breakable. Hearts are on their own! Hey Dee!
Get your wiggling thang over here!


From: B.K.
Date: 1 December 2000

slug: 'hurricane' was wonderful as I always love your work.
I know flying off a cliff would be fun with the right person..lol

Oh Jack: Sometimes I don't know who I am going to get into trouble with first you or Terry. LOL LOL I spit coffee all over the screen this morning reading 'gingerbread speaks out'. Now more than my dd is stuck...lol All your work lately is just wonderful beneath notice, another one to disregard,isnt worth, weak Yeah right Jack, all wonderful.

Michael:'stop thinking', it's all in your head' hummm sounds like a song title to me..lol both very well done thanks.

Gala: 'Walking Alone,' Always wonderful work. You always make me feel think or see something new when I read your work I love it!

Megs: glad to see you writing again. Long distance love is hard, know that one for a fact...lol

deevaa: Be careful out there and have a Great Holiday! Hope your jaw is feeling better too.

guppy: Keep us posted about Dad. Take good care of you too!

Keep your spirits up, you all, and keep writing!


From: Megs
Date: 1 December 2000

FGM and Dee- What is the itinerary for this trip to the states? I would love to know if there is a time we could coincide...not sure how close WV is to anywhere though...someone get back to me :)

From: Michael (overwhelmed)
Date: 1 December 2000

B.K. ~ "Hope Santa Brings Me you" is too cute. I'm overwhelmed. It's like a 3 year old eating a candy cane. And "Mr Gingerbread man" is like NC-17. Stop it! :-)

It doesn't matter ~ "Gingerbread speaks out". Ok you guys. Get a room. ;-)

Guppy ~ I'm reading backwards. "Crossed" RULES.

From: deevaa
Date: 1 December 2000

Megs, I'll be spending the longest time in Ohio if you wanna try and catch up there, however it means you'd miss out on the FGM experience.... but I'll only be with her for like 2.5days.


From: twinky (meese42@lycos.com)
Date: 1 December 2000

slug - 'hurricane' was gorgeous. Thank you.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 1 December 2000

Riggs~ I think "Twinkle, Twinkle Stolen Diamond" is absolutely great!! I hear ya! I get it! I love it! Can you tell me what inspired it? What are you thinking of? Set it up for me, tell me it's history? (I mean...only if you want to!) Oh, by the way, did I mention I loved it!

From: TJHolland
Date: 1 December 2000

Angela~ your story of Chris...it's so tragic, yet beautiful. Can I ask you something? I am a detention officer at a Juvenile Justice center. I was wondering if I could print out your story and give it to the kids there. I'm sure it would get passed around in there and on the outs. And if that's ok, could you give me your age? I think that there are alot of kids that would benefit, in ways we will never know, from your story.

From: Michael (wow)
Date: 2 December 2000

Guppy ~ Wow. That does clear it up. I hope your father gets well soon.

From: Megs
Date: 2 December 2000

Dee- Where in Ohio? WV like...borders Ohio...not sure how close things are relatively though *grin* Geography=not my strong point ;) BUT tell me the dates and the places...I work best with details y'know...

From: slug
Date: 2 December 2000

Twinky and BK - thank you so much. it took entirely too long to get that one out. i'm glad you enjoy it.

BK: Dream kisses is wonderful. and oddly relevant to my life. not a dog, but a cat. i woke up this morning and she was stretch out on my chest and her tongue was on my nose. odd...i don't remember what i was dreaming. probably nothing so nice as your dream. loved it.

Terry: the math equation that i'm not about to try and repeat. Fabulous. i sent it to mark. he's an engineer - he'll appreciate it.

and last (but not least - i'm jsut really tired)

Megs: Breif thought...so sad. so touching...i hope you feel better soon, sweetie.

ok - goodnight! Happy Holidays!

From: laurel ahlfeld drama_queen_ja@hotmail.com
Date: 2 December 2000

~*~Angela~*~ The Story of Chris really struck close to home. It has convinced me to talk to a very dear friend about his addiction. Thank you very much for posting that. It may have saved one of the most significant people in my life. God bless and keep you in his light.

From: Galadrial
Date: 2 December 2000

Hi all.........

Just a few more recipes from Auntie Gala's kitchen....and for the under 35 crowd, Alka Seltzer used to have some hysterical commercials that featured a poor actor who had one line----I can't believe I ate the whole Thing!
Back then, the commercials were hip, and funny---and almost as entertaining as the shows......

Yes, Gala is old. And she has been wrapping her fanny off for days....Mid December is shipping time, and Dee will arrive in the Shire in just over a week. Dee-VOTEEs may email me to arrange an online visit with the NZ queen herself......

God----I love Christmas!


(humming christmas songs)

From: C.L. Hollinghead
Date: 2 December 2000

The poems about kissing hit me today. Wowzer!

Terry- wonderful. it was very creative and I just couldn't help reading it agian.

B.K.- Kiss You Agian? was so gripping I got caught up in your words. Loved it.

Everybody else keep up the good work. I loved the poems but alas I've run short on time. Hopefully I'll be back soon to post some more but I've gotta jet for now.

From: TJ
Date: 2 December 2000

Just a blanket question...does anyone here know what the SCA is? I'm talking rattan, and tents, and fabric for clothing. If you know the SCA you know what I mean. Just curious.

From: it dosent matter
Date: 2 December 2000

lol TJ bards are not in practice but if u wish.....

From: Gala
Date: 2 December 2000


Society for creative ananchronism......lors and ladies, bards and beasts, that sort of thing.......


(btw---I am not a member---they do not recognize the wee folk, to my knowledge...)

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 2 December 2000

I just want to say thx to B.K for his comment
about my poem "his eyes"
It felt very good!
thank you!

me aka Niki

From: B.K.
Date: 2 December 2000

Gala and Jack: This is another relm for gingerbread cookies entirely...LOL and I am the one that started it.(Oh the shame, Snicker) I love all the bumps! By the time we get finished with Xmas it's going to have a whole new form. Oh Goody goody,let the season begin..HA!


From: terry
Date: 2 December 2000

Thanks CL and slug.......the equation got skewed a bit because the script on the submissions page changed a few symbols on me...for example the left side of the equation was K (Kiss) followed by the Greek symbol for psychology......lol. Anyway, it was still fun. Thanks.


From: deevaa
Date: 2 December 2000

look at that -- I've not even left New Zealand and Gala is stealing away my email!!

Merry Christmas everyone --- this is my last message before I arrive in the USA, no email while in Japan, but please do mail me, and keep me up to date with the gossip, I'll respond ASAP..... its deevaa@paradise.net.nz

(wiggles out stage right, for at least a week)


From: scqueen
Date: 3 December 2000

Tanqueray Cowboy ~ The last line of "Shells" is incredible.
I am passionate about the ocean.

BK & Terry ~ Enough already or get a room :-)

From: B.K.
Date: 3 December 2000

scqueen: If they don't let my guy come home soon I am going to go and join Mother Teresa's order...LOL LOL


From: Angel
Date: 3 December 2000

MERRY CHRISTMAS Dee....and alllllll... Have a good trip!

From: terry
Date: 3 December 2000

BK~ Wow...I need a tall glass of iced tea now before I really overheat (Big Grin). You are quite fun to play with.(Bigger Evil Grin) And 'Blue Fire Waltz' was superb!

Angel~ I always wondered what Mrs Claus wanted! Very good description...lol

Tanqueray Cowboy~ 'Shells' caught the mood of walking on a deserted beach perfectly well. Funny how the majestic sea can drive home those certain themes of life so well. Very thought provoking, thank you.

Ali~ 'Nothing to be Done' reminds me of the courage we all must find inside ourselves when we walk the valley when it inevitably comes into our world again. And just as Stephen King writes in his Dark Tower allegory, sometimes hidden among the endless weeds is a rose of the rarest beauty, awaiting a single touch that only you may provide. And it is that touch that might have the resonance to save us all in the end...thanks for sharing.

scqueen~ 'Attic Space' was just a delight to reaad. Mom used to warn me not to step on the insulation and fall through the ceiling just that way...lol ps. What part of the Carolinas are you from? My family is originally from Cranberry NC.


From: terry
Date: 3 December 2000

I almost forgot!

Dee leaves today for Japan, then the states and a well earned vacation!

Bon Voyage Dee! May your flights be safe, and may all your paths be free and clear throughout! Have a wonderful time, and enjoy every minute...


From: B.K.
Date: 3 December 2000

Terry: Oh my goodness Terry, If I didn't have you and Jack to play with. You are so much fun to write with and wow you can both wind me up.

Jack: Ditto above for you. You and Terry keep me thinking
Keeping up with you both is hard work...LOL

Angel: 'All I Want for Christmas' is wonderful. Ms Claus has a voice too. I love it!

scqueen: I still have the ornaments from those days. They grow more valuable by the year. I have lots of antique xmas ornaments, but my favorite ones are the glow in the dark icicles that were on the tree when I was a little girl.

Tanquery Cowboy: My favorite place is the ocean. It's mother earth herself. 'Shells' was so good.

Twinky: 'By the Book' I got about 100 cook books if you need one...(kidding) nice work

Ali: 'nothing to be done'. I can relate to this one too.

Nikki: 'Gray Days and Moonless Nights,' I am here with you too. Good work.

CL: Thanks for your comments and Congratulations on your engagement.

TJ: I liked Antonio, very nice


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 3 December 2000

Hey gang

Sorry I've been pretty quiet lately, and playing only minimal attention to the board. Busy time in my life, works kind of nuts (sigh, the failure of the recent dotconomy is taking its toll).

But the December Blender is here...

From: scqueen
Date: 3 December 2000

terry ~ i grew up in Greenwood, SC in the upstate (about an hour from Greenville). my parents are still there and are getting snow today! i'm jealous, it's going to be 70 & sunny here in CA today. I don't know Cranberry, NC? What direction is that? Where do you live now? I used to go to camp every summer in Hendersonville and to the NC mountains on trips. there is nothing more dear to my heart than the Blue Ridge Parkway (except the ocean, of course).

bk ~ where is your guy?

From: nikki...still awake
Date: 3 December 2000

BK ~ Thanks for your appreciation of 'Gray Days...'. I'm trying to get out of this funk. I think I write depressed and down-trodden well, but the friends I have that actually read my poetry are always worried about me.

I am going to listen to Christmas music today and see if I can't write something a little bit more in tune with the season. You'd think I would be really excited since I get to go home this year to see my family. I just can't seem to shake this cloud.

Everyone keep writing! Your words bring me encouragement and peace. Thanks

Talk at you later Lovebugs!


From: Prettypurr@yahoo.com
Date: 3 December 2000

To Meg,

Are you from the Ohio Valley? I'm from the Wheeling area.

Patty (prettypurr)

From: B.K.
Date: 3 December 2000

Well you all, just read the December picks and they were all just wonderful as usual. You are my favorite people to play with and I always look forward to anything you put on the page. CONGRATS to all the December Picks. Keep writing everyone. You are all my inspiration for everything...well not everything, but just about anyway...LOL


From: Ali
Date: 3 December 2000

Nikki~ 'Gray Days and Moonless Nights' and 'It Could Have Been' were simply divine...they remind of something that I'm going through at the moment...they both really got to me...thank you for sharing them.

Me aka Niki~ 'I Want' and 'I Wonder' were very good...i really like they way you write....both poems sound all too familiar to me...they remind me of my life, of what i'm dealing w/ right now...'I Wonder' especially reminds me of my situation...b/c I do, indeed, wonder those things...sigh..Thanks for sharing those...

Love and Dreams, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 3 December 2000

Terry~ Thank you for what you said....it makes me want to go searching through those weeds...thanks...
And, Terry? Everything you've written lately(all the ginger bread stuff, and "The Dancing Flames")keeps fogging up my computer screen....hehe...wonderfull stuff.

Love and Light, Ali

From: Angela Ubaldo Angela.Ubaldo@molesworth.af.mil
Date: 3 December 2000

TJHolland~ I would not mind is your printed out my story for the youth kids there. If you want any details about me, you can e mail me at Angela.Ubaldo@molesworth.af.mil or angieubaldo@hotmail.com. I would have e mailed you but I did not see a address. Thank you.

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 3 December 2000

2 Ali- thx for your comment
I'm happy you liked them! and my way of writing:)
I read some of your poems in the december issue
and I liked "when you touch me" and " to caught up"
they are good!
I felt the same like that for a while
It's just by the way they touch you and hold you that you become so in love that you become blind to the things you don't want to see
~love is blind~

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 3 December 2000

Congrats to all thoes that made the front page! All very well deserved!


From: daniel.cervera@molesworth.af.mil
Date: 3 December 2000

Angela, Great story! I was almost crying at the end of it...

Daniel =ž

From: Nikki
Date: 3 December 2000

Kirk~Thanks for the Ramble in the December Issue. As a sufferer of OCD myself, I know from first hand experience that the beginning obbsessiveness with love is much like that of the symptoms I deal with everyday. Too bad there is no pill that can even partially mend those who go through that intense roller coaster.

Ali~Thanks for your comment on 'Gray Days' and 'It Could Have Been'. It always pleases me when a piece from me can help someone else relate to what they are feeling. It almost replaces the pain that comes with writing it in the first place.

Congrats to all who made the Front Page this month! And it's great to be back among friends and family who appreciate a turn of phrase every now and again.

Later Lovebugs! I have a ton to do today, and only the magic of the Season will see me through all of it!

one busy little Elf~nikki

From: the addicted elf
Date: 3 December 2000

Geez! I love this place, and I can't ever get enough of the amazing writing on this site.

Me aka Niki~I wanted to tell you taht 'I want' and 'I Wonder' are both fantastic. I enjoy the way you blantanly list everything to everyone. Both are pieces that I can seriously relate to. Thanks for sharing!

that's it for now Lovebugs! I'm outta here....~nikki

From: Secret
Date: 3 December 2000

I Will Hide It All

You look at me
As I look at you
Looking at eachother we both know
What we have is spcial

People look at us
They question motives
They spread rumors
People just don't understand our lives

You say you love me
I say it too
You turn and walk away
I turn my back and leave

Its hard to love someone when it can't be known
I know how you feel
Your are not alone
Your pain is shared by me

I gave you my heart
You gave me yours
You saw me cry
I dried your tears

You are my best friend
You are my true love
You are my haven when I feel frightened
I am here for you when you are alone

People question if its all for real
What can I say to explain
How can they understand when they don't know
How long can I live without you

Is this our destiny
Is love something to be hidden
Our families don't know
Our friends don't know

Our feelings are our secret
Our love is what is unknown
I'm ready to tell the world
But I will hide it all for you

From: terry
Date: 3 December 2000

My humble bow to all the front page picks. Thank you all for such diverse, interesting reads. Your talent and abilities shine thru with every word...and I always look forward to each and every post from everyone here, because there are so many excellent writers each month who are not chosen for the front page due to limited space, or some other reason. Keep it up, because it is read and appreciated by at least one other person here......me!


From: twinky (meese42@lycos.com)
Date: 4 December 2000

I'll second the warm fuzzies for frontpage-pick types :o)

From: Megs
Date: 4 December 2000

The front page...woohoo...something to allow me an excuse for blissful Internet time wasting. So much good work. Both on the front page and during the month as a whole. Congrats to all.

I can't remember the name of who asked (whoops!!!) but I am from Harrison County. Pretty central WV. Been through Wheeling lots though...another WV person :) Cool!!!

That's all for now...I have been on here TOO long today.

Take Care All-

From: kevin urenda
Date: 4 December 2000

Ditto (pretty much) everything Terry said, especially the part about appreciating reading everyone's writing here in this haven on the web. I too appreciate you all out there (though I've been much the absentee poet lately)...
Can't fault Kirk's picks, though more and more excellent works each month "fall short" of the Front Page. That tells me that the overall quality of the work here continues to shine and even improve.

I personally thank everyone for sharing, and everyone (yes, even the silent crowd in the back) for reading...


From: Gala (Doing the Jingle Bell Rock)
Date: 4 December 2000

Hey All,

Front pagers---Jack me beamish boy! Whoo HOO!

Sarah you wench, you vixen! I love it! Am proud!

SC Queen...oh girl....knew you could.

Stands---something to celebrate along with the engagement...

Ms. Nadia---Again you lend us grace....

To Blender All---

I have been offered a unique opportunity, and would like to toss it into the pot. I've been asked to put together a night of the Spoken Word---poets to read their own works. I can't organize this in time for Dee's visit next week...but was toying with a date in February.

So here's the deal my dears...several months earlier, I suggested a ladies only, GALA gala...and the male folk screamed foul.Okay...I can see the point. I want to invite Blenderites one and all to the first invitational Blender Slam/Reading, held in my community, which will supply food, drink, and a location for said event. I am currently trying to pry gas money from them as well, but I cannot cover anything as exotic as airfare.

I suggest sleeping bags...and can probably put up a half dozen at my place. Nothing fancy, my digs...but warm and cozy. I have another family that can probably handle another half dozen. My plan is to gather you all up on a Friday night, sleepover my place, tour of Gala Land the next day, Dinner at the Shire, the reading,
sleep again, and Sunday I feed the gang french toast, and you all depart in artistic glory.

So what do you say, gang? You ain't really a poet until you've read in front of a crowd...and what a chance to meet y'all in benign circumstances! Kirk---how about it? Without you, this cannot happen. And where the hell else am I supposed to dig up the poets? (grumble) The organizers acted like I have them running hot and cold from my bathroom taps!

Come one, come all...and floor space is going fast! Let me know at Galadrial60@aol.com, and let's get this puppy rolling!


(The utterly crazy)

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 4 December 2000

Akash- "This New Year's Eve" Wonderful, I could really relate.


From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 4 December 2000

Thanks Jenna. Have not seen any of your work on this page. Are you writting with another name. Let me know - Akash.

From: Gala (running)
Date: 4 December 2000

Okay you guys....

Two potential victims for the reading since I posted...Because I am mean, cruel, and utterly without mercy (heck, I'm a woman!) I will not divulge the names of anyone coming to the Blender public...go ahead---beg...please...offer me costly trifles...it will do you not a bit of good...so come one, come all....floor space is going fast!

Evil Gala

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 4 December 2000

hello people

2 Akash- I really like your poem "this new year's eve"
very well written
i think i should also make a resolution like that
coming back to reality
bye for now

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 4 December 2000

Thanks Nikki - Akash.

From: Ali
Date: 4 December 2000

Gala~ Where in NJ do you live? I live in south Jersey(Burlington County) and now I'm wondering if you live near by me...hmmm...
Love and sunshine, Ali

From: Gala
Date: 4 December 2000


No kidding? How about Mercer? Dang! Got kin in your neck of the woods!


From: Chris
Date: 4 December 2000

Just a quick update for ya'll...

Misti and I got our marriage license this week! Just about three weeks 'til our wedding here in Austin... We're both still amazed that this time last year we didn't even know each other existed. And what's even MORE amazing is that, were it not for this site, we probably STILL wouldn't know each other existed. God...what a story.

I'm still using the library computers, so I don't have time to do much online these days. But as soon as I'm able I want to catch up with all my old online friends. I haven't forgotten ya'll!

(Sweetheart: Congratulations on making the Front Page! You're a better poet than I'll ever be--I'm your biggest fan. Oh yeah--I also have a crush on you...:))

Congratulations to everyone else too...

From: Galadrial60
Date: 5 December 2000

Greeting Blenderites

Gala Here....running around like a nut trying to get house in order for the arrival of Ms. Dee...parcels have been arriving from all quarters for said Deevaa...

Got some news on the poetry front from two too modest to claim their kudos or bows...so I'll just have to help them out a bit...Jack seems to be having some excellent luck with poetry competitions---something about a second place...Jack...get your butt out here dear, and tell the nice people...

And the next news is beyond exciting...Our very own Terry has had his work accepted in an online anthology that I am searching for a link to...The Poetry Webring...ah.......got it!


Cut and paste that one, and prepare to be impressed...Mr. Terry is hanging with the big boys now...I will keep you posted, but I hear (stage whisper) that the same site also publishes an annual anthology---which naturally will feature Mr. Leonard...

Sheesh...and he needed pointers on poetry six months ago?
Sure Terry......

The Elven one will hear nothing about the Whitman for several months...but trust me kids, the hopes ain't high!
I think I told someone several month back that you better be in the poetry gig for love...because the pay is pitiful...

And my hobbits have graciously made a holiday greeting in the Garden---Galadrial's Garden, that is. You are all invited to visit at:


Aside from some serious Hallmark style holiday poetry, the hobbits have loaded fun little features here and there...so come and play! It's a gasser.....

And for anyone to shy to share their happy tidings, feel free to drop Auntie Gala an email...good stuff should be broadcast, and I can take the heat!

Bye from the Shire.......


Elven Imperatrix,
Elven Information Officer

From: my_fallen_angel143@hotmail.com
Date: 5 December 2000

i was trying to find poems online and i came on this website. The writers on this page had some really good poems that showed real feeling and emotion.. whatever pain they went thru for it it resulted in some great writing..!!

From: my_fallen_angel143@hotmail.com
Date: 5 December 2000

i read a lot of the poems and i really liked Ali's style of writing. "the mirror" poem was soooo good. You all really have a great talent.

always and forever,

From: Tara J Holland
Date: 5 December 2000

distant moon~ I am very much enjoying your poems- Your continous stream of perceptions, or some-ever what-things. I like the flow and the feeling I get from the image of the lonely spaceman. i am interested in him and i feel like i am like him in some way that i cannot yet identify. Strange, huh? :-)

From: slug
Date: 5 December 2000

BK and Gala - i got a chance to read this morning - so glad i did!

From: distant moon
Date: 6 December 2000

Tara J Holland

That is not strange at all. Thanks for reading, I wasn't sure if people read things that non-"regulars" wrote...I'd like to become a regular...anyway, that's beside the point.

Thank you, yeah, the lonely spaceman has been the character of many lyricists and such, i.e. Bowie's Major Tom, it's a big metaphor and I like it a lot because we all feel that way sometimes wherein we all feel alone at times and distant from the world, encapsulated in our space suits...I've written hundreds of poems about space and that same astronaut, those I wrote specially for the LoveBlender, though...

But, so as to not take up more space...just, thank you for reading them...I like writing stories in poetic form...and I can't wait to show you more and hope you like them as well

From: S.B.B
Date: 6 December 2000

I told myself Never again,
but I've slipped in this unforgetable

I told myself never again,
but I can't walk awa from this beautiful

I told myself never again
but I'll stand with this wonderful

I told myself never again
but I've falln in this trap of blissful

I told myself never again
but you taught me how to love without


From: S.B.B
Date: 6 December 2000

I told myself Never again,
but I've slipped in this unforgetable

I told myself never again,
but I can't walk away from this beautiful

I told myself never again
but I'll stand with this wonderful

I told myself never again
but I've falln in this trap of blissful

I told myself never again
but you taught me how to love without


From: Ali
Date: 6 December 2000

Gala~ I loved 'The Phoenix Connection', it was great!

Terry~ 'When time stands still' and 'More than a cute name' were wonderfull. I love them.

Love and Sunshine, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 6 December 2000

zero #1 ~ I really liked 'Traces'.

guppy ~ what's the word on your dad this week?

From: Ali
Date: 6 December 2000

my_fallen_angel~ Thank you very much. I'm happy that you like my writing. Made me smile. Love and Wishes, Ali

From: terry
Date: 6 December 2000

Ali~ Thank you so much...those two mean a lot to me too. Having you call them wonderful really made my day! I continue to be impressed with your own posts too. Keep up the excellent writing...

May the pure light of love itself continue to shine upon your path in life,

From: terry
Date: 6 December 2000

distant moon~ I agree with your comments about the image of an astronaut as a subject of isolation and separation. Thanks for your posts. And as far as being unsure about your work being read, the Blender itself, if you pay attention to the counter on the front page, is now averaging several thousand 'hits' daily. Few of those people choose to comment about the writing, and probably fewer still take the time to post their own work. But those writes who do contribute regularly, end up getting more feedback after they have posted on a regular basis for a while. Suddenly then you start to feel like a 'regular' yourself. I read everything posted here, as do several friends of mine. There just isn't enough time in the day to comment on it all. And I admit, when time is short, even though I read it all, I only make an effort to comment on the writers whose work I have grown to love, and the occasional exceptional line of phrase that blows me away. This is a lazy and bad habit I admit, and it is good to be called on the practice every now and again. So thank you for the reminder.


From: terry
Date: 6 December 2000

Akash~ 'Slience and You' has a wonderful tranquil feel to it. It certainly put me in a reflective mood when I read it....thanks


From: terry
Date: 6 December 2000

Gala~ 'The Phoenix Connection'...WOW...that one peels back all the layers and goes straight for the center of your heart. The images you conjured are amazing, and very apt. Thank you for sharing something so naked and personal. Again, WOW.


From: Alexandra anstanley1@home.com
Date: 6 December 2000

2 Akash--- I really like your peom. It is so pretty!!!

From: Hillary rcoombs@cyberzone.net
Date: 6 December 2000

Rosa Parks was very brave,
She tried to stop the slaves.

Could you help me out with a endig to my begining?

From: floppydisc2000@aol.com
Date: 6 December 2000

Hi sexy girls if u what a nice time email me please or if u what a nice meal.

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmai.com)
Date: 6 December 2000

Terry and Alexandra, thanks for your appreciation - Akash.

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 6 December 2000

Here is the ending:

Rosa Parks was very brave,
She tried to stop the slaves,
Untill she realised that she was dreaming,
In the garden of the graves.

From: it dosent matter
Date: 6 December 2000

or mayhaps this

rosa parks was very brave
she would not act the slave
when they tried to force the mold
she caused the world to change

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 December 2000

distant moon-

I, for one, do actually READ every piece submitted... not 'just the regulars.' I have been among the silent of late, but have not been absent... Please allow your words to have their say here too...


From: nikki
Date: 7 December 2000

hello Lovebugs...

forgive me for my lack of attention to the new posts. Next week is Finals, noe of which I have studied for...and I am absorbed in writing a new piece about someone I have no business writing about....

on a better notw ( I hope) I have found a new doctor, who I am going to see on Friday morning, and hopefully he will be able to tell me why I keep getting headaches, even though I am taking meds for them...and also why I haev had a cold for 4 months straight....actually it's going on 5...has anyone even heard of a cold lasting that long???

Anyway, I am determined to catch up on my reading, and Distant Moon~as Terry said earlier (by the way, hi big brother) I also tend to only read the ones I have grown to love and care for (since some of them don't write e-mail on a regular basis...ahem) when I am pressd for time, which seems like always...but on my days off I generally make a habit of going back to read the rest, except for songs..I don't read them, I prefer origianl pieces from the Blenderites, but that's just my thing...

Anyway...as my loving friends can see, I am once again not sleeping...I think I 4 hours logged for this week...sheesh

I will be back later to comment on a few, I hope, and hopefully I will write something worth posting any day now...

that's it for now..and the peeps I owe e-mail (and snail mail for that special one) I will do it as soon as I get a chance..

nighty night, sleep tight, and only let the love bugs bite..


From: nikki...aghast at my own writing
Date: 7 December 2000

I do have to jump back in for a sec to apologize for the spelling errors I made in my last post...I don't normally do that...and I hate it when it chances to happen....guess I'm not perfect after all..

again....good night my heart strings

From: Galadrial
Date: 7 December 2000

Okay, before you buys jump all over me for male bashing, please understand that auntie Gala wants you to be blissfully happy...and one way is for you not to lose the girl of your dreams because life intruded, and you sort of forgot she was there.

Most ladies enjoy being noticed...so for god's sake, notice her. Spend two minutes each day kissing her---and think of nothing else while you do it. Not work...not life...not even getting laid. Just kiss her like you mean it. And don't be real surprised if at first, she seems startled...but persist. Once she realizes that you are seriously interested in kissing her again, you might notice a change....



From: Gala
Date: 7 December 2000

SC honey,

You said a mouthful! Men and women alike get caught up in the War between the sexes thing---and love can be the first casualty. I am fully expecting screams of "foul" from the men folk---but this is truly a no-brainer. If you're married, committed, attached---don't lose each other in the shuffle. I can't think of something sadder than a love that dies by inches. There's a point of no return...after which nothing really matters. You can love her with all your heart...but if you let her get to the place where she doesn't know that...it's all over but the shouting.....

From: B.K.
Date: 7 December 2000

Rosa Parks was very brave
She would not act the slave
She made valid point by using her brain
History will well remember her name

Boy am I behind...LOL whew, looks like I have missed a bunch. I have been reading and I read it all as well. I am new at this too distant moon but just jump in, it't quite addictive and just plain ole fun hanging with this bunch. We like comments too..lol keeps the pot stirred and the broth good and hot..lol

Gotta chew on this man and woman thing you got going here and get back to you...feel a bump coming on here...LOL


From: Galadrial
Date: 7 December 2000

Angel No Halo.....wow.....you sure can cook...positively tasty...sinful...maybe even fattening.....

And as for Mr. Terry---there must be something in the water down there sir---between you and Kev, we poor mortal females stand not a chance atall...right BK?

And I loved the dream catcher bump...you honor my simple poem, sir.

Not Just A...wow....every woman in creation wants to be thought of just like that...

Maybe we should have a charity auction...Hey Kahuna, you have a favorite charity? We could put bids on poets---high bidder gets a custom written poem by their fave.....

Come on folks----It's the season of giving. There are soup kitchens, women's shelters, all sorts of things that could use our help. So what say you?

Kahuna Kirk? As Great cheiftain, you have veto power...this is your little corner of the web...


From: terry
Date: 7 December 2000

Well...I won't exactly call your comments male-bashing Gala, because heaven knows there are plenty boyfriends and husbands who have fallen into complacency. But I will defend my gender to a certain extent, because that street named 'taking things for granted' is definetly a two way thoroughfare. And I always find it a bit peculiar when these complaints spring up, they are always aimed at us guys until someone points out that not all guys do that, so then we are added in later. Almost as a afterthought. I can almost hear the reply now. "Oh I did not mean guys like you, not all guys are bad."

Sure we're not, just as not all ladies are wonderful, thoughtful, marvelously mysterious and exciting creatures. But I will admit up front that most ladies are just that...


From: Angel
Date: 7 December 2000

Thank you Terry and BK for your comments on "All I Want For Christmas"...*SMILE*

Zero#1~ "Traces" was wonderfully written...very descriptive...nice flow. I really liked it alot.

Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS to all front pagers...I am once again amazed to be in the company of so many great writers, novice that i am.

I am jumping around reading...whatever catches my eye...could be title...could be author...could be too lazy to scroll...LOL...but I am reading some and will comment when i have time..Lots of great works.

Oooooooh and I adore men...my father was one ;)

From: Galadrial
Date: 7 December 2000

Angel girl,

Men are my passion. I love them to itty bitty pieces. But I have been with one man for 20 years, who has an IQ of 143 and works as a scientist...and could not tell you on his best day my favorite writer, food, color...you name it. And he is not alone....if I said that all men were like that, I apologize humbly. But it seems to be an oft repeated claim.

Guys...Gala does love you.


From: it dosent matter
Date: 7 December 2000

first off i read everything posted here as i believe most who come back do as well
there is such a broad range of talent that it would be a shame not to
though i do fall into the category of not commenting near enough as i wish i

yes there is a family of people here i use that term because it seems to fit the
best this is an easy family to join all one needs to do is comment on what u like
and if u like to post as well so much the better this isn't a bad thing but a real thing
as is this place very real thanks kirk

k my lady Gala heh as a guy i must say ive become used to the psychotics of
women 27 days out of a month then the demon three lol but we love u too much to
comment and i tried the kissing thing this morning lol she giggled like a little girl
when i woke her up with that i have u to thank for the giggle

late congrats to all the blenderites who made front page this month all very fine
poems by some very fine poets i managed to join this time as well as jackryhme
thanks for the picks kirk and again i have to say i don't envy u the task of choosing

plus i won second on another site achase.com a very good site for poets and artists
as well give it a go i did and was pleased by what i found

terry u have done some very fine work of late and i do apologize for not
commenting more

slug the few u have done of late i have loved thanks for these most excellent

deevaa come back to us soonest!!!!!!!!!!!

B.K. ah my lady i have loved our bumps as well as all ur most recent (past as well)
works my lady

scqueen glad to have u here u are a fine poetess loved little things

ali ur work jus gets better and better thanks for all the good reads

nikki i dont believe we have met but i did enjoy my addiction welcome back

Gala love ur work and garden i have enjoyed the bumps of late and think you too
beautiful for human words my elven lady

whew ......to all other's my thanks i love every poem i read its jus so hard to find
the words at time to express but please keep posting and commenting

From: Angel
Date: 7 December 2000

Ooooh I got me one of them too, Gala...I was actually making a funny:) But , then again, I do know a couple of men right here on the Blender that feel that they are invisible too. Me...well, I feel I am a sofa bought to fit the decor which has become outdated. I do know where you are coming from and have observed these gender traits as well (from both sides). I do think these traits can be complimentary with the right balance. I speak alot of symmetry between couples...I think the stars play a big part. The right mix...chemistry. Men are so adorable:)

From: Ali
Date: 7 December 2000

it doesn't matter~ thanks for the compliment! If you could see me now, you'd see a big smile on my face...oh, i don't think that i ever told you how much i like the way you write...well, i guess i just did! Again, thank you for the compliment!

Terry~ all i can say is that you continue to amaze me with your writing.

From: Akash (holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 7 December 2000

My salutation to all the fine writers on this web site. I appreciate the enormous talent of all the participants and their effort in embracing each other’s talent by commenting with an open heart. I have been submitting my poem on this web site since August and was immensely happy to find my name on the Front Page Pick in October. Periodically, I was also posting my poems in another site called POETRY.COM and one of my poems has been selected for publication in NATURE’S ECHOES scheduled for publication in winter 2001. I would like to thank the organisers of this site and all others from the bottom of my heart for their time and effort. It feels good to feel like a drop in the ocean.



From: the guppy
Date: 7 December 2000

sarah...i liked your dragonflies post...but i must interject that the insect it refers to is most likely of the mayfly, or ephemeroptera family...they are known (and named) for the short lifespan of the adult, which in the case of some species is only a day...they spend a decent amount of time as aquatic insects before they "hatch" into adults to reproduce.


From: Angel
Date: 7 December 2000

Distant Moon~ I loved everyone of your works...I'm very impressed...hope you stick around...I am one of the regulars who has become a little irregular lately, but I do try to read most posts and do not stick to just the regular's works...I comment as I have the time and regardless of time if i'm very impressed.

From: Angel
Date: 7 December 2000

RIGGS~ "Untitledworthy Pulp", A poem that ryhmes is nice...one that ryhmes well is extra nice :)

From: distant moon
Date: 7 December 2000


thank you for the comments, i'll try to get some more stuff on here for everyone to read, and i'll try to read more and comment more....and I am so irregular, I need ...whatever it is you take when you're irregular...but...ok, that joke didn't work, thanks again Angel

blender is great
go blender go

From: Kristofer Jernberg popgoeskris@newmail.net
Date: 7 December 2000

What Your Love Means To Me!
~To my Precious Laura Riss!

Your Love means the World to me,
As a peach needs its tree to grow!
Your Love brings Endless Desires,
And thoughts of Passionate Fantasies!

I Love the way your Beautiful Smile,
Reaches up to those Wonderful Eyes!
Your Love Stretches around the World,
For each and everyone to enjoy!

Without your Love,
There would be no more!
Endless Days,
And Dreamless Nights!

When my Heart Pounds,
Your love is Thy energy!
And when I feel Happy,
It’s your Love flowing through me!

~Kris Jernberg

From: it dosent matter
Date: 8 December 2000

beginning: stories of the people ... i liked the idea as well as the writing ..... thank you for this

From: Angel
Date: 8 December 2000

Distant Moon, HA! I caught that too after I typed but even before I posted...figured what the hey...givem something to joke about...but thats me:) Oh and Immodium RULES!!!

From: Angel
Date: 8 December 2000

Where might Kevin Urenda be? Has his ink well run dry? I see nary a post from him????

OH wrong cure...USE PRUNE JUICE!

From: Riggs
Date: 8 December 2000

thanks Angel

oh and having spotted the comment from the man identifying himself as floppy disc 2000, I feel the need to say that I had always understood one of the fundamental differences between a computer and a woman to be the fact that a woman would not accept a three and a half inch floppy....


From: scqueen
Date: 8 December 2000

Riggs ~ you're awesome

From: scqueen
Date: 8 December 2000

Riggs ~ maybe I should clarify that I was referring to your writing and not your last comment :-)

From: Ali
Date: 8 December 2000

Terry~ 'Reflecting a Shadow' was really great...there have been a few times, when i've looked in the mirror, and not recognized myself. Thanks a bunch for sharing that!
Love and happy thoughts, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 8 December 2000

Was going to do some comments but spent too much time writing e-mail this morning.

But Had to say this Riggs: WOW! That was the best! Just incredible. BRAVO!

From: Aaron.. cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 8 December 2000

I'm glad I finally found a site where I can finaly share my poetry with others. If anyone has any comments on anything I write. Please feel free to e-mail me. Also my address has changed from cloudy269@hotmail.com to the other one I have put with this.

Date: 8 December 2000

Please update blend-o-matic

From: B.K.again
Date: 8 December 2000

Had a bit of time here so I wanted to do my part to keep these pages that are dear to my heart fed.

Gala: Woman I love everything you write but my favorite this batch is 'Djinn', could just feel that one.

Megs: 'The Miss You Chronicles,' I relate to that one.
I miss him so much it hurts!

Zero: 'Times Three,' Its fun when you are in love, your writing says it all. Cool!

Riggs: What I wrote before was for "Lost Boys Crow," Think this is my favorite of yours thus far.

Angel: Seasoned and Milk Chocolate, I like your writing lately and I agree with what you said about chemistry and the stars. I could not agree more!

twinky: 'smarties' reverse gingerbread lust. Nice, cute bumps..LOL

sarah: 'dragonflies,' was wonderful. They always facinate me. I have an antique dragonfly pen from the 20's thats a favorite.

distant moon: your precision in six poems was surgical. Can't wait to see more.

Nikki: 'Taken for Granted' and 'My Addiction' are my favorites of yours lately. The last lines of 'My Addiction' I know by heart..lol

Akash: I look forward to your posts. My favs lately are 'Love,''Stars,' and 'This New Years Eve.' Nice work.

Ali: looking back I see you started the mirror poems with your 'In the Mirror,' Sorry, all the bumps including mine are to you. Thanks for that one.

It doesn't matter: Well Jack, the gingerbreads were wonderful and banana split so funny. I love 'flight of doves' as well. Sigh, just lovely.

Tatania:I liked the Shakesphere in love quote and your poem called 'The Fight'. Such passion there.

Echolocation: 'Royal Flush,' You gotta know how to hold em or so the song goes...lol wish I knew, my face turns red and I sputter till you know everything in my hand at once.

Crystal: Hope your Birthday was lovely Darlin!

Guppy: 'to some slipper flipper girl,' just the title alone is so cool. Hope Dad is doing great!

Terry: Last but not least, lol, Darlin! Knowing how you and I love to push the edges a bit I have to tell you that you inspire me beyond belief and wow, on these cold winter nights keep this heart warmed with words, as you do for all the ladies that write and or come here to read. I know I am one fan that wants your autograph, and if there's some mistletoe handy well, I will be scrambling with all the others to get a place in line for a kiss!

Ok, Slug and Kevin, it's time to grace us with your words, please, we miss you.


From: distant moon
Date: 8 December 2000


i read a poem finally, and it was your "Lost Boys Crow" ...and I must say, although I could almost see your mind changing about the direction of the poem halfway through, i LOVED the first stanza or verse or whatever you call it. my favorite line

Mr Howard keeps his hands
up high and in plain view
while international puppeteers
get rough and jump the queue

that was awesome, did you have a particular "Mr Howard" or was it just an arbitrary name? either way, I loved it...and jump the queue...excellent the other stuff about Jesus and Cindy....i think i just enjoy names in poetry, names with no faces...

oh, and B.K.

THANK YOU! wow...thanks, I hate when i forget what I want to say...but, this is where I am at the present, so just, thank you

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 8 December 2000

I hope that the regulars here can accept me. I respect all of you for your brilliance. thank you. i must go now. I'm being beckoned

From: oOMeStiZaOo@yahoo.com
Date: 8 December 2000

I have two comments.....
one if for: Ali
I just want to tell you that i really liked your poem, In the Mirror. i love it. u go gurl keep workin it like how you are

and the other comment is for: AKASH

Your poetry is something very diffrent from other writers from the loveblender. Very distinct and unique. in its own certain style. i'm gonna continue reading your poems

From: april hunnibunni263@hotmail.com
Date: 8 December 2000

All I need

One million kisses,
all over your body.
what can i say,
you are a hottie.

your loving heart,
your words so sweet.
Hearing your voice,
is my favorite treat.

Whenever youre hurt,
i feel the pain.
Whatever you think,
i think the same.

as long as you live,
ill live on too.
no matter the future,
ill beloyal to you.

From: nikki
Date: 9 December 2000

Hello Lovebugs...

1st, I hope you will all forgive me, but I have to get a gripe out of the way...As much as I love to read poetry written by newcomers, I would much prefer to read it with the other poetry, and not on the board...please remember that is why Kirk made the place for submitting...again, I apologize if this offended anyone.

BK, I'm glad you enjoyed My Addiction and ....I can't remember the other one you said you liked...I definitely need to get some sleep. Anyway...Thanks!

I need to sleep (Ialready said that) and then I will catch up on all of the stuff I haven't had time to read. Comments on pieces will follow late tomorrow.

g'night Lovebugs...exhausted,,,nikki

From: Ali
Date: 9 December 2000

oOMeStiZaOo~ Thank you so very much...I've very glad you liked that poem...and thank you for the encouragement. i have a huge grin on my face now. =)
Love and Dreams, Ali

From: Galadrial60
Date: 9 December 2000

Hey Gang,

I know the world is caught up in mourning John Lennon---surely a sad waste, and I take nothing from his memory...but a dear friend sent me a Harry Chapin collection that I'd never heard. I've been buzzing around today with my portable cd player---and oh wow...

I knew Harry's music...admired his devotion to erasing the blight of hunger from the human experience---
but there were a few songs I had never heard,and then his voice talking about music, and his life...seems sad and impossible that he's been gone these years.

So if you haven't heard of Harry, or just know him from "Taxi" or Cat's in the Cradle, expand your horizons a bit. He wrote about life and love for real people, you know--- normal folks. I'm a little sad today---Harry Chapin was a wonderful person, and his music is a monument to an ordinary man who lived an extraordinary life...

We should all be so inclined.....


From: Angel
Date: 9 December 2000

RE: POETIC CONSTIPATION~Ohhhh I know that soooooo well , Kevin...try a few Calvert and coke and an all night reading session...other's works generally inspire me.

Kevin~"in the making" was wonderfully unconstipated :) I loved this line: 'deep from the heart of November
the blue of crystal clear seeps out of every pore...'

From: Angel
Date: 9 December 2000

ALI~ "A KISS", was very descriptive and sweetly stated. There is a whole lot riding on a kiss. I say...if you can actually feel the stickiness of his lips and smell what he ate for lunch while he is kissing you, you are not being swept away...A GREAT Kiss will make you feel as if you are making love with your lips...which is exactly what a romantic kiss should be.

From: Stands With A Smile
Date: 9 December 2000

Sorry for the long silence, gang..it's been a very busy week and lots of work going on. I've looked at every thing when I had a chance, and am again so amazed at the talents among us. So many wonderful writers, so many open hearts and willing smiles..I am blessed to have so many inspirations! Please don't stop the flow..you are all so great. And for those of you who remember, I'm finally going to get my Christmas wish! Stand by for the fireworks, lol..SC will light up that night!

Dee..remember to yell at me while you are in the states..and Gala..don't stuff her will all your wonderful cooking.

Eveyone take care.


From: Savannah Haze
Date: 9 December 2000


it wouldn't take much to make me love you
you say i expect too much
but i know i don't.
i only want you to
touch my face,
sing me a song,
take a walk,
reach for my hand in the car,
call... anytime, just call.
just once open your eyes when you kiss me...
and when we make love.
at least let me believe it's me you're thinking of.
say my name when you say you love me.
let me run my hands through your hair.

just one of these will do. two will make me forever yours.

i don't need diamonds or roses.
just you.

i'm drowing in your inattention.

From: Savannah Haze
Date: 9 December 2000

i know that wasn't just a comment, but i'm hoping he'll see it.

From: scqueen
Date: 9 December 2000

it doesn't matter ~ "Caught"... very captivating. i also checked out your poems on achase.com - what a fun site. i submitted one for next month's contest.

tj ~ i will be adding "Ocean Bound" to my collection of 'sea poems'. i really liked it.

From: caroljglover@aol.com
Date: 9 December 2000

Emergency Help wanted.

This is a request rather than comment. I have been given the all fearing job ( well all fearing for me ) of reading out a poem at my sister in laws wedding. It is taking place in Feb in a huge church full of hundreds, well an awful lot, of people. Help, i haven't got a clue what to read. I need something romantic, but something thing that is about love/ marriage/ life rather than directly to someone special. I don't want anything too long, but then it can't be too short either. I would like a fairly modern poem but not overly surreal. Fussy I know, but do you think you can help at all? From a panacking fan.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 9 December 2000

I am loving all the poetry here this month! And all the talk and sharing between poets. It's fufilling, is it not? Feedback and LOVE! Whew!! Fantastic!

Riggs~ you're my favorite pastime right now. I have a folder on my desk top just for you to live in!

scqueen~ I love the ocean soooooo much. I think I feel my primal source come out when I am with the sand and surf and the sound of it all!! especially the pebbles that roll across each other under the waves and if you listen REAL CLOSE that is THE main sound of the ocean shore! Oh it is so POWERFUL! Thank you for your comment on my poem. I like to hear it all, good or bad! Do you have some sea poetry you'd be willing to share? Does it tie into the theme here at this site?

All of you~ keep writing, save the world! hee hee!


From: Galadrial
Date: 10 December 2000

The DEE Update!

Just called JAL...the word is that Ms. Dee is in the air, probably not far off the California coast---
she is scheduled to land at 5:30 EST...and I will be waiting for the wench!

If she's hungry, dinner will be farfalle pasta with red onion and diced tomato in a vodka sauce...

She probably doesn't remember, but it was almost exactly a year ago that we "met" here in the blender...this is too cool for school...

Hey gang---you can send messages to Dee to my mailbox at aol...just make sure you mark them for DEE!
Galadrial60@aol.com the du jour home to the DEEVAA for the first leg of her journey...

Tommorow I plan on taking her to the city to see the Baroque angels at the Met...that Rockerfeller Center, and Lady Liberty...After Wed. Dee will be moving on...call us a two-fer till then!

(tapping foot)

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 10 December 2000

Knowing just how wonderful a season winter is for regrouping in love, and not just because there are so many creative ways to take the edge off the cold… Poetry becomes an indoor pursuit again (in the non-winter months I prefer to actually sit down and write out-of-doors). And it seems like it would be easier to catch up on reading, being indoors more, and in many ways it has been. But I have been riding an emotional roller coaster of my own of late. It just now seems to be running on even keel for a time… And so, to the poetry…

As I said a couple days ago, I read everything. all the posts, all the poems…

the snapshot quality of "beginning…" seems something new for you. It was very evocative of a very different kind of melancholy than one usually sees here at he Blender. I did relate to the poem, for I too like to sometimes sit and watch people. Their faces all have tales to tell.

the truth is not something that you stumble over… unless it is that "seasoned" pair of 501s on the floor <wink>… This poem appeals to me as much for what it says between the lines as in them. Nicely done…

I enjoy the inventiveness of your writing. The packaging is as creative as what you have to say, but it doesn't mean that style supplants substance. "By The Book" is just such a case in point… well done.


For me, personally, "Too intense" was one of the best poems I read in November (this shows you how long it's been since I have commented, and for that, I do apologize). I relate to it on many levels, because sometimes I still AM in that place. I have been a "colorless bleeder" from such neatly inflicted wounds more times than I care to count… The whole idea of this poem, though, seemed to gone unnoticed by the ladies here, which is a shame… Good work, my man…

The lyrical quality of "Fantasies" did not disguise the burning passion roiling underneath. This poem evoked a powerful response in me. So too did "Glimmerwarming." The passion, the longing in this poem was wonderfully touching… Thank you for sharing.

Finally, I would really like to know what they put in that water where you live… That last ridge poem "Calm at the Ridge" (I personally adored the whole series) was so tender and deeply layered that it was a world unto itself… Stunning work, that. But that was not all from you.
The longing, the feeling of barren in "Waking Alone" made me remember what it is to feel totally ALONE… I did relate to what you meant in that poem, not merely what you were stating in the text… building a mood, evoking deep emotional response… those are the things that your poems do so very well… Take "Djinn" and "The Phoenix Connection" for instances. Both of those poems evoked deep yet disparate emotional responses in me. Simply put (a.k.a. layman's terms), I liked the way the made me feel. Can't ask for anything more out of a poem… That's why people come here…


From: Ali
Date: 10 December 2000

Angel~ thank you. i was going for the description of a great kiss...i'm glad that it came across like that...well, thank you very much =Ž Love and Life, Ali

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 10 December 2000

To Gala-China doll, I realy loved your poem!!

TO ali- I knew you, I can totaly relate right now! verry wel!
A kiss..WOW hehe it totaly explains the way a good kiss from someone you love feels like
Chains that bind and I should are soo good, i think they go very well together, because your bind you just can't let them go and always let them back in
But i have learned that someone that makes the same mistake to many times and never learns from it won't change...

To Chrystal- I remember, it's a poem but i like it!

To Akash- Your concept of loving, I loved it!
I always love like that, you just do it so you won't get hurt to badly

To Savannah Haze- Drowing, very good

From: twinky (meese42@lycos.com)
Date: 10 December 2000

B.K. - I try :o)

Kevin - wow... I'm flattered. I don't know what else I can say other than thanks. :o)

From: twinky (meese42@lycos.com)
Date: 10 December 2000

Gala's "Djinn" is immersive. I love it. *offers a warm fuzzy*

Kevin, Untitled's lone little stanza sums up how I feel about a certain somebody. Thank you.

From: Crystal sullengirl25@yahoo.com
Date: 10 December 2000

~GALA~....well I have to say I am down with the man bashing LOL just kidding..since a few months ago when we built our site ( http://members.theglobe.com/buffy60/GUYSUCKASS) we have already gotten over 17500 hits and some people tend to yell about us male bashing but actually there are more readers even guys that actually read throught the site..and realize that it is just a way to vent our frustrations from the pain we went through and are still living with from our ex boyfriends.....GAla I love your work !

From: Crystal
Date: 10 December 2000

I think that your poem is so sweet! Who knows.... maybe he would like to talk to you also !:P

From: Riggs
Date: 10 December 2000

Thanks to BK, TJ, squeen and distant moon.

I was a bit unsure as to how Lost Boy's would go down seeing as can hardly be referred to as romance related.

And distant moon, Mr Howard is the Prime Minister of Australia. However I only used his name because he was the first world leader I thought of with the right number of syllables to his name.

From: deevaa - girl..... (grin)
Date: 10 December 2000

Heya! I'm FINALLY here in the USA!!!

I'm kinda tired... only been up 26hrs now, gonna have to catch me up some sleep, but WOW.... I'm here!!

hehe... Kirk I got front page with a poem I don't recall writting!! I'm sure I must have!! (giggling)

off to check my email, so if you haven't mailed me, I'll know shortly.... (pout)

(dashing off to look)


From: scqueen
Date: 10 December 2000

deeva ~ welcome! i only wish i were on the east coast to
see you. have a wonderful trip and hurry back! we miss you.

From: the guppy
Date: 11 December 2000

hiya all,

my muse seems to be sleeping lately, or maybe her calling is just drowned out by the din of unpleasantness...who knows...i'm having a tough time writing though

my dad is in pretty stable condition...he's going through therapy and doing his best to regain movement in his legs...nobody is sure what kind of recovery to expect yet...it's slow progress...but at least it's progress...i've been freaking out regularly and silently about the whole thing...but all in all, i'm ok...not the happiest fish in the tank, but...there should be a but there...but hopeful...or something...

anyway, thanks everybody...


From: Galadrial60
Date: 11 December 2000

Deevaa Day ONE:

Hey gang----

Dee is eating a croissant in my dining room at 5:25 am....we drinking coffee...or as Shady might say CAWFEE...worst trsffic jam in history to fetch her from airport---but amazing timing after being stuck in a slow moving line from hell...She walked through the gate three minutes after we got there...

Desi loves her...the ferrets kept her awake all night...and AOL must have an alien detector because it won't let her stay on line...

This is amazing...

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz or NZ_deevaa@excite.com)
Date: 11 December 2000

guppy, sweetie even though you stood me up in Chicago last year, you know I still love you (((hugs, kisses and love for you and your Dad)))


From: Galadrial
Date: 11 December 2000

(red faced)

Kev, Crystal, twinkie---

Thank you much...you guys make me blush...

And Gup dear...I wish I could say I did not relate to what you're going through---but I do. Much love from auntie Gala.....


Date: 11 December 2000

Niki~ Thanks! Glad you could relate!

Everyone is writing wonderfull, as usual! Keep writing!
Love and ladybugs, Ali

From: Angel
Date: 11 December 2000

Elaina~ "Where do you hide it?", was very intriguing:)

From: B.K.
Date: 11 December 2000

Wish I could keep up with you guys. You are all wonderful as usual.

It doesn't matter: I think 'caught' is one of my favs of yours this time.

Stands: 'Did you know,' magic, you are just gushing happiness here.

distant moon: the space man continues to interest me.

Angel: 'Seasoned,'was my fav of yours this time.

True Lies: 'You're Beautiful' and 'You feel the same'. Lucky woman, Just lovely (sigh) More, more!

Kevin: I love them all but 'counting votes' and 'lovers of words' were my favs. Write some more please!

Adam: 'Winds of Desire' and 'As My Tears Subside'. Both beautiful. Write more please!

Elaina: I liked 'Innocent Angel' and 'Don't take it personal' both very nice.

scqueen: 'Ocean Blues' was so cool. You and TJ are making me yearn for the ocean.

Wandering in c flat: great name, 'How I see You' was great!

Gala: 'Breathless from your kiss,' whew hot stuff, I want some of what you are drinking up there..LOL

How's the visit with Deevaa going?? You guys behaving yourselves..lol (That would be no fun!)

Ok you guys, keep up the great work. The Fat Mans Coming Soon! Till next time!


From: bk again with red face
Date: 11 December 2000

Terry Darlin: It's freezing here but I need a fan after reading "Lady of My Soul." Wow, Darlin, if you keep this up you will save me lots on my heating bills this winter..LOL


From: Koko Loko
Date: 11 December 2000

Where Misti and Chris? They best thing to happen to Blender.
Pretty good, anyway. I miss Misti's cooking. No one peel tangelo like her. akajahjajajjajalaakallk!!!!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 11 December 2000

Squeen~ Thank you for Ocaen Blues. I loved it. so gentle and fine.

From: Tanqueray Cowboy
Date: 11 December 2000

All -
Thanks for the kind words about "Shells." Coming from THIS group ANY praise is an honor.

Although I mainly lurk, I gotta say that this is the coolest online community I've encountered.

Thank you...
...and a joyful season to all.


PS: Echo, it's not a card game. If it were, the rules would be far easier to figure out.

From: terry
Date: 12 December 2000

scqueen~ 'Ocean Blues' carried me there in your wonderful few lines...Thank You.

Nikki~ 'Taken for Granted' is wise beyond words. It so reminds me how much better it was to go back to school at an older age. I savored the time that bored me so as a child. All your writing is growing deeper and more rich...so I will say again, little sister, welcome back!

Ali~ 'I Won't Be' is wonderful....and 'I Can Only Imagine' is just wow...powerful writing.

it doesnt matter~ I loved 'drift' and 'so you say'...very good, keep 'em coming.

mea culpa....I am severely behind in comments as you can see. But catching up...


From: distant moon
Date: 12 December 2000

BK - thanks for the comment about the astronaut...I'm thinking about ending this poetic "story" soon, more than likely before a new Frontpage Picks is up...

Everyone else - amazing writing this month, I love it all, sorry that I can't elaborate...I'm headfirst into a euphoric, sleepless daze...whoa...I sense a new poem coming on

From: TJ Holland
Date: 12 December 2000

Gala~ forgive me for asking, but who is Deeva? I have seen her work here, and enjoy it, but (at the risk of appearing unfeeling or rude-which I hope is not taken that way) I am not clear on the big to-do about her travels?? I can see that you are excited about her arrival at your place, I was just wondering if I should be too?

(wondering if I should be in the know)

From: terry
Date: 12 December 2000

TJ~ Dee aka the deevaa is the Blender's long term artist in residence of a sorts. She hails from down under, the beautiful land of New Zealand. She recently had her first showing in New York, and is now visiting the States herself. That's a bit of background until Gala or Dee fills in the blanks.


From: Breonna lein SugarnSpice12189@yahoo.com
Date: 12 December 2000


From: Galadrial
Date: 12 December 2000

Well TJ, I guess the Blender types get excited when we have a chance to meet someone we've only ever known via email or online...Dee and i have met, talked, plotted, commisrerated, conspired, and collaborated for the last year...and when I was first came on, it was Dee who welcomed me with open arms...

Dee has been a regular here lots longer than I...and we overlook the fact that she is short.......

(Dodging blunt objects.....)


From: Angel
Date: 12 December 2000

And meeting friends is always something to get excited over...I hope Gala and Dee are having a marvelous time...pour three toddys tonight, girls ,and think of me as you toast the Blender, friends and the holidays;)

From: Ali
Date: 12 December 2000

Terry~ Thanks! And I read 'Lady of My Soul' this afternoon...wow yourself.
Love and wonder, Ali

From: the guppy
Date: 12 December 2000

ah yes...shortness is easily overlooked...


From: Angel
Date: 12 December 2000

no it's not ;)

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 12 December 2000

Hi gang

wow, I've been neglecting the site lately... hope all is well. I know some of you have my e-mail, I kind of count on you to let me know toot-sweet if something seems really amiss. In fact, I had a report of the Blender Board being busted, but all seems well, so this note is also a test.

Guppy, sorry to hear about what your dad is going through. I've been through dadly death, grandfatherly stroke, and it seems like my mom dodged a bullet with some other health issues. So I'm lucky on that one count, but I offer my sympathy and maybe even empathy to you and yours.

From: Kirk,Blender-Keeper
Date: 12 December 2000

Correction: jackrhyme was correct in pointing out that the New Submissions page was missing (for some reason I thought it was the blender board he thought was askew) Luckily, since that one fiasco a few months ago I've been having backups made of that page, so only 4 or 5 submissions lost any info, I'll try to look them up later.

From: deevaa
Date: 12 December 2000

who am I? (don't ask me that when I am this far jetlagged cause frankly, I've NO clue...)but I think I'm just your average New Zealand chick who spent a VERY long time on a plane to see some weirdo US folk.... Miss Gala being one of them.

and short? pffffffffffffffttttttttttt...

Kirk and guppy, I'll through some good vibes your way as soon as I get me some sleep.

I'm sadly leaving Gala's tomorrow at like 5am.... (argh)and after a short visit in Upstate NY, I'll be hitting Ohio Friday.

Take care of your hearts,


From: andrew serrata aserrata@calstate.edu
Date: 12 December 2000

i just want to find out how i can post my own poems. if i can please reply to this e-mail.. thanks.. -a.serrata

From: TJ Holland
Date: 13 December 2000

:-)Thank you all for setting me straight on just who Deeva is and a bit on what she's about. And...Hello, Ms. Deeva, a pleasure! Deep Peace of the gentle Earth to you, and safety in your travels. Gala, I'm glad you got to spend time with a person who is close to your heart. I can tell you love Deeva very much. Friends like you are to be cherished forever.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 13 December 2000

Andrew, to post a poem, go to the same place you did to post your message, but instead of typing a message in the empty field on that page, click on the 'submissions page' link that is above it at the top of the page. Then fill in the fields provided, including the text of your poem. Happy writing!

From: Galadrial60
Date: 13 December 2000

Hey All...

Just dropped Dee on the airport shuttle...she loves my kid, hates my ferrets, and is finally over jet lag!
We got up at 4:30 for breakfast---coffee, croissants, eggs, bacon....and made the shuttle just in time.

Auntie Gala has a ton of junk to do over the next few days---but i just wanted the DEEVAA-TEEs to know how much I loved having her here...Desi is smitten! We never got to the City---but still had a hell of a time. New Jersey has survived the combination of our two personalities in the same time zone!

Bon Voyage Dee...and tell Ken what I said about Fu Dog...

Love Gala

From: terry
Date: 13 December 2000

Riggs~ 'Floydian Escape Number 2', like your last couple works, is very powerful writing. It is like you have invited the reader to glimpse with you an unadulterated view directly into your id, almost to the point of discomfort. The ability to do that purposefully is real talent.

Gala~ Ummm, I want some of those Christmas cookies...lol. Cinnamon Ridge is another beautiful one in your Ridge Series. Captivating work.


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 13 December 2000

heya folks

i've been painfully absent


i've been busy trying to get school together and moving around from three different places catching up on life, between wisconsin, chicago, and quad cities i've been a busy little bee cause none of them are within an hour from each other! yeah! i love living in three places..........

but, i made a websight, so check it out!!!


i've made a link to go here, and i'm hoping to get some posting for writing material on it.....but that hasn't happened yet, its in the beginning stages.....

From: laurel ahlfeld drama_queen_ja@hotmail.com
Date: 13 December 2000

~*~Adam~*~ Wow...what a way with words! I'm intriqued and inspired by your words

~*~Zero #1~*~ Yet again, I'm impressed by your work. You bring so much emotion and feel to your work. Beautiful.

~*~Sarah~*~ "interlude: so she cried" brought tears to my own eyes. I absolutely loved it.

~*~butersctchdreamz@aol~*~ "Damn Heart" Gave me a giggle and made me feel a little less lonely. It was a very nice piece

~*~terry~*~ would you mind if I cloned you? "Hurry Love, I am Waiting" got me ready to hunt down my soulmate once again. Thank you.

~*~Wandering in C flat~*~ Not only did your name call me to read your work, the first told me to read the next, and then the next....You've got a great talent. Can't wait to see what else you will post!

Well, all...I miss being around here greatly. I check out the new posts on the weekend though, and you're all truly inspirations. Things keep getting better and better. It's a snowday right now. The damands of everyday life are gone for 24 hours. I hope to create something that you'll like.

Love Always,

From: Galadrial
Date: 13 December 2000

Dee can bust me about this I suppose...but when we were driving to the shuttle this morning, it was still full dark.
As luck would have it, we were both looking at the same patch or sky---and saw a shooting star. Dee's first ever---my second...but totally cool.


From: deevaa
Date: 13 December 2000


yeah we got to the airporter on time, however they didn't get me to JFK on time and I missed my flight, my flight at 9.45am and now I've until 3pm to fill in.

(I'm at one of those funny booth things at the airport... gonna seek food soon.)

Gala and I did have a ball, and her kid is GREAT..... Gala is a great cook, and her coffee is to die for (speaking of coffee I NEED me some) and I finally got to see the statue Gala -- the airporter driver (mutter) pointed her out on the way over the bridge, and the shooting star was amazing.

I'm owed some email... (looking at Terry) hehe, NZ_deevaa@excite.com

take care of your hearts,


From: B.K
Date: 13 December 2000

It's icy all around today so I am catching up a bit.

Akash: "Moon Drop Tears," almost made me cry.

Kirk: The test pattern was great. Keep up the good work!

Wandering in C flat: "me without you," (sigh) just lovely.

Riggs: "Floydian Escape Number #2," Your last two have really been amazing. Great work!

Terry: "Hurry Love I Am Waiting." and "Journey With Me," wow, again and again..lol.

Gala: "Cinnamon Ridge," The ridge poems take us to the warm and fuzzy every time. Wonderful stuff.

Anybody hear anything about Slugs Grandmother?

Gup: Hope Dad's improving daily!

Write on!


From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 13 December 2000

please forgive me for I it seems I cannot write happy poems anymore. Will somebody at least write me back on one of them and at least let me know what you think.

From: Angel
Date: 13 December 2000

Oohhhhh I got me a pic of Dee and Gala:) Will post it on the family page, aka 'Poetic friends' as soon as i get a chance. Remember, I am a busy lil' Angel...especially this time of year, so if you have not received an invite as yet and would like one, e- me at no1halo@yahoo.com. I will also like to remind existing members that you can help me with the invites too:)

From: princess_ballerina
Date: 13 December 2000

Aaron~you already know I think this but your poems are wonderful and I enjoy reading them, so write more and post them.

From: Ali
Date: 13 December 2000

Aaron~ Your poems are wonderfull...I really did like 'Cloudy'...you write very well, so smile! And it doesn't matter if all your poems are sad, sometimes that happens...they are all really great! =Ž Love and Light, Ali

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 13 December 2000

Ali~I love your poems, they are such an inspiration. Sometimes I come to the blender just to look for your work. Keep writing!!!!

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 13 December 2000

Ali- Thanks for the comment on my poem. It's nice people like you that really make my day sometimes. I enjoy your poems. 'I should','chains that bind', and 'A kiss'. Sounds as if you went through or are going through some of the same things I went through in my last relationship. As for a kiss. I couldn't agree with you more.:)

Elaina- You my homie. Thanks for making my day. I talk to you about everyday. So I won't write a whole big letter. Your poems are wonderful. Keep writing.

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 13 December 2000

Angel~thanks for the comment. I also enjoy reading your poems.

From: Angel
Date: 13 December 2000

OHhhhh GALA~ "Miss Scarlett, in the bedroom, with a rope"...I just loved it! :)

From: Galadrial
Date: 13 December 2000

(looky cheeky indeed)

Thanks Angel.......had fun with that one!

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 13 December 2000

To Elaina** I just loved your poems " for You" amd "Beauty"

From: Jillian Ballard richirich33@yahoo.com
Date: 14 December 2000

When the Sweet Turns Sour

My momma told me
when I was young,
“Don’t eat too much of that chocolate.”
She said it only tastes good
when it’s a bite.

But I was hard headed,
so I bought the whole box
and ate every piece
until the sweet turned sour in my mouth.

Not sour like candy,
but sour like rotten milk.

And I hurled,
because I was sick
to my stomach,
to my heart.

And I had to wrap it back up,
and throw it away,
even when it still looked good.

From: Jillian Ballard richirich33@yahoo.com
Date: 14 December 2000

All you have done

Stealing my heart was so easy for you
True love was the fantasy only you
could make it true.
Love was transparent, like charcoal steam.
You were the one cut out of my dream.

You were the one who woke me from sleep
and stole my heart with a love so deep.
You opened the door to a love so dense,
you cared not for the cost and expense.

You grasped me from darkness not a moment
too soon and displayed a love so pure and
perfectly in tone.
The light in your soul was impossible to avoid
Hate you banished. Fear you destroyed.

The day I met you the loss of love was quenched
My soul, once so dry, was instantly drenched.
Please, you must never forget all that
was destined for us that day we met.

From: scqueen
Date: 14 December 2000

Gupster ~ nice to see you posting again, especially 'forgive and protect'. my muse has been sleeping lately too... hope all is well.

Date: 14 December 2000

I think you guys need more poems about forgiveness

Girls dont understand that guys make mistakes and ive been
sittin here forever lookin for a good poem or somethin
about forgiveness
i need somethin perfect just to win her heart bback but i cant find it anywhere

From: the guppy
Date: 15 December 2000

forgiveness is all about direct communication between the parties involved...while a nicely wrapped poem penned by somebody else might express some of the things you wish to say, it's far better to find your own words...

forgiveness should also only be sought for it's own sake, to make ammends for things you are truly sorry for...otherwise it's just a contrived deceptive method of seeking personal gain...forgiveness is about redemption...it's not about asking someone to erase or forget something

"forgive and forget"---lame notion...i agree with the forgive part, but forgetting just seems like putting on blinders to avoid looking at the real issues...and i don't believe people forget things that call for forgiveness anyway...for sure not on a subconscious level...things happen, and we remember them

i'll end this sermon here...ha


From: the guppy
Date: 15 December 2000

echo---nice job with summer falls...great images, and very thoughtful writing...i picture moments when people ask things like "what happened?"...sometimes what happened can only be described in poetic phrasing

kirk, gala, dee, bk, scqueen---thanks much for the kind thoughts


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 15 December 2000

"..i call you friend with each breath i call you lover..."


i love that line....

From: Ali
Date: 15 December 2000

Elaina~ Thanks! I think you just made my day, no wait, make that my week! I'm so happy that u like my work, and I always make sure to read urs...you write beautifully. And you make sure you keep writing too!

Everyone else is writing wonderfully, as usual! Keep it up, you guys are my muses!
Love and Candy Canes, Ali

From: Galadrial
Date: 15 December 2000

Well Gup---

Some powerful thinking...forgiveness is something we all need to learn, since human beings make mistakes. I think we also need to consider the nature of the beast---forgiveness. It is the sort of thing that comes in play when there has been a deliberate hurt---and to a lesser degree, when there has been a thoughtless or selfish act that has caused another personal pain.

The first part---and the easy one is the apology---but for many apology is automatic---no actual contrition involved. You're sorry because you got nailed---but you're not particularly sorry that you did it. The degree of love you have for an individual will certainly color your thinking. Knowing that you hurt a loved one through action---or even inaction can burn like acid...and that's good in a way. It's a lasting reminder to never do such a thing again---which is half of what asking forgiveness is about.

As far as forgive and forget is concerned, that IS a neat trick. Because it requires a number of dynamics...the person asking forgiveness has to be ready to agree to not do such a thing again---and ready to understand that "i'm sorry" is not a bandaid. It's not a get-out-jail-free card, and it doesn't instantly make everything better...the issue here is trust. Once burned, the heart is gunshy, and speaking for myself only, say one beloved does something awful...the mark left by that act remains---no matter how much you wish it were not so. The circles turns. Now you're with another---and they do either the same thing, or something very similar...and it doesn't take long for the heart to expect such a thing.

So the rules are pretty simple...try not to be unkind or unthinking. It takes an awful lot to win back lost ground---and it never seems worth it. If you do foul up, accept that forgiveness requires a lot of love and understanding.The person you're asking it of will have to deal with their own pain---plus the tendency to lash back...
and we live in a world with precious little graciousness. Kindness is regarded as sort of quaint---but largely useless. If you are offered kindness I suggest you make a huge deal of it.

So says Gala

From: Gala
Date: 15 December 2000

Hey Gup----

That small speech wasn't aimed at you love---you just latched onto a topic that inspired me...how's you, dear?


From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 15 December 2000

To Ali*~* "under the bride" WOW
I realy loved it!!

From: Ali
Date: 15 December 2000

Niki~ Thank you ever so much, I'm very glad that you liked "under the bridge"...make me feel all warm and tingly...And, you, keep writing! Love and Light, Ali

From: deevaa (nz_deevaa@excite.com)
Date: 15 December 2000

forgive me all for not emailing, I've been out of email contact for the past few days, and today is no better, I'm sneaking time on a friend of a friends machine -- so don't have time to mail everyone I want to --

Gala, I forgot to thank you for being the most wonderful host -- can you send me the photos you took of us too? Please?

Terry, I promise to mail the Christmas present tomorrow, I don't even know what day of the week it is right now!!

I've had a great time so far, need sleep bad.... real bad.

take care, and I'll try and mail when I can, probably in the next 2-3 days while I am in hick town, USA ... hehe.

take care of your hearts, esp. yours gup.


From: pipdady16@aol.co,
Date: 16 December 2000

Love Without you

I thought about you day and night
All throughout the moon light,
Now the sun shines down so bright
I ask myself, why can't it be right?
I try to fight it with all my might,
But when I look at you, it all seems right...
It must be Bliss,
I still dream about our first kiss,
But it can't be true; I must lose you,
Because you don't love me the way
I do you!

From: Michael (forgivin?)
Date: 16 December 2000

Here's a link to a good one about forgiveness by Kevin.

From: Galadrial
Date: 16 December 2000

Hey Dee girl----

Glad you enjoyed your sojourn at Casa Gala---Desi is desperate for you to come back...and needs an address...she bought you a present with her own money!

Hi everyone else...last night, I told someone a story that made a poem happen...posted it this morning.
Yes all, I know women do the same thing---but male or female, most have the class to not decide that you were "it"
after months of insisting that only friendship was possible.
The man I wrote the poem about never did find happy. I know you can't force a feeling if one isn't there---but man or woman---I suggest that you make really sure of it before you close a door tight. Girls like me have only so much forgiveness...

From: scqueen
Date: 16 December 2000

tj ~ nice jump in with 'golden'. i always enjoy your work.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 17 December 2000

Hi All! Here's my 2 cents worth (like THAT matters) :-)

Excellent teamwork Terry and Gala!! Terry (I assume) your figures are very strong and sensual! And Gala, how perfect was that poem!? Were you looking at the painting as you wrote? Simply excellent.

scqueen~ thank you m'dear. I always have enjoyed your work as well. Treasure Hunting reminded me so much of how well my husband knows me, and I know this every time those tiny little things happen. THOSE are the moments that are remembered, aren't they? By the way your poetry lives in a folder on my desktop too- "scqueen's stuff", it's called. Did I mention, I loved your ocean poem? :-)

Nikki~ your work is very expressive of the turmoil that seems to be present in your life. (once again, I assume...you are writing about your own experiences) It makes for very interesting reading!

wing~ you know, you have this inherent style to your poems that I can easily recognise as you. I admire that, and have often wished I possesed the same. I don't. (I have too many voices and all those personalities vie for attention!) The quality/style of yours that I refer to is intriguing!

Jimmy Pacheco~ you are right. When you lose interest in a person, you should say good-bye! (unless it's that typical 'why am I with this person?!-*temporary unlike*-I will ADORE them next week!!' syndrome, in which case you wait it out. :-)

Catch ya all on the Board!!

From: butterfly
Date: 17 December 2000

Re: forgiveness. Grow up. If you acted like an adult in the first place there would be nothing to forgive. It's easy to stray, which is what I assume your talking about, BUT it takes an adult to work at the relationship you have. GROW UP.

From: Riggs
Date: 17 December 2000


guess who's mother didn't hug them enough....

From: Galadrial
Date: 17 December 2000

Thanks TJ...

Terry sent me the art last night, with a challenege...i don't think I quite did it justice...Mr. Terry has an array of talents beyond writing stuff to make the blender wenches swoon....like so many Blender folk, he underestimates himself...are you listening Kev?

Recently, some Blenderites got caught up in a on line debate with some "literary" types...poetical priggs with attitudes and egos...but i suspect precious little talent. I am told that these self important poppinjays did their level best to degrade some talented folks. People---
regs, newbies, all...poetry is the quiet whisper that lives in your soul...the language of a heart racing or leaping...the soft touch of the eyes that transcends a simple "look".
NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO DEFINE POETRY for you...NEVER allow anyone to deny your voice---or accept it if they fail to hear your "voice" poetically. Never stop writing...especially for some arrogant idiot, who probably missed their meds that night. Not everyone will understand you...but never stop trying...

I am honored to be able to contribute to this page. I don't consider myself hot stuff...and I am floored any time someone thinks something I wrote is anything past literate...write on my dears.....write on......

So says Gala

From: Crystal
Date: 17 December 2000

Niki........wow your poem once upon a time it hit home...I felt that way once before actually a few weeks ago and then when I told him I was starting to see someone else....he almost broke down in tears, although he should've done that sooner...it still touched my heart and I only thought I could live with out him. We still talk everyday and I see him atleast once on the weekends...somehow just when I though I was over him he touched my heart again I realize I am not...I admit it is confusing what you are going through and the pain I would like to say will subside..but after 5 months, it hasn't and we haven't gotten back together...I'm just taking whatever he can give me, and that is not fair, I deserve more, but I keep holding on... I just really wanted to say that the poem was so real to me and I hope you can honestly let go instead of being stuck somewhere in the middle.

From: the guppy
Date: 17 December 2000

okayyyy...so adults never do anything that requires forgiveness?...it's just a kiddie thing?...right...it's a little known fact (evidently) that people occasionally (though they be all growed up) hurt each other...one of the biggest things about reaching adulthood is being able to admit when you're wrong...and actually give a rat's ass about other people's feelings

telling another adult to grow up usually is the same as telling them to act more like yourself...which may or may not be very adult in the real world...regardless, it's a big show of lack of respect...and a big indication of somebody who thinks his or her fecal material is the stuff dreams are made of...and maybe it is...but i, for one, am not really interested in what perfect people have to say...

sorry for the ramble folks...i reserve my right to disagree...and to blab about it from time to time...ha


From: quakeadelic@yahoo.com
Date: 17 December 2000

You used to teach me the things I wanted to learn
How it felt to be in love and how it felt to be loved.
You taught me how to swim and keep my head above water.
When it came to life I knew I would not drown.

Things became so easy for you.
If you needed it I was there.
Somehow things were different my education was complete.
You had only one last lesson to teach me.
Life is cruel and unfair.

You left me for someone I trusted.
You played it out while I carried you on my back.
I gave you everything you needed all the while
you were off building a new relationship.
While I worked you played and while I slept you
haunted me.

The hardest part of loving someone is to stop.
I still fight everyday to give that up.
You are off somewhere with him and I am here left to wonder.
All the while leaving my heart hemoraging in my hands.
It was the only I gave you that you bothered to return.

- To you my love you will never be forgotten

From: it dosent matter
Date: 17 December 2000

lol butterfly im 37 and old enough to act the child if i wanna lol

From: TJ Holland
Date: 17 December 2000

Regarding Butterfly's comments (read in a gentle soothing tone):

I agree with what she said for the most part. I think people are jumping on the word 'adult'. I am inserting [*in brackets*] my prefered substitution for the word. This way it doesn't sound so condescending perhaps...

"If you acted like [*a caring, responsible person*]in the first place there would be nothing to forgive. It's easy to stray, which is what I assume your talking about, BUT it takes [*a responsible, caring person*] to work at the relationship you have."

I think, with those replacements, she's right (responsible referring to being responsible with other peoples hearts and souls), though perhaps it could have gone without being posted. I admire the gentleman who was here at the Blender looking for the right words to use in his plea for forgiveness. Some people don't have the ability to put all those mixed up feelings into words and make them understandable, so he came here. Bravo. Now Butterfly, it may have hurt him, and disrespected what he was trying to do, when you posted your message to him to tell him to grow up. I hope that he didn't get scared off and not accomplish his goal. Just as I hope you do not get scared off because of the reactions your last post created. This is a place of words and emotions, and at times they are all mixed up, ergo "the BLENDER". Most often this place is a refuge, and I hope we all keep it that way. We should all tread lightly, and drop the big stick. :-)

Deep peace of the gentle Earth,


From: TJ Holland
Date: 17 December 2000

Nice work Quakeadelic! I like the 4th of July the best. Especially the very last line.

"It was the encouragement I needed to get up and walk towards that path all the while hearing the earth whisper in my ears . . . get up and walk through life . . . . celebrate your independence . . . " Fantastic! (and Kirk does prefer prose, doesn't he?)

And I see you figured out how to use the submissions page! :-)


From: Ali
Date: 17 December 2000

TJ~ 'Completely Broken' was truly amazing...it really hit a nerve...and 'Golden' was positively unbelievable...Wow!

Crystal~ 'Awakening' was very powerfull...I liked that one very much.

Love and Snowflakes, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 17 December 2000

Mirabeau ~ "bookends" speaks to me. thank you!

From: stacy smb811@webtv.net
Date: 17 December 2000

i lay awake every night thinking of ways to give you a dad.
someone to help you grow up strong.
but i cant give you that.
you have a father even if you dont see him .
he made that choice not to see you
but if nothing at all this you need to know you where made out of love.
the kind of love that will last forever in you with every breath you take .
i know you are not born yet but this ill tell you i love you and that will never change

From: slug
Date: 17 December 2000

hey strangers!

It's been a while and i do apologize - life is crazy here in dallas - it actually snowed (Sortof) last week. and on top of that and midterms and my sister coming home...it's been hard to ever take a moment to breathe. but i'm back and i'm reading and oh my goodness...you ALL continue to amaze me.

just a couple that stood out: (it's been entirely too long and i won't take up kirk's space with a list of each poem.)
guppy, bk, kevin, deevaa, gala, it dosen't matter, and on and on and on...if you weren't mentioned it's nothing personal - it's my own lack of focus. :-)


From: slug
Date: 18 December 2000

gala and guppy...all this snow talk...my my my

From: butterfly
Date: 18 December 2000

All right everyone...did not mean to offend. Just my feelings and opinion and I WAS NOT speaking to anyone in particular. Did anyone read my poems? It might help you understand me better...Please forgive me if I have offended.

From: laurel ahlfeld drama_queen_ja@hotmail.com
Date: 18 December 2000

~*~Wandering in C Flat~*~ "Trust" makes me feel so happy. That's the neatest thing a peom can do. Go you!

From: it dosent matter
Date: 18 December 2000

butterfly ... i think we should ask for your forgivness as well..... so many need that one thing in our lives that we sometimes forget others need it too

From: terry
Date: 18 December 2000

guppy~ I really liked 'killed' and 'succint'...very good emotional allegory on the first, and the imagery of the second was very nice.

slug~ 'I'm on holiday' was very interesting...would be nice if we all let the little kid inside out more often to play.

scqueen~ 'Treasure Hunting' was wonderful~more please...lol.


From: scqueen
Date: 18 December 2000

terry ~ thank you. i've missed you lately! and slug as well.
good to hear from you.

gala ~ 'spirit soul melding' - loved it.

gup ~ i see your muse came back.

bk ~ it's 75 degrees in CA. Doesn't feel like Xmas at all. Please send snow!

From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 18 December 2000

gup - great line -- "I'll be flowers on a Sunday once a year"

From: terry
Date: 18 December 2000

TJ~ WOW 'Adagio Lacking'is wonderfully written. The intensity of emotion jumps right into the reader! VERY GOOD!

BK~ Early Christmas presents are the best kind....lol...Wonder if I have time to hone my lockpicking skills? Keep 'em coming...


From: the guppy
Date: 18 December 2000

butterfly---hope i didn't crumple your wings...sorry for jumping on your comment


From: Wandering in C flat
Date: 18 December 2000

laurel ahlfeld i only hope that my poem made you as happy as your reply made
me thank you for this

From: it dosent matter
Date: 18 December 2000

Gala and terry combo
... Kissing Neck ...oooh hot hot hot lol loved the poetry and
art as well........... thanks umm fer the lessons k?

.......... Words, Awakening, The Flight..... i liked all very well ..thank you for these

Let's Stretch lol loved it ..... but leaves room fer one question... do you
teach? add wild blue wonder loved this thanks

i enjoyed July 4th thank you for this

By the way...I love you i loved this and the differnt take u took
thanks for this

you do have style, loved your recent works as well as all the rest .... hope
your family is ok .... write on

ah our elven queen.... you keep us speechless with your wonders , i have
enjoyed all your works of late so thanks for all the bumps and good reads as well

... i have been enjoying yours as well as your style please keep up all
these good reads k?

Clichˇ .. lol jus got into a huge fight at a site with people who use this
word too often, but even so i would have loved this poem thanks for the good

Snow GLobe..... loved this as well but almost hated to feel less than a
moment lol thanks for this good read

I'm on holiday ....very powerful loved the work as well as your craft, been
missing your writing of late and am very happy to see you posting again
....thanks for this

..................and to every one i haven't got too, i find too much here jus so
wonderful ... there is a freedom at this site that every one has and it shows some
truly fascinating reads..... a big round to every one here and *kirk* a big thanks
for your creation


From: it dosent matter
Date: 18 December 2000

Smiling kat
How I Feel .....i know too many that would wish this poem for them, yet far to few who really deserve it .... yet it left me with a warmth... thank you

From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 19 December 2000

Thank You Jack :)

From: April Peyer April.Peyer@music.com
Date: 19 December 2000

i really likes most of these poems... They were all me, when i see someone that i like i think of these poems al of the time. I visit this site quit often and would like to let the authors of these poems know that, they are great.

From: Smiling Kat
Date: 19 December 2000

It dosent matter

Thanks for the comment on How I Feel. I'm kind of scared right now, but I know everything will be ok. I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks again!!!

From: B.K.
Date: 19 December 2000

I don't know what you all have been putting in your egg nogs out there but there is some powerful writing going on in here lately. WOW, I can't get enough of this! Will come back and comment soon! May I have MORE, please?


From: unit305
Date: 19 December 2000

message to all.....

Deevaa update!!!!!

The deevaa girl is safe with me. Anyone mind if I keep her?

From: it dosent matter
Date: 19 December 2000

sorry but must excert prior claim please return our deevaa soonest k? lol deevaa we miss u !!!!!!!!!!

From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 19 December 2000

Kevin - my buddha man...love the line "my favorite position is bending over backwards" How true that is for so many of us, sugar...hope you are doing better as the holidays near:-)

From: Gala
Date: 19 December 2000


Contradictoria---charming dear---not forced in the least, and clever with an O henry ending that made me grin....

And My dear Gup...

I would have commented on your recent subs sooner---but they quite literally took my breath away. Wow...i am glad you've found the fortitude to grab a pen, and my heart and gut so soon...you are truly amazing, my dear....


WOwza---this elf must let loose applause---and stop to wipe a tear...nice work, even if it broke my heart to read.


Okay girl...slow down...pace yourself! Proud of you though---write on sister....

And Terry...

(giggle) (snort) Hey BK---there's this big present under the tree...you might need a hand to shake it...and I suggest you remove the ribbon---with your teeth!

Letting Go is something else again---i sort of bumped it in french...does that count? And where the heck is Hank?
I feel guilty writing in French when the Sultan of Sagebrush is not in attendence....

And Jack me beamish boy...sir, you are a treat...BK and I were supposed to torture you, but the wench chickened out...

And Dee...Hope you have you hands full luv...Happy Christmas if I don't hear from you before......

From: scqueen
Date: 19 December 2000

kevin urenda~ we should all print a copy of 'assume the position' and wear it for the world to read.

gup~ my favorite of yours this week is 'the villain, gingerbread and you'. i am so glad you're back :-)

From: Misti
Date: 19 December 2000

Just in case you still check out the Board...thanks so much for the video! I'm way behind on Christmas cards but I'll put yours in the mail tomorrow. I'm still working on "Peeled" (my second screenplay)and I'm brainstorming my third screenplay. I'm going to call it "Jenny's Christ"...it's going to be about a topless dancer who gets "rescued" by a Yuppie guy. It's going to be ironic and violent and gut-wrenching and horrible. I'm sick of road trips, already.
I asked Chris for a screenwriter's Bible for Christmas. Any word on "CBB"? I'm entering a competition here in Austin as soon as we get Chris's computer from New York.
(I also asked for the "Fargo" screenplay)
(just saw "Citizen Kane"...Orson Welles is my newest god)
Merry Chrimbo and hot cocoa with miniature marshmallows
to all! Next time I submit a poem it'll be as Misti Lake.

From: Misti
Date: 19 December 2000

forgiveness is an itchy, rusty razor

From: Billy Boy
Date: 19 December 2000

Fine new submissions, ya'll... Don't worry none about me. I know I been scarce in these here parts lately, but I'm workin on something new. It's, uh, percolatin' in my brain... I'll tell you this...poetry is a helluva lot harder than I thought it'd be. And I'll tell you somethin else: if poetry is a big ole wheel, I'm a wheel with the rim blowed clear off. Writer's block is worse than layin down for a nap on a bunch of fire ants. Food for thought or somethin'. Well, a Texas-size happy holidays to ya'll!

From: Misti
Date: 19 December 2000

Billy Boy,
Hey, dude. Still in Nacogdoches? Still sing the praises of Conway Twitty and Freddy Fender? Get with the program. I highly recommend Gram Parsons and Uncle Tupelo. Ha!

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 19 December 2000

To crystal~ Thank you!! i'm realy happy you liked it
Also thx for taking the time to tell me something about yourself and giving me advice
I wrote that poem 3 months ago, so everything happend 4 months ago now
IN the meantime I'm over him
When I worte the poem that was the first day that I realy felt good again, all of a sudden I had the feeling I didn't care anymore And since that day on it has only gotten beter
But I do have to admit that there were days when I wasn't that strong and after I saw him and he wouldn't talk to me or it was just to much to be so close to him and remember everything that I just brokedown after that
I just took 2 steps forward and then that would be 1 step backward, But now I'm totally over it because I'm only improving and there are no setbacks, thank god
But because everything I had with him was just one mess and we were always breaking up and It was always a battle to forget him that in the end It only took me a month to forget because I allready had 9 months of trying behind me but it never worked
Just like I said about not going back,lettting go
I never could, untill then but It also helped that He didn't come back and went on with his new girlfriend
But in total everything all together was 9 months
It took me 9 months to realy get over him... a waste of my year because it was one hectic year
I haven' been on the blender the last few days
And i'm very busy these days So I don't have the time
As soon as I do,i'll read some of your work and give some comments OK?
bye for now

From: chantae
Date: 20 December 2000

I have only been in this room a few times, but I have noticed your work. I can truly say "I feel you girl". your work hits right at home, it helps me feel the things I try to forget,an even though it makes me cry I feel better in the end. keep up the writing skills.

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 20 December 2000

Ali- I just read your new poems. I think they're wonderful. I don't think you're crazy though. I think we all ramble from time to time, and they do make sense. I always seem to get the message in your poems, but uh yeah. Thanks for sharing your intelligence and thoughts with the rest of us. I hope to be posting some more poetry soon, but I'm stuck right now. oh well. Just remember to notice the coincidences.

From: terry
Date: 20 December 2000

Ali~ Bravo! 'Unseen' and 'Under the Bridge' were both wonderful. Keep posting your heartfelt writing...I know it is not easy to post such honest emotions at times.


From: terry
Date: 20 December 2000

Gala~ 'Maison pour les coeurs...' was divine on its own, but to be translated to French?..WOW....and 'Spirit Soul Melding absolutely took my breathe away. You should be required to have a permit to write that way...lol.


From: terry
Date: 20 December 2000

Misti~ 'Medley' was filled with a wonderful stream of conscious style writing. Very good!


From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 20 December 2000

Hi all, if I don't get in here again before, I just want to wish everyone the Happiest of Holidays!

Misti - GIRL! You owe me a detailed letter! :)

Kev, Gala, gup, dee...all of you, sorry to be so absent lately. Hope everything is well!

From: Gala
Date: 20 December 2000

(sputter---coffee across the room)


And what happened to we-must-get-together-since-we're so-close-in- miles?

I got to see Dee first...ahem......


From: Gala (grinning at Terry, cheekily)
Date: 20 December 2000

Why thank you sir...I got a meter...and I ain't afraid to use it!


From: Nadia (ms.nadia@mail.com)
Date: 20 December 2000

I have a question for everyone out there. Has it been your experience that it is more difficult to share your writing with your friends and family than with strangers? Is that why the Love Blender, and other sites like it, flourish? I recently sent out a link to my postings on the Love Blender to some of my closer friends and family members and this gesture was met with dead silence. I don't think my writing's THAT bad, and they're certainly not literary critics, to be in a position to judge. It was, I think, an embarassed sort of silence, perhaps because I was letting them into an expression of thoughts that most people keep private? Maybe they had a hard time separating me from my writing and understanding that when we write we sometimes (often) over-dramatize and embellish. Sharing my writing is a new thing for me and I am just wondering if I have dead-beat friends or if others out there have experienced a similar phenomenon? Thanks for your feedback,


From: deevaa
Date: 20 December 2000

(grin) heya Jack, sorry to break your heart but unit did get me first we've known each other for close to 2yrs now... you should see him in his uniform... mmmmmm-mmmmmmmmm!!

Shady, nice to see you back! I've not read any new subs yet, and doubt if I'll have time, I don't have ready access to the net right now.

Gala, Terry.... and the rest of my dear ones... Merry Christmas to you all!

I'll try and mail each of you personally when I get some time alone with a computer.... it makes it much easier for me to reply to mail rather than search for the addresses, so do mail me! I should be able to check for mail about once every day or so.

Take care of your hearts,


From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 20 December 2000

Gala - *wiping coffee spittle from her face* geesh...:-) I know, I'm horrible, I'm horrible...you'd think I'd make the effort if we are only like 3 hours away and I'm in your neck of the woods every few weeks anyways...ok, next time I visit the general Philly area you will be the first to know...it may be a couple of weeks from now...

Dee - hope the trip to the states is treating ya well! Met any new hotties on buses again yet?

From: Gala
Date: 20 December 2000

Ms. Nadia---

No dear...that's common. My daughter is downright embarassed by momma being a poet...and you are familiar with Galadrial's Garden? :) Well it's been up for several months...and my HUSBAND has never been there....

But we appreciate you dear...happy christmas....


From: Ali
Date: 20 December 2000

unit305~ your writing is truly wonderfull...'Tje longest drive' really was amazing...all your stuff is great...keep writing!

Dreamsome~'Contradictoria' was so great! I know someone who is like that...I really enjoyed it!
Love and Daydreams, Ali

From: Ali (again)
Date: 20 December 2000

Ria~ 'Just Friends' that was really good...it can be frustrating(i know)to want to be more than friends...but, hang it there, things have a way of working themselves out...writing always helps, so keep it up!

Laurel~'Silver Plated Love' was just beautifull..that's all I can say, it was beautifull...i really loved it.
Love and wonder, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 20 December 2000

Aaron~ Thanks you, my dear...and we all get stuck...it happens...you'll find something to write about soon, an idea will just pop into your head...look inside yourself, and you'll find yourself writing, in no time. I hope that I will see more of your stuff up here. When you do post something, I will be sure to read it...I don't know if my brain just isn't functioning properly today, but what did you mean by, "just notice the conincidences"? Well, now that I have written a novel, I think I'll go. Byes.

Terrry~ Thank you! And your picture was amazing...you're just full of talent...again, i am amazed by you.
Love and Starlight,Ali

From: Dreamsome
Date: 20 December 2000

Thank you very much to those (Gala and Ali)who commented on my poem, "Contradictoria"--it was comical, ironic and seemed easy to write. Ali--"Goodbye", really touched me I must admit...I had that all too familiar lump in my throat when I read it. Great work. I have got to really try to get on the conversation board more often! Seems like everyone here is so encouraging of many different types and ideas of poetry. It is so inspirational that I want to keep submitting my work. Thanks,

From: Dreamsome
Date: 20 December 2000

Thank you very much to those (Gala and Ali) who commented on my poem, "Contradictoria"--it was comical, ironic and seemed easy to write. Ali--"Goodbye", really touched me I must admit...I had that all too familiar lump in my throat when I read it. Great work. I have got to really try to get on the conversation board more often! Seems like everyone here is so encouraging of many different types and ideas of poetry. It is so inspirational that I want to keep submitting my work.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,

From: Kare Bare
Date: 20 December 2000

Hey everyone!!!

It's been a while since i have been on here and i found that i missed it very much.

**Scott**What can i do--- It was a wonderful piece filled with great meaning. You are a great writer. Sometimes i wish that i could express myself in a way where everyone could understand. Keep up the writing!

Kare Bare

From: Sarah
Date: 20 December 2000

Tatiana-Gabriel-- Uh, William Shakespeare didn't write "Shakespeare in Love". Tom Stoppard wrote it many, many years later. So those weren't Shakespeare's words, Joseph Fiennes just said them while playing Shakespeare. For Christmas, please ask for a copy of Shakespeare's complete works.

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 20 December 2000

how did you aquire such wisdom? whenever i have a bad day, or i feel no one understands i simply come here read one of you pieces and i feel 1,000 times better. you always comment on how you're rambling or how you're crazy, but everyone feels that way when they write a heart felt piece. it's not the words that are crazy that makes perfect sense, what's crazy is that we are opening ourselves up for complete vulnerability.
thanks for the comfort

From: Ali
Date: 20 December 2000

Elaina~ I think that is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Oh, I just don't what to say, except thank you. Thank you very much.

Dreamsome~ Happy that you liked it...this is the best place for anyone who writes, b/c everyone here is just great...I hope you stick around.
Love and Smiles, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 20 December 2000

scqueen~ 'Don't' was so great...I really liked it very much. Wonderfull.
Love and Dreams, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 20 December 2000

ok, it's obvious that someone changed my spelling tonight after i posted the e.e.cummings poem twice. didn't get it right either time after proofing it! thank god tommorrow is my friday...heading to san diego for the holidays and i'll miss you guys. will be home on xmas eve. hope everyone has
the merriest.

Ali~ glad you liked 'don't'.

From: papillon (papillon217@hotmail.com)
Date: 20 December 2000

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on this boards. I just wanted to say that I am so happy to have found a place to share my stuff with people who can relate. I've been coming by for months reading just about everything you all have to offer. So much of it is just amazing....I have never had the guts to submit my own. But, I finally posted a couple, and would like to know what you think of them.
Anyway I just wanted to say hi...and to tell you all to keep it up. I can't wait to read more!

From: Michael (no muse for me)
Date: 20 December 2000

Merry christmas everyone. I've been uninspired. Sigh

From: Hank C.
Date: 20 December 2000

Dee~ It is wonderful to hear you having such a good time in the States, though it is a pity you never made it to New Mexico. It is called The Land of Enchantment you know.

And as a matter of record....Unit 305, a lot of us will mind very much if you keep the deevaa. However, having read your poem and seen the huge smile on the lady's face and spirit put there by you...well...as long as she is happy your castle will not be breached by this dark knight.

Dee, you are loved and missed, and I for one am very happy that you are very happy.

*Hank C.*

From: terry
Date: 21 December 2000

Nadia~ In answer to your question about how your writing has been received by family and friends, I have found your observation to be very true. When I shared some of my writing with my family, I received the obligatory "How nice" comments. But there was also a puzzled silence behind the comment that was intriguing to see in a way. You know there is an old proverb that says in effect: 'a prophet is always reviled in his own province.' There is a psychological dynamic to this that is almost the same as the old saying that love is blind. Usually those who love us the most are our family members whom we grew up with, and they sometimes are very blind to our talents and gifts. To them, we are nothing special because they are used to seeing us mainly in the sterotyped role of a brother or sister or son or daughter, and any talents we display are seen as just a normal part of 'who' we are to them. It's not that they don't appreciate the writing or art or music or whatever, It's more like they simply cannot see us as being more than our 'main' role of sibling or friend, sort of incorporating any talent into that main role. Poetry is especially true of that tendency because it reveals the inner side of the writer. Expressing emotions usually kept private; revealed in very limited ways under very limited circumstances. And add to the equation a theme of sexual desire and romance, and the problem is exponentially multiplied. Very few brothers have the courage to tell their sisters that they look sexy. Ditto to a son saying that to their mom. Stereotypical roles simply do not usually allow that kind of open-minded flexibility to the psycho-social interactions maintained in close familial relationships. I know for a fact that my mother is very proud of my writing and drawing. But I also know she does not really know how to comprehend most of what she has seen on my web site. She simply cannot process what she is reading and seeing in the context of me as her son. Much the same way she was beaming with pride when I had my first research paper accepted by the Virginia Association of Psychologists, yet she could not even understand the title of that particular missive. And in my heart, I accept this as it is, trying not to read bad things into the silence. Besides, when you can write something that touches or moves a stranger in some way, the comments seem to mean more. You know that person did not have to say anything about your work. Yet they chose too. That is very rewarding.


From: Echolocation
Date: 21 December 2000

Dreamsome -- "Contradictoria" is terrific -- the bounciness of the rhythm seems to echo the bouncing back and forth of emotions. It's got an almost Dr Seussian swing to it! And of course, technical merit aside, the contents is damn good too. I know I can identify with it!

scqueen -- glad to see another cummings fan -- what he does with words and language is like no one else

guppy -- "succinct" certainly is. You pack the most oomph into the smallest amount of words of anyone I know.

Those of you who mentioned my postings: thanks! As we all know, it means a lot to have thoughtful commentary on the bits of our hearts that we put on display here.

From: Hank C.
Date: 21 December 2000

Gala, I am very honored that you asked about me. I am doing well, though very busy right now. And I need to borrow someone's muse it seems. My own has vanished of late, but I will not give up. I write every day, and will post the first thing that is not just emotional spittle on my part. Pardon the crude analogy my elven queen. But it somehow feels appropriate. 'House of Yondering Hearts' is exceptional, and your french is improving dear lady.

A tip of the hat to you,

From: laurel ahlfeld
Date: 21 December 2000

~*~Ali~*~ thank you so much for your kind words. I have enjoyed many of your own works (my fav is I Won't Be), and such a compliment from you is greatly appreciated. It really made my day!
love always,

From: me aka Niki Fullmoonlover69@yahoo.com
Date: 21 December 2000

to Nadia~ Well I mostly write about my own experiences
And I don't show my family what I write
They don't even know I do, i think
But my very best friends and close friends
I do show them my poetry
because I feel I can trust them with my secrets and feelings
Just like you don't talk about problems with your partner with everybody you don't show your writings to everybody
Because they are the same
your problems in a story, in a poem
Most of my (girl)friends Know that I write
Because I even write in the classroom when it's boring=)
and they always tell me that this is the way I deal iwth my problems and pain
And with most of them I am close and I talk with them about my feelings and problems and they help me thru it like a real friend should, so I do show my poems sometimes
But then again, those are all girls
gotta go no

From: Galadrial
Date: 21 December 2000

Dear Unit,

Please excuse the male dolts on the blender...despite the fact that they are normally astute, they clearly missed the point that if in fact you keep dear Dee, she will be about 10,000 miles closer to us than normal...

So we are open to negotiations...right guys?



From: Nadia (ms.nadia@mail.com)
Date: 21 December 2000

Gala, Terry and Niki - thanks for your encouraging comments. I'm very relieved to hear this is fairly normal and that my friends and family aren't just lame! I guess from now on I'll be mainly relying on 'the kindness of strangers', at least as far as my writing is concerned!


From: Jillian Ballard richirich33@yahoo.com
Date: 21 December 2000

Don't shut love out of your life by saying impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly and the best way to keep love is to ~GIVE IT WINGS~!!

From: janemarie mariababe.com
Date: 21 December 2000

hi lads looking for love come here we wuill make a go fom hull age 16 female hory

From: Gala
Date: 21 December 2000

Jane Marie....

In all communication, even the sort you seem to wish to convey, spelling helps...was the word you sought to express "horny"? for any chance?

And girl---there's lots of chat rooms for that sort of thing....


From: terry (blushing deep red)
Date: 21 December 2000

Ummm, please forgive my last submission. Had it not been 3 in the morning I never would have pushed the send button, as it should have been deleted instead. The Blender is a place of love, not violence of any sort (even just vented emotions through words), so forgive me. It will not happen again. I apologize to everyone for that post. Especially the person who provoked that response.


From: deevaa
Date: 21 December 2000

(giggling) ohhhh man, I can't even start with explaining what 'hory' means in New Zealand!!!!

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 21 December 2000

(yeah yeah, me again)

can anyone name for me (and maybe post the lryics) for the song that Unit305 has quoted in his poem 'the longest drive' for reasons that to most are pretty obvious, I'd really like a copy of them.... (ahhhh, bittersweet love, isn't it the greatest!)

Take care of your hearts.


From: terry
Date: 21 December 2000

Dee~ I found your song and just posted it. It is a very well done vocal performance too, to be a country song.....lol.....enjoy!


From: deevaa
Date: 22 December 2000

(smiles) thankyou Terry! Unit305 was trying to turn me into a country convert while I was there, so it is of no great shock that he posted country lryics.

Unit305 - did I thankyou for surprising me with 'the longest drive'? Its been so long since you wrote poetry.... Ali is right though, its they are the sweetest darn words I've ever read (and they DID make me cry)... (gives him 'the look')

Guppy - How is your father? How are YOU?

Gala - while I am thanking everyone, I can't miss you -- thankyou for the all the treats while I was there, and good luck with that damn tree.

Kirk, Merry Christmas you.

And everyone else.... take care of your hearts.... and Merry Christmas.


From: butterfly
Date: 22 December 2000

while i understand your apology about last nights submission, even in your anger you are a gentle soul. i love your poetry...

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 22 December 2000

To Ria - your "Just friends" was something I am experiencing right now. I could relate to it so well. Thanks.

From: terry
Date: 22 December 2000

Brandy~ 'Never Another Us' was heartbreaking and wise. I admire the courage and strength it took to live through that and still be able to write about it so powerfully. Thank you for sharing with us...


From: terry
Date: 22 December 2000

BK~ 'Squeeze Mop Dancing' was a delight! You made me smile hugely today.

butterfly~ thank you for the kind words...they helped!


From: terry
Date: 22 December 2000

Akash~ 'Love Periscope'is wonderfully optimistic and uplifting in outlook. Thanks...


From: terry
Date: 22 December 2000

Merry Christmas to all my friends at the Blender! My internet time is limited for the next few days, so while I'm here I want to wish you all the very happiest of holidays. Christmas is always a time of reflection for me. On things that are so elusive, but well worth the struggle all year long. Like peace and happiness, and yes, Love. Things that are so well symbolized by the very focus of the Christmas Season. Love made manifest in the birth of a human child, who would carry that Love to its ultimate goal. A gift of sacrifice given to all of us.

So this season, may you touch that Love in your own way at your own time, that it may grow in your life and spill over to the friends and family you touch in turn. For Love held tight and hidden away will dim and fade, but Love given away freely as a gift will grow and spread, taking wing on its own.

Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope Santa does it right when he boogies down your chimney in a couple nights!


From: Ali
Date: 22 December 2000

Elaina~ 'Let Me' was wonderfull...I love it.

Brandy~ 'Never Another Us'...very nice one. Goodbyes are hard, and letting go is even harder...

Smiling Kat~ 'Can't Stop'...WOW...amazing....that one really got to me...I've felt like that, a time or two before...really great poem.
Love and Hope, Ali

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 22 December 2000

Ali~ thank you. i hope 'he' likes it too, or at least understands.

From: brianna_schmidt@hotmail.com
Date: 22 December 2000

I wrote this poem for me and one of my really good friends named Chad (Big Chad). I was just wondering if you would put it on blender for everyone to read. Thank you.

I sit here dwelling in my own sorrows.
Trying to remember the times when I was once happy.
My life is sitting on the violent waves of the sea,
being thrashed around and torn into meaningless pieces.
Thrown onto a deserted island forbidden to live a life of
happiness, destined to live in darkness.

Every which way I look on this bare desolated place
I see nothing to live for, I walk around aimlessly
trying to find a moment of sane peace,
Only to be followed by the demon of pain.
The pain follows me as a demon would,
lurking behind, in the shadows watching.

The demon stays hidden until the very moment when you are
certain you’ve reached a point of happiness.
It springs upon you like a starving cannibal with no remorse.
Once again I am left with no where to turn,
all that is left is a mangled soul, hiding behind
an untrue image of happiness.

The demons within are aching to come out,
but they know if they show their true face
the powers of healing will defeat them.
As they stay hidden I walk around aimlessly
in this thing they call ‘life’.

Brianna Marie Schmidt

From: Kare Bare
Date: 23 December 2000

Hey everyone!

Smiling Kat*----Can't Stop---It has a lot of meaning and feeling in it. I can totally relate to what your piece is saying because I went through this exact thing myself. I don't know who to tell you that the love for him will always be there, but in some ways it helped me to move on as I hope that it will you. Be strong and everything will work out....even if it may not be how you want it to. Kepp expressing your feelings and things will get better.

Kare Bare

From: Galadrial (tiptoeing in softly)
Date: 23 December 2000

Hi dear ones, far and near,

There is a mistaken notion that the wee folk do not observe Christmas, Chaunkah, Kwanzaa, Beltane, etc...
"Wee" do indeed. "Wee" may have invented such occasions so that you all too serious mortal types can have a taste of magick.

And yes, it has become commercial, overdone,maybe even a touch vulgar---TOUGH! Humans require light, and warmth to survive---and this holiday season will yield you warmth, if you allow it. I wrote a few months back that wedding traditions do not need to be adhered to if the basis of the tradition had no meaning to you. Well the same applies to this season, my dears. A dear friend slaved away for years to bake fruitcake---because there had always been a fruitcake at her mom's table for the holidays. One day, she realised that neither of her parents touched the thing---ever. "Oh we hate fruitcake." they replied...but Uncle Mike..." they said, mentioning a long departed relative. Her mother loved Uncle Mike---so the fruitcake was holiday momento to her mom---but not to Candace, who barely remembered the man.

Whatever your tradition or way, enjoy this time for what it is---a moment to say "I love you" or "I want to be with you" or just "You mean something to my life". The roots of the holiday go back...but whether you are honoring a miracle of light, a fruitful harvest, or the birth of Christ, take a moment and reach out---connect to someone you love, or care for. And don't ever assume that they know---
All the very best to our Blender Village---to Kahuna for giving us a place to gather, to the new folk, who step foward and dip in their toes, to the regs that give us a sense of continuation---to all the hearts who gather here to celebrate, mourn, or simply observe the magickal beastie we call love----

The warmest of holidays dear ones!
And A very happy new year....

Love Always,


AKA, Lisa Shields...

From: distant moon
Date: 23 December 2000

Hey everyone

I just wanted to say that everyone's poetry has been wonderful and that I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. So I wrote something half-way romantic, I think, for once on here. So...there it is, and it doesn't have anything to do with the astronaut this time :-)

From: jack
Date: 23 December 2000

his is a wonderful site with so very much talent ... i jus wanted to stop and say merry Christmas to all the ones who post and to all who stop by to read ....may you find the holidays happy and full of good cheer ..


From: jack
Date: 23 December 2000

T ^ heh oops

From: mitchell(ben a bizzee man)
Date: 24 December 2000

my woman want me 2 chek out sum of da new 1s here. not bad

From: Michael (Merry)
Date: 24 December 2000

Happy holidays! And Happy birthdays to Nikki, Chris Lake, Terry, Sarah (iris), Kiwi, Nuttman, and Beth Angel! That's a lot of dec 30th birthdays!

From: B.K.
Date: 24 December 2000

B.K.'s Counting her blessings this Xmas Eve morning, and one is 'The Love Blender,' and all of you here . You don't know how many times I have laughed and cried, sighed and loved you all to pieces and wondered what the heck you meant and why you said that. I think life would be pretty dull without this place. Thank you Kirk, for creating it and thank you guys for being here. Gotta go to bed now, getting sappy here. Too much egg nog...LOL

Hope you all have a Merry Feast Day! Don't stuff yourselves too tight and watch the roads. Happy Holidays!



From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 24 December 2000

I just wanted to say thank you for all those who post. I come here every day, it's now a habit. A good one i suppose, anyway Happy Holidays,and thanks for the inspriration.

From: Maverick
Date: 24 December 2000

Your Whispers Are Sweet

Your whispers are sweet
As you lay by my side
My hands drift along
The contour of you cheek
Is beautiful

In spite of the darkness
The scent of your kisses
Awakens my heart
Your lips on my neck
Quickens my pulse

As my eyes close
I see light
From our clasped hands
As flesh meets flesh
I taste your whispers
Sweet whispers
As you lay by my side

From: me aka niki
Date: 24 December 2000

I wish all of you a merry X-mas
And a happy new year
Keep on writing..!

From: B.K.
Date: 24 December 2000

Maverick: Wow, more please! That was wonderful!! Please write more!!! Sometimes by accident people post here, the submissions page is a bit trickier but will let more see your work more than the comment form.


From: bk again
Date: 24 December 2000

Maverick: Had to give the girls a little xmas present there Darlin. So I moved it to the main page.


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 24 December 2000

Maverick- "Your whispers are sweet" thank you... it made me remember my nights with him... I needed that smile.

B.K.- "How B.K. Might steal Christmas" Adorable Darlin'!

Hope Everyone has a Merry Christmas!


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 24 December 2000

merry christmas everybody!!!

i have been more than slightly absent from here, but i wanted to wish a merry christmas.

It's starting out to be a hard one, my Grandmother had a heart attack.

And the man i live with his father was in a bad accident where a 3500 lb piece of machinery fell on his hand....we don't know if they are going to be able to save it yet or not.

all within the span of two days!

craziness, but everyones alive, and that is what is wonderful!!!!

merry christmas, and i hope everybody is blessed this year and the next.


From: terry
Date: 24 December 2000

Rodney R.~ 'Distances' and 'Just To Be With You'...the lyrics are wonderful. I followed your link to mp3.com and both songs simply blew me away. Thank you for posting those here. You have gained at least one paying fan.


From: terry
Date: 24 December 2000

Rodney~ A ps. here...your 'Gift To God' is perhaps the most beautiful original Christmas song I've ever heard. Another thank you...

Here's the link to hear his mp3:


From: Angel
Date: 24 December 2000

Merry Christmas to all you Blender poets
May your New Year be ever bright
May your muse visit you
With her nose all aglow
Or is that Santa
Or that funny red-nosed deer?
I sure wouldn't know
But I'll say it now and again this time next year
I'll say it loud and so full of cheer
I've been blessed
So many times in so many ways
Just to know YOU...
Merry Christmas
*M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S*
My Poetic Friends


From: me aka niki
Date: 24 December 2000

To eliana- "behind my wall"
I loved it!!!...
It's so safe there isn't it....I also have a barrier where I block out people, hide from the world, DOn't care, and feel no pain
Who used who? WHo played the game?
But these days I have the feeling that the walls around my heart are breaking for this one person
And I'm so scared because I don't want to cry, I don't want to care, I don't want to feel empty and alone
I don't want to feel that pain ,never again..
How do I stop this..?

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 25 December 2000

Terry, thank you soo much for your kind compliments! It's soo appreciated! I feel encouraged to continue writing and I'll continue with the work. Thank you soo much! Hope we can keep in touch!

Rod =)

From: lydia wilson
Date: 25 December 2000

well, its christmas eve, and i thought id come and sit and read some poetry by some very talented artists. im sorry i dont comment on all of them, its kind of like rummaging though a magazine, just reading what keeps youre interest. so here i go....
*niki-loved orange juice-sigh
*bk- okay im still trying to get over the amazement that is your writing...
*guppy-well ive never left a comment that hasnt had youre name in it, and i have to say, wow to "who's a flake"

merry christmas!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 25 December 2000

Merry Christmas to all...

but especially to Terry, scqueen, shady (SHADY!!!!!!!), and Gala for the kind words they imparted over the last week. Times have been difficult here (my New Mexico has not been enchanted, but rather cursed, of late), and your every kindness is greatly appreciated.

Michael, thank you for remembering any old poem of mine (on the subject of forgiveness, no less!)

Merry Christmas to Guppy (hope your father is doing better - I know a little of what it must be like, for my mother was in the hospital late in the summer for cancer surgery. She is, thankfully, doing well this Christmas)...

Merry Christmas to Sarah - hope your loved ones too are soon on the mend...

Merry Christmas to Angel, Dee (be safe!), Misti and Kirk, as well as all my friends on the Blender...

Merry Christmas to heartsong and Sympathi, and thank you both for giving my one (and only) poetic roadtrip its destination...

But lastly, Merry Christmas to my friends Jenn and Isolde, both of whom I first met because of this oasis on the web. Best wishes to you both - wherever you are... You are both sorely missed...


From: Riggs
Date: 25 December 2000


sadness comes a creepin was brilliant, as always you create such sharp images with so few words...

From: B.K. (again)
Date: 25 December 2000

Jenna and Lydia: Thank you both for the kind words and Happy Holidays to you and yours.

I was running back and forth last night from computer (upstairs) and oven downstairs making cookies..LOL I think I missed you somehow Kevin..Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Terry: I just woke up and already I want to go back to dreams..LOL Your last two posts were just wonderful Darlin!
Hope Santa was good to you!

Riggs: Wow, You are at it again, 'The Emotional Spendthrift' was great.

Love and Hope to everyone! Stay warm or cool, where ever you are!


From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 25 December 2000

me aka niki~
i know exactly how you feel. you don't want to shut off your feelings for someone because of past heartache, yet history is known to repeat its self. thank you for the nice words, and hold on, everything happens for a reason. all i have to say is:
You can't change the past,
you can't predict the future,
all you can do is live for today.
have happy holidays and i'll make sure to read your work.

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 25 December 2000

me aka niki~
one more thing, i loved "I Knew". your instincts are the strongest forces you posess, fallow your heart.

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 25 December 2000

Merry Christmas everyone!

I got a few very special gifts this year, most of which will live only in my meomory

I was given love, and welcomed into homes with open arms -Gala and her daughter treated me like someone precious, and my friend in Rochester showed me the sights and pampered me, and allowed me to sleep when that was really what I needed most.

Unit305 gave me love, unconditional and with passion. His daughter gave me kisses and cuddles, that made me yearn for my son.

My Greek friend with whom I am staying now has brought together friends of many cultures who, like us are apart from our families at Christmas, I guess the spirit of togetherness has really touched me.

I spoke to my son who is with his Dadda in Ireland, meeting an uncle and aunty and two cousins that he's never met before, and who his Dadda hasn't seen in over 7yrs, and although I am sad not to have him with me, I know it is important for him to know their love.

Last night, Terry phoned me and the fact that he'd travelled so far to be with his family at Christmas, but the fact he still thought of me, and was worried that I'd be lonely gave me the biggest smile.... so this Christmas, although tinged with saddnes that I can't be with my son, my family or my lover.... has still brought me more than money can buy, love and understanding.

So I want to wish every blender heart a very Merry Christmas, and love and peace in the new year.

I'm thinking of each of you that have touched my heart.

with love, and thoughts


PS and Riggs, my Aussie mate -- thankyou.

From: me aka niki
Date: 25 December 2000

to lydia - Thx for your comment on Orange juice, you realy made me smile...have a merry X-mas...

From: Ali
Date: 25 December 2000


thendontre~ 'So very close' and 'what's beyond' were fantastic. I loved them very much.

Terry~ All of your stuff is wonderful(understatement), I really loved 'Wait for Me' and 'Dreamd Another Dream'...absolutely perfect. Take a bow, my dear.

Niki~ 'Do you know'...wow, wow, wow...just amazing...and I've been there, dearie...it hurts...'what hurt the most' was awesome...and 'I Knew' was terrific...we are all blind, in love. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And therefore, winged cupid is painted blind." Love is blind. Anyway, great stuff!
Love and Cheer, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 25 December 2000

Elaina~ 'Behind My Wall'...very, very good. And there is no need to explain it, b/c it's its own explanation...we all have walls, I know what you mean. Wonderfull.
Love and Light, Ali

From: Elaina princess_ballerina@excite.com
Date: 25 December 2000

I love the new ones. All of them!!! I especially enjoyed 'Trying to Find' thank you for the kind words. i hope you're having happy holidays. and that the season brings good inspriration.

From: me aka niki
Date: 25 December 2000

2 Ali~ Thank you so much for your comments, It made me so happy
everytime people like my poems I just smile...
"from your lips" I also realy liked that one!!
The end was awesome
Again thank you
and I hope you had a mery X-mas!

From: paige Z.
Date: 25 December 2000

how do i know its love when we're so far away in another country and all i think of is meeting the baby blue eyes, pearly white smile and hearing his australian ancient? uhhh

From: rishi ( paper boy)
Date: 26 December 2000


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 26 December 2000

Terry~ Thank you! It was hard going thru what I did. He was my fiance. But as long as you have friends to help you thru ~ thats how I made it thru.

Thank you again!

From: Brandy
Date: 26 December 2000

Thank you. It feels good to know that some others have had the same feelings that I have, and have survived!

From: Rodney (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 26 December 2000


Just wanted to let you know that I checked out your site and poems. Wow! Where do you get your inspiration? I really liked them! (i liked everyone's here on Love Blender--the new entries too!)

Keep up the good work! Your work and everyone's here is a reason I'll keep visiting this site. Love it!

Take care always,

From: Rodney (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 26 December 2000

Brandy, I just wanted to let you know that I read your poems "Make a Wish" and "Because I have him." Have you ever thought about going into lyric/songwriting? Your work is compelling! Can't wait to see more....

Keep up the good work!

Rod =)

From: Rodney (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 26 December 2000

Hi again Brandy!

I also wanted to let you know that you made your feelings well felt in your poems and that was a truly expressive quality in your work. Keep it up--it's really good!

Hope things are well..take care


From: terry
Date: 26 December 2000

Ali~ Thank you so much. I love your work and your comments always put a smile on my face.

BK~ You, darlin' get me both ways...lol...reading your posts do all sorts of things to me (all good), and your support of my writing means alot. Thank you!

Rodney~ Thanks for taking the time to look at my work. Best of luck with your music. I was immediately captivated by the emotional resonance that shines through it all.


From: scqueen
Date: 26 December 2000

deeva ~ you are truly speaking from your heart today - Hallmark or not! I really feel your words.

From: morbid_barbie666@hotmail.com
Date: 26 December 2000

the one i love:

the one i love is dear to me

i keep my love wraped up

for if the seal is broken

who would pic it up

my love cant see the love i show

i hide it in a note

but if he saw he would not know

what my love may show

i keep my love all wraped up

in a pretty little package

one the seal is broken

my love will fall and shatter

my love is all wraped up so not to fall and shatter

my love is blind and my not see

or my love will never be

my love is all wraped up.

thank you,

From: Elaina
Date: 26 December 2000

Ali~ I really enjoyed 'In The Rain'
It always happens just as I'm begining to renew my faith, I have second thoughts and remember 'There is no such thing as love', but your poems give me that little stab of hope that I need to have every now and then.

From: me aka niki
Date: 27 December 2000

To Ali~ In the rain, Wow I jut loved it
I don't know why but it's just like a fairy tale
I realy liked it

To Eliana~ "don't bother was just so gr8
The end was so good
It's true don't say you'll do if you don't plan to start and don't say things you just don't mean
I always say I want to hear the truth even if it is something I don't want to hear
Sometimes I push them to tell me the truth and I have the feeling that it hurts less then because I won't be left to wonder..
And " scars I can not hide" wow...

From: Brandy (LdyLily21@aol.com)
Date: 27 December 2000

Rodney~Thank you! Never thought about song writing, maybe someday though!! I try and write from my heart and my own expieriences. Thank you so very much!!

Angela~'The Story of Chris' really hit home with me. I lost a very good friend to drugs, and I do agree with you, all that you can do is stand by them and help them through things.

Ali~'Chains That Bind'was wonderful, full of feeling and knowing...keep up the wonderful work!!


From: Brandy (LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 27 December 2000

Me aka Niki~

'A Final Goodbye' almost made me cry, it was so wonderful and so beutiful! Keep it up!


From: Elaina
Date: 27 December 2000

me aka niki~
thank you so much... you're words brightened my day. I just have ine question, what if they don't say anything at all?? no truth, no lies, just nothing??? that's worse than either one I think

From: Brandy (LdyLily21@aol.com)
Date: 27 December 2000

Rodney~ 'Distances' and 'just to be with you' were wonderful. I didn't realize when you asked if I thought about song writing that you were one yourself

From: me aka niki
Date: 27 December 2000

2 Brandy~ thank you for your kind words about " A final Goodbye"
I promise to read some of your poems soon

From: me aka niki
Date: 27 December 2000

2 Eliana~ Maybe your right, maybe it's even worse if they don't say anything
But I do feel that Lies are always the worst
Because all I want from someone is that they tell me the truth
The poem" what hurt the most" is also about that
And You gave me inspiration to write something new
So pls read " just be silent"
There is my answer to your question, I hope you understand..thank you

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 27 December 2000

Hi Brandy,

It's good to hear from you! When I read your work, I could imagine them also as songs because there is much experience and emotion in your words.

Anyway, hope to see more posts! I enjoyed them very much =)


From: Ali
Date: 27 December 2000

Elaina~ 'Don't Bother', 'Scars I Cannot Hide', and 'Damaged Goods' were great...I really loved 'Damaged Goods'...Wonderfull.And there is such a thing as love.Believe me, it exists.It's always complicated, sometimes fleeting, and it will make you cry. But, it's wonderfull and beautiful.I'm glad that I give you hope...Again, your poems were fantastic!

Niki~ Thank you!I'm happy you liked it!

Brandy~I'm glad that you liked 'Chains That Bind'...made me smile!
Love and Shooting Stars, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 27 December 2000

Mirabeau ~ 'Sleeping Goddess' is so real. I always like your poems.

Akash ~ 'Waiting' really evoked sad & lonely feelings and missing your significant other. I feel that way every time my husband travels.

From: Ali
Date: 27 December 2000

Aaron~ Hey, where are you? Haven't heard anything from you in a while? You still around? Has your muse not returned?
Love and sunshine, Ali

From: me aka niki
Date: 27 December 2000

2 Ali~~ " in my story" "Worth it" and "Would I"
Wow WOw Wow....
They reminded me of some of my poems that I went to dug up
Maybe I'll post them!

From: terry
Date: 27 December 2000

Ali~ Wow...the emotional impact of your latest work is powerful. I hope you felt the cathartic value of 'Would I' and 'In My Story'. Thank you for sharing your heart that way. May the light of love heal and soothe the ache, allowing the good memories cloud the bad.


From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 28 December 2000

hehe, had an adventure tonight for sure!! My friend who I am staying with was taking me out for dinner and his car literally went BANG! on the motorway! It only took 45mins of waiting in the snow for the nice tow-truck driver to come and get us!!

I leave Columbus at close to 6am ... I fly out of the USA around lunch time NY time, so farewell my friends, thankyou all for the goodtimes!

Unit305, Angeltouch, Gala and Terry.... thankyou thankyou thankyou and I love you all.

take care of your hearts while I'm not here, and see you next year!


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 28 December 2000

Tanqueray Cowboy- "christmas eight" I know the feeling...

Deevaa- "untitled" Kirk may hate it, but he'll appreciate it, I know I did. Hallmark isn't THAT bad! :o)


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 28 December 2000

Hi Rodney~

Thank you for saying that they had a lot of emotion, I try! Maybe you could put them into songs...I read some more of your songs and posts, and they are wonderful...I don't have Mp3 capabilities on my computer...so I can just imagine what they would sound like put to music...Keep up the writing!!


From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 28 December 2000

Brandy: I'd love to collaborate with you sometime! Thanks for the kind compliments! Lemmie know when you'd like to! =)

Terry: I just read "I have Something (just for you)" and Fragile days. They would make great songs too! I love your titles--they're always different. Would like to collaborate as well with you too!

Take care everyone!

Rod =)

From: distant moon
Date: 28 December 2000

i have a question for the big B.K. ....i'm guessing that's Blender Keeper...how do you go about choosing the Front Page picks poems?

just curious, thanks

From: Nikki Howell Munch313@hotmail.com
Date: 28 December 2000

I checked out this site today and I came across a poem that I really enjoyed reading. It was called nothing to be done by Ali. I really enjoyed this poem because it is nice to know that others have shared the same feelings that I once had.

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 28 December 2000

Rodney~ E-mail me sometime...I'm on aol at work so I am forever checking it..Hope to hear from you soon.

To Everyone~ Everything that I read on here is wonderful. All of you have so much talent...I think that this is one of the better sites that I have ever come across.

Keep Sharing!!

From: B.K.
Date: 28 December 2000

distant moon: Kirk is the blender keeper, and B.K. is me...LOL LOL


From: terry
Date: 28 December 2000

BK~ 'Tongue Play'...absolutely induces a state of desire...lol.

Gala~ 'burning for your touch' WOW....I Mean WOW in bight bright lights. I was at least 5 degrees warmer after reading that one. Man does it need a warning label..lol.

sarah~ 'in this tiny bed' is absolutely beautiful. It went in my permanent 'keeper' file. Thank You!

Brandy~ 'Watching From the Shadows' rang true to the bittersweet emotions you presented wrapped within your words. Very Good.

scqueen~ 'Happy Aniversary' was simply beautiful. Excellent work.

Rodney~ thank you for the kind comments. I'll be in touch soon.


From: scqueen
Date: 28 December 2000

thank you terry ~ i believe what i've heard about the first 5 years of marriage being the hardest. yesterday was my 6th anniversary and it was a very special milestone. the best is definately on the way! good to see you back!

sarah ~ 'in this tiny bed' will also go in my collection. very nice.

From: butterfly
Date: 29 December 2000

i wish i was your wife. just read anniversary and it is beautiful.

From: butterfly
Date: 29 December 2000

sorry, that message was to terry

From: Elaina
Date: 29 December 2000

me aka niki~ I loved your poems...I've never inspired someone before, thank you for understanding, and i completely know what you mean. thank you so much, I love that when I'm upset I can come here and find kind words.

Ali~ You're so wonderful. I'm in such awe...because lately I've really been missing my ex and you summed up my feelings completely...which is good so I wouldn't have to kill myself writing them. Thank you for the comments you'll never know how much I appriciate them.

From: Elaina
Date: 29 December 2000

Aaron~ I agree with Ali...where have you been???? I love your work...it reminds me that there's more to you than what everyone thinks. (not that I need that reminder)

From: Elaina
Date: 29 December 2000

Just one nore thing...
~me aka niki
I'm glad that someone knows my sufferings and can actually talk about them...you two (especially) help me through worries, tears, and lost hopes.
thank you

From: Riggs
Date: 29 December 2000

Distant Moon

King Me is brilliant

Radiohead are one of my favourites as well.

From: scqueen
Date: 29 December 2000

hey terry ~ how did you get a marriage proposal out of MY poem??!!! now that takes talent :-) lol

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 29 December 2000

Elaina~ 'THoughts of You' was heartbreaking...they always say that it is better to have love and lost then to never have loved at all...I strongly think that those are the ones who have never loved....and 'Everyday' made me think of my best friend as well...he's always there when I need to smile.

Abe~ 'Patience' broke my heart. If you love her with all of your heart and she does you, the time will soon come for the two of you to be with one another.

Terry~ Thank you very much for commenting on 'Watching from the Shadows', I was hesitant about posting it...So thank you very much!


From: terry (blushing furiously)
Date: 29 December 2000

Ummm butterfly...I am certainly flattered, honored and once again all sorts of amazed at the power of words to stir the imagination. But 'Anniversary' was written by scqueen, a wonderful poet as you can tell from her words.

Again, I certainly feel honored by your comment.

terry (the guy with red cheeks...lol )

From: me aka niki
Date: 29 December 2000

To ryanss@antisocial.com~ "emotional Setback" was just so real...
I loved it

To Elaina~ "thoughts of you" realy gr8..

To Terry~ " to the Heart of the matter" I realy Liked that one...actions speak louder then words..and they say so much when they say nothing at all...


From: terry
Date: 29 December 2000

Dee~ I know you are now in Japan again, on the last leg of your vacation. And I know you're tickled to be reunited with TK! So enjoy the rest of your time, and have a ball! Bon voyage once again!


From: Rennie Lorca
Date: 29 December 2000

Just a note to all of you to tell you once again how much I have enjoyed another year of getting to read what you care to share .... Thanks! I am slow at doing it lately (okay, I have an written excuse), but I do enjoy coming back and revisiting your works. I even compare them to your earlier works at times. You are all also a delight here on the comments board. Keep up the good work. Thanks for another great year of the site to webmaster Kirk! Season's Greets to all! Go Write! ..... Rennie

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 29 December 2000

2 Scqeen ~ Thanks.

From: krystal ( krystal_i@yahoo.com)
Date: 29 December 2000

This message is for "niki". I just wanted to let you know that your poem "i want" was great . Me and my fiance are separated right now , ...he's in the army stationed in Korea ...I came on this site to look for something that would let him know how much i missed him, and i found your poem. It was so great. Im going to send it to him . (Dont worry i will give u all the credit !!! :D) Keep up the good work !!!! Krystal

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 29 December 2000

Rodney~ Loved 'By Your Side'! I wish that I had Mp3 Capabilites...it would be wonderful to hear I am sure.


From: Elaina
Date: 29 December 2000

Brandy~thank you, i too agree with your thoughts on "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" i'm writing a speech for my debate class on love and i use that same example.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 29 December 2000

Hey Gang-- guess I've been kinda quiet lately.

Distant Moon:

(I thought your nick was 'Dusy Moon' at first, which is also kind of cool.) You asked about the Front Page Picks... well, it's my own judgement about the works I most enjoyed and/or admired that month. I don't claim anything about the validity of the selections beyond that. In fact, I know I'm a little biased, prefering certain kinds of work. But what the heck, it's my own darn website. (And the selecting lets me pretend the English part of my English and Comp Sci double major in college had a purpose...)

The actual process is, the first weekend after a month has ended I read through all the poems, usually over the course of a single day. I've whipped up some computer scripts that allow me to keep track of likely canidates for Front Page picks. (So if I was a better blender keeper I could theoretically keep up with the current submissions throughout a month and the server would keep track for me, but usually I just put it off.)

In the future I might try to make a more democratic system. But for now I like the idea of keeping my hand in.

From: me aka niki
Date: 29 December 2000

To Krystal~ You realy made me smile!:)
I'm realy honored that you would send a poem of mine all the way to your husband and that my poem will be saying what you want to say...wow..thx

From: kevin urenda
Date: 29 December 2000

Hello back at ya, Mr. Blender-Keeper Dude...
2001 is set to be a big year for you especially, so let me be the first to wish you well at the beginning of the 'real' millenium (for the more anal-retentive among us, myself included)...

As long as you have a sound card, you can easily get "MP3 ability." My suggestion is to download Winamp (www.winamp.com). It is free...

have a good weekend, everyone...
best 01.01.01 wishes for one and all!


From: scqueen
Date: 29 December 2000

B.K. ~ 'Snow Angels' was a beautiful red carpet laid out for the New Year. Especially the line about 'earthly grime'.

TJ ~ Meant to comment on 'An Ordinary Plateful' sooner. The underlying meaning I got applied to life in general and not just a holiday feast. So true...

From: Ali
Date: 29 December 2000

Elaina~ I'm glad that I can help you, in any way. And I thank you, from the very bottom of my heart, for all the sweet things you say. Your writing is always wonderfull, and beautiful...remember that.

Terry~ Thank you for your kind words. You seem to always know what to say...you make me smile...thank you..thank you very much.

Love and sunrises, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 29 December 2000

Niki~ I'm glad you liked those...if they remind you of your old ones, post them, please. Again, thank you.
love and sunsets, Ali

From: Ali(once again)
Date: 29 December 2000

Niki~ 'Unspoken Words' was great...I know that I have done that...hold things back...not said things, when I wanted to...thank you for sharing that one...makes me feel better.

Terry~ 'To the heart of the matter'...amazing...amazing.... amazing.
Love and honey, Ali

From: Tanqueray Cowboy (tanqueraycowboy@hotmail.com)
Date: 29 December 2000

Hello Everyone -

The holidays have allowed me the very rare opportunity to read more submissions, contribute a bit and actually write in with some comments...

papillon, "January Rain" - Tangible sadness... emotional and evoctive. Excellent!

ryanss, "Emotional Setback" - A story I know well, earnestly and uniquely told.

distant moon, "King Me" - Complicated... a tough read requiring some active thought. Well worth the effort.

Deevaa, "sadness comes a creepin'" - Lovely. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets a bit down around the holidays.

Gala! "Evoking"!!! Don't ask for forgiveness, it's beautiful! "Can to Can't" - Simple truths that are easily forgotten, thanks for the gentle reminder.

Happy New Year all!


From: Angel
Date: 29 December 2000

Akash~'Home'....I loved this one...I love the depiction of true love vs materialistic hodge podge. Give me a poor rich man or a rich poor man anytime, as long as he holds his wealth in his heart, not his wallet...thank you for this one Akash.

From: Galadrial
Date: 30 December 2000

Why thank you Tanq...

I have admired your work in the past...and I am flattered that you enjoyed my ramblings.



From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 30 December 2000

Brandy: Thanks so much for the compliments on "By Your Side!" It was an emotional song I wrote years ago. Hey, can't wait to Collaborate! ;-)

Kevin: Hey, thanks so much for helping Brandy with the Mp3 issue!

Terry: How are you doing? I still dig your work! =)

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 30 December 2000

Ali: I read your poem "Heaven Help Me"...Wowzers, I really connected with it. It is beautiful! It reminds me of what I went through last year.

Just thought I'd let you know..

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 30 December 2000

Terry: Oh Wow! "To the Heart of the Matter"...I dig it! I connected with it--it's also an experience I've went through with someone just recently...I miss her sometimes.

Good stuff!

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 30 December 2000

Brandy: Wow! I just read Distorted Memories! definitely empowering! and it's so original--it's got a first-person feel and experience to it--amazing!

From: butterfly
Date: 30 December 2000

squeen, im terribly sorry. loved your poem anniversary. see my comments for terry, they were for you.

From: butterfly
Date: 30 December 2000

sorry squeen, dont want to marry either you or terry, just want to have that kind of relationship. forgive me again.

From: whatever2000_ch@yahoo.com
Date: 30 December 2000

I will wait of you in Heaven
I will wait for you in heaven , i will gied you thru the night.
I will wait for you in heaven ,i will not let you out of my side.
And whenever you cry , i will try your tears with feathers of my wings.
And whenever you are sad , i will fly to you and but you to sleep while i sing.
I will wait of you in heaven, i will protect you as mnuch as i can.
I will wait of you in heaven, you will see me again.
And whenever you feel down, look up to the sky,because i will love you forever even from here so dont you cry.
You never will be alone, even if i cant hold you in my arms.
I will blow kisses with the wind real mild,that i prommise you my child.
I will wait for you in heaven forever and ever i do...
I will wait for you in heaven for that i am your MOM , and i love you.
I hope my english is not to bad....

From: scqueen
Date: 30 December 2000

butterfly ~ no apology necessary! i'm glad you liked my poem. we all like to tease terry, so i just couldn't pass up the opportunity :-)

From: scqueen
Date: 30 December 2000

Riggs ~ i thought "twinkle twinkle stolen diamond" was going to be my favorite of yours this month until i read "going through the motions" - boy did that one capture something i'll bet everyone feels from time to time. when i see a new post by you, i feel the excitement of unwrapping a gift and anticipating what's inside! keep them coming!

From: me aka niki
Date: 30 December 2000

2 Ali~ thank you
Unspoken words is something that realy happend
And I don't knowwhy but that is one of the things I never forgot that happend
And your new poems are also WOW...

From: Ali
Date: 30 December 2000

Rod~ Thank you! I'm glad you liked it...means a lot to me.

Niki~ I'm happy u liked it...and your lately written poem was good.
Everyone, keep up the beautiful writing!
Love and peppermint, Ali

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 30 December 2000

Mirabeau - "Ingestation" gave me a great feeling. I wish mine was a Gemini ;o)


From: distant moon
Date: 30 December 2000

whatevers cousin - i really liked "Insert Gulp and Swallow" I don't know why but it made me smile.

BK...sorry for the mixup...but, online, the similarities of the two of you are UNCANNY!

Riggs...thanks a bunch for the comments...I was completely in the zone writing King Me...words that I SWEAR TO YOU, I did NOT know were coming out of me...lol...but regardless, thanks...I'm flattered that you would enjoy that

Kirk, blender astronaut, thank you for answering...and if I had my own site to run I'd keep my hand in it too, but why don't you just make it 50/50....50% democratic and 50% supreme rule from you....average them and then take the top ones...i've watched this site for some time, and although I LOVE the cover, let's get some revampin' goin on in here...voting and stuff would rock...1,000,000 hits? HA! Loveblender breaks through with 80,000,000 a day...of course half of that is me refreshing....don't mind me..i am just talking...oh, and I like Dusy Moon too, in it's own right


Tanqueray Cowboy - thanks for your comment...I don't write to make it easy on the reader...thought provocation is my goal most generally...I always LOVE it when I let someone read a poem of mine and they say "whoa, that's deep" it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol ;-)

I know this is long, but now I have to give my Bravadas to those people who wrote poems that I read and enjoyed, and...truthfully I haven't read many...

Riggs - Going Through The Motions = awesome awesome awesome
3 whole awesomes and some clapping as well

BK - Audiovision - not only is the title great (cause I love making interesting and poems-within-themselves kind of titles) but the poem is excellent, i clap towards you as well

Sarah - prelude to sadness: part III....wow, i..that was really sad...no prelude there, just sad...I haven't seen part I or II but...I can't wait for IV

ok, i'll finish here so I don't waste anymore room on the board, sorry for it being so long. Later everyone, sorry if I didn't respond to you or didn't comment on your poem

From: Mirabeau
Date: 30 December 2000

While it is my habit to refrain from comments, I must take a moment to thank the lovely individuals who have seen fit to remark upon my work in a supportive, and positive fashion.

I also thank Kirk for the Front page pick---i was quite honored.

My life has been complex in the extreme in the last year---else I would have taken the time to comment on more of the material here. Truly---there is a vast amount of gifted writing---a much large proportion than I have noted at other poetry sites.

So for the lovely souls---Sc, Jenna, Kevin and Terry---and any I might have missed, a very happy new year. I wish you love---which may not be the only thing in life,
but certainly gives taste, form, and texture to all the rest.


From: Galadrial
Date: 30 December 2000

Oh Guys!

I am dancing for certain now---you all may recall that last month our very own Jack Rhyme was a featured poet on a website called achase.com....and we were proud as punch...

Well, a tiny bird whispers in my ear that this month,two more Blenderites have scored with achase....
Akash has a second place winner! Way to go dear guy! And Terry Leonard is their first place pick!

This is the cut and paste link---http://www.achase.com/book/poetry.htm---please visit and show support for our splendid crew......



From: scqueen
Date: 30 December 2000

Auntie Gala ~ not to whine, but i got honorable mention for "nitemoves"! i wouldn't have thought to check until i just read your post. it's not under scqueen but "Whitney Seals",
my name.

From: Crystal aka Angel Face..... Angelface10181@cs.com
Date: 30 December 2000

Do i ask too much
when i need your arms around me
Is it too much to ask for you to care
How much can it take
For you to let me know that I'm worthy
To let me know that you're there
Is it so painstakingly hard
To tell me straight up how you feel once and awhile
Does it kill you
To make just a little bit of time for me
Is it too much of a bother
To take time from one girl and spend it on another (me)
Obviously it isn't too much trouble
To keep to yourself and make me feel that I'm un needed
And not cared for
All I ask is for a man
Who will lend me a shoulder to cry on
Who will wrap his arms around me tight when its cold outside
Or even if I just need to be held
I just would like a man
That loves me for me
Who is happy with what is on my outside
As well as my inside
Someone who is happy with the way I do things
And if not, then will let me know so I can try to improve what i can
Without me having to change my whole self
I don't ask for alot
Basically just to be cared for and loved.
Im not asking for money or for a whole lot of your time
Just let me know that you care and that you know I'm alive
And if you happen to be that guy,
Don't only tell me but show me as well
For taking a few minutes out of your day to let me know you care
Will mean the world to me,
And I'll be sure to do the same for you

From: Gala (exasperated!)
Date: 30 December 2000

And SC my dear, how in the name of little green apples was i supposed to know that?

But kudos and a hug, my dear!

Love Auntie Gala

From: scqueen
Date: 30 December 2000

don't burst my bubble, i was under the impression that Auntie Gala knew all. besides that, i thought i submitted under 'scqueen', guess not!

From: Galadrial
Date: 30 December 2000

Whitney dear....

The wee folk do very small magicks...miracle workers are another question! But I'm still proud of you---
and now everyone will know to look for your stuff too..
back to the cookies dear...and a happy new year!

From: Galadrial
Date: 30 December 2000

Oh Slug....

This last year has truly sucked at times. I loved having the chance to meet Dee for real---I have thanked god for the friends I've made, and the special souls who have managed to touch my life in a hundred ways large and small.

I've had dear ones threatened by illness, and known people who faced adversity with such class, style, and grace, that I was truly ashamed of myself for griping. I lost Anna---who I miss especially in time of year. And if I could do one wonderful thing in my life, it would be to ease the awful sting of someone faced with the loss of an especially loved one.

Della sounds like a soul spun of pure gold. I think you said she put the first journal in your hands---that was both sensitive, and wise of her. Thank you dear Slug for sharing her with us. We all get caught up in things that seem important---and tend to forget the ones who loved us best. You always loved her---so you're miles ahead of the pack.

Please know that you will be thought of often,
and with care and concern. Hugs dear girl---and love from the FGM....




From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 30 December 2000

I've decided to try my hand at an online journal thingy, on http://kisrael.com. I haven't set up all the infrastructure, but you can see the first entry there. I thought my mentioning it here I'll have more people looking at it, which will kick me into updating the damn thing.

From: Elaina
Date: 31 December 2000

Ali~ I just love 'heaven help me' it was wonderful...I love this site it's so soothing to know people know how I feel.

me aka niki~ I really enjoyed 'a realisation of 1:53' it was nice.


From: B.K.
Date: 31 December 2000

It's the end of a year and I for one am happy to see it go. As for my Dragon, I posted before I looked. The Golden Dragon was this year and that's metal. The one I saw this year was dragging metal shooting sparks that set many fires. Hope that the New Year brings us all better! Cheers and Happy New Year Everyone!


From: Angel
Date: 31 December 2000

I see where some are encouraging change here at the Blender. And I would like to say that I love the Blender just the way it is, after all, it did get over a MILLION with very little change in four years. Of course, I have had almost three years to get used to the way it is and I am a Gemini (I strongly resist change). But, I would hope that if Kirk does decide to go to a more democratic way of selecting front pagers, that he would be able to assure some way that some of the multiple personalities on here would not have multiple votes:) I guess that is about all I have to say on the subject. *HAPPY NEW YEAR* to all.

From: Angel
Date: 31 December 2000

Congratulations! TERRY, AKASH and SQUEEN *BIG SMILE*

From: Ali
Date: 31 December 2000

Elaina~ I'm glad you liked 'Heaven Help Me'...and it is soothing to be here...it's comforting...a kind of haven, for me...

Niki~ I love the latest one you wrote....'the new YEAR' was great...

EVERYONE>>>>>>>>>>>Have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!Best wishes, all!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and Cheer, Ali

From: Angel
Date: 31 December 2000

Gary e-mail~ "UNICORN" symbolizes 'fear of love' very well. Sadly, the results are rarely reversible and all that can be hoped to gain is a little wisdom, which could mean a lot when the next miracle comes along:)

a wise man builds bridges
that love can cross


From: Angel
Date: 31 December 2000

Compulsive Countdown Celebration Disorder (CCCD)
In its most severe stage, the victim is stricken
by moments of intense concentration followed
by boisterous elation.

Happy New Year.

Sunil Shibad
Bombay, India.

LMAO, A friend of mine from India sent me that!

From: Angel
Date: 31 December 2000

Gala~"snowbound on The ridge", ohhhhh what fun ways to stay warm;)

From: terry
Date: 31 December 2000


May the coming year be inspired for every artist here, and may love find the heart of us all. I was very pleased to have found this unique and loving community this past year, and I hope 2001 is every bit as surprising and gratifying for us all!

Hope and peace as we toast in a new year…

ps. Thanks Gala and everyone for comments about my poem being selected for 1stt place on achase.com. That poem (Heart of a Poet) was written for someone very special on a very special occasion. Having it honored that way made it even more meaningful...thanks again!

From: jack
Date: 31 December 2000

from a many multipersonality lol i wish you all the best in the upcoming year , may all your wishes be granted , may all your dreams come true, to every one and all of yours i wish you the all best

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 31 December 2000

from a singular personality (or lack thereof), I wish you all (again) a happy and successful New Year...
Despite the tribulations of the later half of the year Y2K, it has been a good one for friends kept and good friends made...
Thank you above all to those who have given me the best encouragement when things looked most bleak (you know who you are)... I can only hope to support you half as well in your need...

Happy Y2K+1
