* The Blender Board
From: terry
Date: 1 February 2001

Laurie~ 'In My Eyes' has a lot of good there for your first attempt at poetry. Your theme is clear and consistent, but the flow is a bit stilted. I think you have tried to force rhyme in places and it shows. Maybe you should try the same poem again just as an exercise in writing and try free style verse. See how it works out, and allow your line breaks to appear naturally as if you were speaking aloud. And was there a specific reason for the ellipsis at the begioning of each break? It is distracting to the reader because it implies you're continuing a thought already in progress. If it does not clarify structure or add something to the work why use them? A good rule of thumb to go by in every case.

And yes, write everything to please yourself first. But by all means, one of the best ways to learn and grow is to ask for a critique of your writing. Poetry is usually so invested with emotion that many writers here are offended by any criticism at all, but how else can you learn and grow. After once or twice of hearing "you're wonderful, and your writing is wonderful", you begin to feel doubts and insecurity and end up hating the platitudes because they become meaningless. This is an excellent first venture into poetry, and best wishes on your future writing!


From: the guppy
Date: 1 February 2001

terry---post a sub damnit! kevin too, if you're out there...ha...no pressure...just kinda miss reading what you guys come up with...among others...


From: terry
Date: 1 February 2001

guppy~ Something about 'six guns' made me flash bach to a few years ago...1am. in a college bar...and the dj plays Cher singing 'Just Like Jessee James'....she was a godess, but for some unknown reason wanted to dance with me of all guys.....later I found out it was because I was the only guy at the bar drinking white wine and her mom had told her such guys were big trouble...but your poem captured exactly how I felt the next day.....Thank you for the memory ride!


From: the guppy
Date: 1 February 2001

terry---ha, i misread your comment and thought that cher had asked you to dance...she actually did ask me to dance once (it was a long time ago...when i was young and impressed by scantily clad divas who hadn't yet turned to robotic sounding vocal enhancements...oh yeah, and i was dreaming)

sorry you can relate to my poem...ha...but thanks...never heard that theory about white wine...ha


From: terry
Date: 1 February 2001

Gup, I love her oldies, but Cher asking me to dance would have to be a dream!..LOL and a weird dream at that. Although I did have that chance with Linda Ronstadt once and almost fainted. The music stopped, saving me. It was a Charity Ball...

And thanks for your comment, I am not abandoning the Blender. I love the place. I've just cut way back on what I post, trying to improve the elements of my own writing, instead of posting everything that comes out of my head.

Btw...how's your Dad? Fully recovered I hope. And Kev is on a business trip to Calif. right now.


From: Galadrial
Date: 1 February 2001

Hi Gary...

And I read your piece. You have it backwards dear---I am honored to be counted with you. Keep writing---but don't go nuts. It's taken me 28 years as a writing junkie to acchieve my current level of production---and that included 5 years when I barely wrote Christmas cards.
In the last year I topped 300 pieces...and two of them were almost readable!

Congrats, and thanks....


From: Jaynee@mailenium.com
Date: 1 February 2001

My name is Jaynee Gallamore. I am the original author of "Key To My Heart." My poem is copywrighted. I would like it taken down or I would like credit for it asap. Thank you

From: Kathleen
Date: 1 February 2001

laurie ~ In My Eyes was very good, I am glad to see that you are willing to be critiqued. So many writers hate whenever someone says anything other than its great. But! No matter what anyone else says, never stop writing, words express our soul. Just try to see what critique is actually helpful, and which is just petty meaness. I once heard the saying do your best, and you will be the best.

Elaina ~ I Know is a good poem but hard to read, you break in the middle of a thought too often, I think that if you worked on writing as you were thinking, dont worry about whether or not the words rhyme, you will find it makes your poetry smoother. I do like alot of your work, and I think you are well on your way.

Victoria ~ another try at love , very good! and how true. Good job!

Sweetbeene ~ Kitchen Travel Guides is very descriptive and very well written.

From: Elaina
Date: 1 February 2001

Kathleen~ Thanks for the comment, see my problem is that's how my mind works, thought to thought. and I never really try to rhyme unless I'm in the mood, so I do write exactly how I think.


From: Ali
Date: 1 February 2001

Jenna~ Thank you...thank you very much! =)
Love and light, Ali

From: kevin urenda
Date: 1 February 2001

Monsieur guppy-

Thanks for actually mentioning me (winking, chuckling, running from what ALL the Blender divas - yes, dee, you are THE deevaa, but only A diva <cheeky grin>). Of course I will submit. I was away for a few days in sunny California (I loved it - a change of venue always brings on the muse)...

Actually, let me kind of reset what I REALLY want to say (reiterate).

Yes, Poetry as a form of writing requires some level of skill to be good. It must impart its message in a way others can relate to. In that vein, spelling and punctuation are practices that ought not be ignored. If you have something to say, you owe it to YOURSELF to say it as clearly (and as Gala pointed out, as concisely) as possible. There is no singular arbiter of what makes poetry "good." But, poetry is more than just prose written in columnar form. It should evoke an image, a feeling, a mood. That is where artistry enters into the equation, and sometimes leaves the craft behind. My challenge to those who want to be thought of AS poets is this: are you adding a different perspective to the gentle readers here? They crave something fresh, not just more of the same. Try to say something NEW...

I know, I know. Gup, can you send me the 1-800 number for Ellipses-Users Anonymous???

From: grousing kevin...
Date: 1 February 2001

point to clarify-
I didn't finish one thing (typing out thoughts in parallel sometimes means certain thoughts don't get finished)-- I meant to run from the brickbats said divas are likely to hurl in my general direction for stating such a bald-faced lie...


From: SiLvEr StAr
Date: 1 February 2001

It's all about you

I hate that way i feel inside.
It makes me just want to die
I want to run away
Put my fears behind

I want to see you here again
to see you walk beside me
I dont want to see the way
The way I put the past of you behind me

I stand here thinking
about the way it should be
You said you would never leave me
I guess it was a lie.

Sometimes at night i lay and think
of things jumbled up in my head
Sometimes its so hard i cant even speak
Other times when i hear you name
i cant even walk my body gets so weak

I look at the dates and mouths a head
Wondering how time will consume
with out you here with me

I picture in my mind
of how it used to be
I wonder if the days on this earth
are going to be the same
Picturing in my mind
of how its all about you...

From: Case N. Point
Date: 1 February 2001

Please note that in bright red letters at the top of this page (a.k.a. the COMMENTS AND NEW MATERIAL page) the words:

If you wish to submit a poem or story (yours or somebody else's) please go to our Submissions Page

From: Galadrial
Date: 1 February 2001

WELCOME BACK KEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I wish they all could be CALI-FORN-IA girls!


From: scqueen
Date: 1 February 2001

ok kev ~ don't know if i can forgive you for this one...do you not know that "sc" in the queen stands for Southern California?? I'm about 3 1/2 hours north of LA. How close were you to me?

From: KAT
Date: 1 February 2001

2 EveryONE,
I've read many poems, and enjoyed many and got teary-eye from others. The thing is I see your work but I'm really pondering things, so if you may, I have a few question to ask.
How old are you?
How long have you been writing, poems?
Why do you write poems (what do you gain from poetry)?

Well, I don't think I fair for you to answer my question without myself answering them. So here's me! = )
I recently turned 16 in Nov.
I have been writing for almost 3 years now.
Lastly, poetry give me something almost unexplainable, so I guess I'll write a poem about it. But poems are my way of expressing myself or feelings in an irregular manner. The truth is I usually write when I'm depressed, and sad to say I sometimes cause my own depressions, so I may write.
Well that's all. oh and please forgive my spelling, grammar, and compact vocabulary (keep in mind I'm only 16 and struggling)! = )

From: Toklas
Date: 1 February 2001

I just read through 8 days or so of comments and was happy to see some discussion of poetry as an art form still going on.

I said this before, but I want to repeat that critiquing a poem is not a criticism of feelings or persons. It is a critique of a work. A board where you comment on poetry is a place to respond to work presented. If the only comments allowed are "you are all wonderful," it defeats the purpose.

After reading a dozen or so posts riddled with cliche etc., I was delighted to find this poem of scqueen's -Days like these- which I think has the makings of a good poem.

What I liked, squeen, was the way you used words that are particularly rather than generally descriptive. (native plants checkerspots velvet ants owl pellets cormorants). I have some other comments below suggesting where I think you could tighten the poem.

lead me, on a spring morning
to your paradise

*** paradise is a cliche word. The short line breaks disturb the flow. The purpose of a line break is to give the reader a pause. Break means break. The reader is not out of breath after two words. The only other reason for short lines would be to offset or dramatize a line. A line break is an indicator of how the poem should sound out loud. Read these short lines out loud the way you have them and it makes it sound like a laundry list.
of warblers
native plants
velvet ants
owl pellets

**** I like the specific nature of these words as I mentioned above. However, an ellipsis is only grammatically correct if you are indicating that you have missing words. Your ellipsis here is merely decoration.

crinkle a leaf
for me to smell
splash me with water
pick up a shell

**love this part

i'll shed my coat
and feel the sun
on my shoulders
my face
my heart

***the face heart bit is too predictable. I don't think the poem would suffer at all if you left them out.
and dwell in you
and days like these

**love the last lines. I think this could be an excellent piece with a little tightening. If you do revise, and ever want to submit for publishing purposes, normalize the caps. Until you are a bona fide genius, publishers will want to be sure you know the rules.

Thank you for the read.

From: scqueen
Date: 1 February 2001

Toklas ~ Thank you for the critique. Can you be a little more specific, possibly with an example of what you would do with the 'laudry list words' without grouping them with a lot of 'ands'? Also, what would you suggest I replace 'paradise' with? Again, many thanks. This is a great example of the type of critiques that should be posted here!

From: Toklas
Date: 1 February 2001

squeen, it is the line breaks that give them the laundry feel. I like the words because they are specific. You have several options for breaking them up.
1. Put them in sentences.
2. list them separated by commas and one "and" at end of list.

of warblers, native plants and checkerspots;
of velvet ants, owl pellets and cormorants.

a case in point for punctuating poetry <grin>

As far as "paradise" goes- take us somewhere unusual. Take us to a specific, clear place that we can see, taste and feel. Take us somewhere you love that you can make us experience: i.e. "we walked on forty-second street, where you can smell fresh bread from outdoor stands." Paradise is abstract and cliche: abstract because it is a concept of place. If you want to know what an abstraction is, ask yourself if you can see, taste, smell "it," rather than expressing generalities, statements of belief, or concepts.

hope this helps.

From: Elaina
Date: 1 February 2001

Ali~ WOW WOW WOW! I absolutly loved your last poem, I charged so much emotion in me. way to say so much with so little.


From: Elaina
Date: 1 February 2001

me aka niki~ Where are you?? I miss your work.


From: Galadrial
Date: 2 February 2001


You know that I have agreed with you one the issues of form, style and punctuation...but i have to say that your last "crit" struck me as rather clinical? When I first encountered you in the Blender,I certainly respected your talent, and opinions. But today---

Tok---this is the Blender of Love...and love poetry is a very different beast. People write it for different reasons,and the metric verse isn't the emphasis.
I have expanded my horizons by posting to other venues as well...but I'm not trying to change the Blender. Certain attitudes make me crazy---and I have expressed them. But this is a good forum for the fledgling.

This isn't achase.com, or the Ice Castle, or PFFA.I respect your desire to learn and grow deeply---but I have chosen to expose myself and my work to more critical forums. If others prefer something less aggressive, that's their choice. So without meaning to be snide, ease up Tok.
And btw...I've read your new stuff as well. Technically quite good...but it lacks some of the soul and spirit and fire I always found in your work. You're a wonderful artist---but you shouldn't sacrifice the message for the medium.

Peace, sister. Gala

From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

The poet in question appreciated the comments. A critque is by nature clinical- it is an analysis. Yes this is love poetry. But if it is poetry, why do you want to draw lines on how analytical the critic should be? Some here have expressed that they don't want anyone here to say anything about there work but praise it. I certainly will say nothing to those people who are here to simply express emotions. That is one of the reason's for the site. But I hope both kinds of poets are free to exist here.

For any of you who put up your hand and said you wanted constructive feed back, I am one person who will give it. One of the ways we become better poets is to read and examine poetry with a critical eye.

As far as my own work goes Gala, I don't pretend to be the perfect poet. One of the ways to get better is to get constructive, specific feedback. There is a lot of talent here; an intelligent exchange of those gifts could spawn some wonderful verses.

Squeen appreciated my comments and asked for more. I took the time to respond. Where does the 'easing' up come in?

If you would not appreciate any indepth crits of your work, I would not dream of presuming. But to anyone who does say that they really want more, (I certainly do regarding my work) I am not going to do a half-baked job of it.

I liked his poem and said so adding comments where I felt it could improve.

You can't have it both ways Gala; either you always say that every poem is wonderful- or you allow those who have more to say to speak fully and freely.

take care

From: terry
Date: 2 February 2001

Toklas~ Critiquing is a fine art as are many other things in life. And your critique of scqueen's work was thorough, though several opinions were subjective to your taste rather than more general to the work. But if you want the Blender to change toward more learning and growth for all the writers here it would help if you did not imply everything was crap except the one selection you found 'promising'.

You read a dozen or so posts that you brushed off as riddled with clichés, etc. The implication was you found nothing worthy of being called a poem with the exception of scqueen's. Pardon my disagreement, but that is elitist and arrogant. The Blender is all about Love. Expressing that through writing by people from every walk, age, and level of expertise. If you want to critique, then fine, do that. But please save us from the elitist ramblings of an egocentric artist. The remarks were uncalled for and uneccessary.


From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

There would seem to be a double-standard about who can say what. I only reiterated what all of you have been saying about the posts. That includes Gala.

My comment was not meant to be elitist. It only agreed with what all of YOU have been saying. Read back through the last eight days. That is the message. Now if the only people who are allowed to speak ( by some unwritten law here) are limited, then mea culpa.

When I returned to the Blender, this whole conversation about cliche, abstraction and spelling errors was already in full swing. I put in my two cents worth.

I only had time to comment fully on one poem before the backlash started. I have enjoyed many of the poets here and have said so many times.

Many of you were seeking something more. But if that is what you want, don't treat those who would like to participate like the enemy. It takes time, care and thought to comment on a poem in a meaningful way.

From: terry
Date: 2 February 2001

Toklas~ I did not mean that last post to be a personal attack of any kind. And in reviewing it after posting, it sounds like just that. I apologize fot that, and when I wrote it I did not have the benefit of seeing Gala's post, nor your answer.

I agree whole-heartedly that the Blender will gain a whole new dimension with more in depth criticism. It can only help those writers who choose to learn and grow. But when I read your post it was phrased in such a manner that I felt insulted as a contributor here, even though the critique was for scqueen's work. So would most other readers I think. If you did not intend that meaning, then accept my apology and enough said. If it was intentional, then I stand by what I said.


From: Galadrial
Date: 2 February 2001

Oh Tok, please!

What I've said for the last 8 days has hardly made me the darling of the Blender. No one is appointed, or anything else, as the official Blender Speaker,
save Kirk himself. (This is his ballpark, we are guests.)

Say what you wish...free speech, and all that.
But I have a brother who made a point of being bluntly honest, at all times, on the grounds that he is somehow being helpful. He finds himself quite lonely at times. Diplomacy does have it's place. And no, I don't think I'm a hypocrite---and neither have I called something "wonderful" unless I really felt it was. The key word is "felt", as in feeling, Tok. It does have it's place, right in there with iambic measure, structure, and all the rest.


From: the guppy
Date: 2 February 2001

I disagree about specifics outweighing abstractions. My case in point is that references to warblers, cormorants, marigolds, forsythias are all referring to groups, which are in fact abstractions or generalizations. Any clue how many different species of warbler exist? Lots. Unless you are describing things down to the species or even subspecies level, you are abstracting the description. If I wrote something with a reference to populus grandidentata...well...very few people would be able to relate to what I was referring to. I abstract that to just call it an aspen tree, and I gain many more understanding readers. Abstraction has a big role in effective writing, and shouldn't be dismissed as just a bad habit.


From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001


I have no wish to make anyone feel badly. And I certainly did not intend to diss all the poets here. As I said, I simple looked at a lot of poems that still had all the sins pointed out by so many of you and agreed.

Gala, I hope we are having an intelligent discussion about poetry. Squeen stated no dismay at anything I said. And I had checked through the posts to see if he was one person who was interested in critical commentary.

How does that make me unfeeling? I hope you read the first response to his poem and not simply my reply to his request for more explanation.

Line by line critique is a method. It is not hard or mean. It is simply a method.

Terry, critiquing is an art. One I would certainly like to get better at. By doing so, I know I will be a better poet. That is where we learn editing skills for our own work. For every poem we look at closely, we learn something new.


From: terry
Date: 2 February 2001

Excellent point guppy!


From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

guppy- point taken. what I liked that it was not just "birds"

From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

Elaina, I loved the line "high heels to a sneaker" in Against the grain.

From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

guppy, would Carver's line (marigolds etc.) have been as effective if he just said "flowers?" I think when to hone down and how far to the specific is a real challenge in poetry.

Certainly a good question to be asking when writing. I am glad you brought up the point that the groups could be split down still farther. Now I am going to be looking at all my poems and wondering where the heck I should or should not have <giggle>

From: Gala
Date: 2 February 2001


SC is a woman.


From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

squeen, sorry, I referred to you as him. How do, I am also female.

From: the guppy
Date: 2 February 2001

Toklas---Your "Portrait..." sub is excellent. Your choice of words is well thought out---embellishing the metaphor throughout the work. I'm wondering if you were going for a subtle double meaning with your choice of "pine" as a tree mentioned, or if that was something i just read into it?


From: the guppy
Date: 2 February 2001

Toklas---I know what you mean. Descriptions are tough to come up with rules for. There is an elusive medium between precision and abstraction. Overdoing either can kill a work.


From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

guppy, thanks for the comments on Portrait.

pine was an accident, but given the context of the poem a fair reading. I am certainly pining <grin>

I have that one damn line which in this though which I don't know what to do with. That 'season into night' bit is totally cliche but I don't know how to fix it. It is totally gaggy and I know it. But I have to somehow get the mortality point across. Oh well, if anyone out there has a suggestion, please through it out.

From: toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

throw it out too - geesh to late for typing.

From: Stands with a Smile
Date: 2 February 2001

To Angela:
Check the submissions..
LOL..and here's the bandages.
(Passing them over with a grin)

From: san_et@usa.net
Date: 2 February 2001

I have a question?
where to get all the poems about love,friendship's love,family's love,loved ones and etc.
Hope to get ur reply before the 5th Feb 2001

From: Sarah
Date: 2 February 2001

the thing is, since all this critiquing has started going on, and since I've started visiting PFFA (and i'm banned from there now anyway)my writing has gone way downhill. I just don't feel the urge to write anymore, or have anything to write about. I don't want to write, because it seems to me that it doesn't even make a difference. That no matter what, there isn't anything its going to do anyway. Its a struggle for me to even put two lines together. If you get technical, it also takes away the creativity.

Though I do agree with gala and all others, that you have to know the rules to break them. But i just can't write anymore. It's not there.


From: gardenguru, gardenguru@yahoo.com
Date: 2 February 2001

Hey kids -- your latest on-going topic, criticizing criticizing, looks like fun. I'm new here and I'll take the chance of throwing in more fodder.

It looks to me as if the great keeper of this site needs to put up one of two possible signs at the entrance: "Leave your egos at the door" or "No criticism allowed". Or maybe a third mechanic needs to be inserted: when poems are posted, the poet can choose to allow his or her posting to be critiqued by simply entering "Criticism allowed", or some such.

Then there's the issue of what is fair criticism. I think there's a dilemma in this literary form to begin with, which makes for difficult "objective" criticism. "Poetic license" is not just a romantic concept. It is a viscious act of blatant subjectivity. Critiquing subjectivity can only be subjective in itself. And when that happens, watch out! Too much misinterpretation. Oh yeah! Have we not seen enough right here? This seems to be THE big sticking point.

Certainly poetry has rules. Yes, some basic ones if nothing more. Spelling is a good rule. Grammar is maybe a good rule. I've found the word "freeform" (when rules seemingly don't apply) pasted on the works of great poets who know the basic rules and know how to manipulate them well. I've also found the word applied to poems that belong in a personal diary.

Back to that "subjective" concept: style is as much a part of poetry as are the rules. More so? I don't know. But I do know that style is something truly individual in nature. It is something that evolves with a person's writings. Maybe it gets better, maybe it takes a turn. If nothing else, it should be allowed to take its course and not be defined by others.

I can see that there are many levels and kinds of poets here. I haven't taken a head count but I know there are some here who are very happy posting and leaving it at that, many who post and hope that their "friends" praise them, a few who post and get quite upset at even the hint of criticism (even sideways when a fellow poet's work is critiqued), and the rare handful who offer their poems up for criticism (at whatever level) in hopes of taking the tiny leaps toward true greatness.

I made my living, many years ago, writing for a book company and magazine company. I had my share of criticism -- we call them editors. I can only now praise those good folks. The struggles of those days only made me better (hats off to Nietzsche for that interpretation).

I suspect that this post, itself, will warrant criticism. I know I've begun sentences within it with conjuctions, ended sentences with prepositions, and even ended sentences before they were complete. Maybe there's a misspelling or two (didn't use Spellcheck). Did I forget some punctuation? Argh.

I'll take the criticism. And just as I read someone else's poetry, I'll take it with a grain of salt and find the essence of it.

Joe (gardenguru)

From: Ali
Date: 2 February 2001

Angela~ I love all of your recent submissions...well done!

Du'Doll~ 'My Friend That Is Lost' was amazing...I really did love, it very much. =)

Elaina~ 'Against the Grain' was great...I like it lots!

Love and windsongs, Ali

From: kevin (a.k.a. Quixote)
Date: 2 February 2001

My quest is not for perfection, that would be tilting at windmills...

Simply to be acceptable...

Criticism allowed (here)...

From: terry
Date: 2 February 2001

Toklas~ 'Portrait of an Endearing Curmudgeon' is a well written, and executed extended metaphor. Your word choice is great, and i think you're being a bit hard on yourself with the line "But now your season comes swiftly into night;". It may be a cliche, but it works here. If you are determined to change it, you might consider staying within the metaphor you have woven so effectively. Something like: "But now proof comes swiftly to archive;", which is klutzy I know...


From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

Hi Kevin,

I really liked the Bridge. I would make more comments, but first let me ask you if you are interested in critiques?

From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

thank you for your comments. I like the suggestion of the word "archive." I think I might play with that and see what happens.

From: scqueen
Date: 2 February 2001

Kevin ~ I also really enjoyed 'The Bridge' - nice to see you back in action... and you guys, lighten up on Toklas. I appreciate your defending me but I really got a lot out of the critique. And it did motivate me into a few rewrites. I like the one I posted here and will leave it as is. But she gave me something to use as a practice session, which was much needed. I've seen some tearng apart here, and believe me it wasn't from her! I'll step down from my soapbox now...

From: scqueen
Date: 2 February 2001

ah hem... the word was tearing

From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001

<giggle> squeen. well, I have sinned far worse than tearng.
I lost an apostrophe on it's in my last post and gained one I did not want in the description.

mea culpa mea culpa. Send me to the stocks!

From: Galadrial
Date: 2 February 2001

Hey Sc...

Didn't mean to suggest you couldn't take it girl.
I will hold my tongue in the future.

And Tok---

Forgive me. I should have addressed my concerns in email---not this forum. You have my apologies.


From: scqueen
Date: 2 February 2001

Not to worry, Gala, I still love you :-)

From: Toklas
Date: 2 February 2001


thank you.

On to poetry.

From: Joseph Allen Hardy (aka Forest Adams)
Date: 2 February 2001

Hello all,

I was just wondering if anyone has read my latest submission, "The Fire Inside"? If so, I would greatly appreciate your comments. I also have a new poetry page at
http://www.expage.com/jahpoetry . It features many great poetry links ( as well as this one). Please drop by and sign my guestbook. "The Fire Inside" was submitted Jan 25, 2001. I repeat, your comments and/or criticisms are greatly appreciated. I am also a member of Poets2000.com,
cafepoetry.com (forestadams), and poeticwords.com ( under Joseph Allen Hardy).

Thank you
Your partner in poetry,
Forest Adams (JAH Poetry-- creator)

P.S.-email me at jhardylbg@hotmail.com

From: Angela angieubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 2 February 2001

Ali~Thank you =) I really enjoy positive comments on my poetry. You made my day better.

From: Angela angieuubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 2 February 2001

Is there anything I should be looking for in particular in the submissions?

From: Gary
Date: 3 February 2001

Dont worry,as my wife says poetry is not about reason but blood, guts and semen. If its there it will come, I think we all go through the block at some time or other. dont try to force it, just let it happen.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 February 2001

Thanks for the kind words.

I was in Redondo Beach, and the furthest north I travelled in my short stay there was Universal City. Well, really, the north side of Griffith Park. Was the only time I lost my bearings... I hope that doesn't mean I was close to where you are. That would be a most depressing thought indeed...

I don't mind honest and helpful criticism. It is near impossible to hone the craft of writing absent the critical eyes of others. I've even broken out the blue pencil on occasion myself.

But... each poem is a snapshot in time for me. I have never been big on re-writing poems (except when I made a brief foray into structured formats such as Elizabethan and Italian sonnets, neither of which is really my style). I generally move on, and try not to repeat something I've said before, even if I've said it poorly.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 February 2001

And Gala-

I didn't find California Girls much different from the girls here. Definitely not as appealing as Faeries from the East... ;-)

From: toklas
Date: 3 February 2001

Hi Kevin,
nice to see you around again. I don't think critical commentary would be valuable to you if you are not a person who is into rewrites.

Was this a vacation or business in California?

From: Ali
Date: 3 February 2001

Niki~ Hey, glad to have you back! Loved all the new stuff!!

Toklas~ 'Ellipsis' was beautiful...I've never read anything like it...it was really great!

Love and light, Ali

From: Toklas
Date: 3 February 2001

Thank you Ali, glad you enjoyed "Ellipsis." The inspiration came from all the jibes here about my comment <grin>.

When in doubt, turn life into poetry!

From: Toklas
Date: 3 February 2001

Any editing ideas out there??

I have spent six months trying to get better at editing my work with minimal success. Posting and getting feedback has helped to some degree to pick out the rough spots. But as far as developing any real process that is working, I just am not getting it.

For those of you who do edit, what do you think works for you?

From: Toklas
Date: 3 February 2001

dee, I found your waterfall woman painting in the subs and I just love it. Her hair is wonderful! Do you ever intend on making prints of your work?

I am way too poor to buy original paintings, but a print of something like that would be wonderful.

Guppy, I also came across 02 while I was cruising through the subs. I love every word. It is so original and the poem stays with you long after you leave the page. That whole filter and sort thought is fabulous.

From: Ali
Date: 3 February 2001

B.K.~ 'Empathy and Hogwash' was great...I loved it! lol...great message, great writing.
Love and smiles, Ali

From: gardenguru, gardenguru@yahoo.com
Date: 3 February 2001

EDITING .... for Toklas (and others?).

I'm thinking there are two kinds of editing.

That of the funtionally compulsive editor who gets paid for working and reworking the words of others or sometimes his or her own makings.

And that of the philosophical editor who may not be content with simply "acceptable".

(I shant forget that there are plenty here who are happy with their quick post of blood, sweat, tears, guts, bile, and other important viscera and body fluids. To edit or rewrite their heart and soul would "dilute the moment". So, write on, powerful poet, to express yourself. Have at your catharsis.)

But Toklas, for you, let's target the philosophical editor who wants to ride their pen over their words to find the more and the better -- the lady or gentleman who wants to express themselves AND communicate with the reader.

My hero, the great editor Theodore A. Rees Cheney, preferred the word "revision" for the process. Simply because of the etymology he saw: re-vision, or "seeing it again" (and again and again). Each time you look at your own work, you will find something to make it more accurate, more concise, more appropriate, more dramatic, more heart-stopping, more memorable, or somehow mush mo betta than your original words to convey to the world the vision your mind had seen.

That's the basic.

Here's some quick nitty-gritty tips that come to mind (forgive me for being condescending to those who have taken high school writing):

After your first draft, let the moment pass. Put the piece aside to cool off. Give it a day or two or three or more.

When you rewrite, don't let other moments of inspiration pass you by. You'd be surprised at what hits you when you think you're going in one direction.

If you come to an impasse, don't let "writer's block" wad up your undies. Put a check, star, asterisk, circle, or blob next to the passage that grabs at your creative throat. Maybe make a one or two word note (and not just "Damn word!"). Go back later, preferably when your mind is fresh and aggressive.

Focus on your subject and eliminate digressions. Focus on your style and keep it uniform.

Get some tools: a good dictionary, a book of quotes, a thesaurus. Be frugal and appropriate, however -- a little book collection is a dangerous thing. Dictionaries have words you don't ordinarily use in real life. Quotes become cliches. Thesaurus-backed writings can look like it.

Those quickies come to mind. Some may work for you.

Joe (gardenguru)

From: deevaa
Date: 3 February 2001

Toks, thanks!

I've been working on a series in that style. I've not made prints of Waterfall Woman, because its bigger than the 'easily' printable size. (Anything smaller than A3 is easy to get prints off, and resonably cheep, bigger than A3 and you pay a bundle).

I've got someone coming to look at it on Wednesday, she's Australian and in NZ on buisness, with any luck I can take some money off her before she leaves. *wicked grin*

From: Toklas
Date: 3 February 2001


thanks for responding to the question. All of what you have suggested, I have done so far.

The words that helped the most was the idea of re-vision.
That poetry is a vision. That really gives me an idea of a some better approaches. It is so easy to get hung up and fall in love with some of our own words and really hard to get a total divorce from them and let creativity kick in again. I just had a note from squeen where she said that she revised her poem and was concerned about the loss of sound. I have that same problem all the time. And it is SO frustrating.

The thing is when you first write something- you do it because you have a kind of flow going. When you edit (certainly at my limited editing skill level) it is easy to lose the flow.

When you said re-VISION, it suggested to me that editing in some way has to tap into creative flow again. With that in mind, I have a poem which I totally killed with editing. Now I realize that what it needed was to start over with the idea itself and write a new poem from the ideas I already had. Very hard to dump one's own words! But I am already happier with this piece by starting completely over than I was with either the original, or the many edited versions.

Of course dumping the whole poem and starting over won't be necessary all the time. But in this case it solved one problem.

Thank you!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 February 2001

That isn't exactly what I meant. Criticism when given without a condescending tone is always valuable to anyone who loves language and the use thereof. Anyone who has a talent for placing words together in a manner that evokes a response in others could and should be open to any input that helps tighten what they write. What I would personally find of great value to me *as a poet* is to know what doesn't work for the reader with a critical eye, or better yet, what almost works but falls short. While I may not touch up a singular snapshot, it is helpful to have a mind to know what will help me sharpen my focus for the next one.


From: Toklas
Date: 3 February 2001

Kevin, sorry, I read the "But..." part you wrote afterwards to mean that. Since that was last thing on your post - I took that as last word.
Thank you for clarifying.

From: the guppy
Date: 3 February 2001

Toklas---Glad you liked o2. I sometimes have the best luck with the fewest lines. I'm prone to tangential wanderings, and usually I let them go where they will, but sometimes I'm thinking to myself "man, you talk to much". o2 was originally going to be a longer piece, but I distilled it down to what I thought really needed to be said, and left it at that.

I like to play with double meanings and parallel thoughts/metaphors. It gets tough at times to make the line breaks and punctuation work to support parallel thoughts. I was writing "seizure by section" and debating with myself about where to place the line breaks. The title of it is supposed to be a twist of ceasarian section, and there is supposed to be a sort of "birth of thought" theme being toyed with. Ruler 'cross the knuckles was actually a tough line to figure out what to do with. I wanted it to be ruler to point back to ceasar, and the "a" left out of "across" to make it "cross the knuckles", like "cross the fingers". The cramps go with the birth idea, and the writing idea, and the crossed fingers idea. All in all I would describe that one as an attempt to think my way out of some severe writer's block. I felt my thoughts confined by words and style, but I had to work with what was available. I'm not very happy with the piece, but I thought I'd offer some thoughts about why I wrote it the way I did.


From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 February 2001

whoops! Looks I was slow!

you took another thought I had but did not state in exactly the same way. As writers we all tend to "go with what we know," right? So if I can learn something about how I might alter my vision for the next time I look at something I am compelled to write about, I may actually write something that is halfway decent. In that vein, again, of course I welcome thoughtful criticism...

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 3 February 2001

2 Ali~"I'll Be"
I was having a bad time
and when I read it I just got tears in my eyes
I feel like that, always
But as hard as I try I can't put it in words
You always do that so perfectly
Good work..loved that one...

From: Ali
Date: 3 February 2001

Niki~ Wow, thanks sooooooooo much. It means a lot to me, that you can connect...thanks!

Love and smiles,

From: scqueen
Date: 3 February 2001

Kev ~ You're off the hook, you were about 3 1/2 hours south of me. I am between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. To be more general, north of LA, south of San Fran. It's 75 and absolutely gorgeous here today...not to tempt you, but aren't you getting snow? Glad I'm originally from the east coast or you would have heard it about the California girl remark :-)

From: Galadrial
Date: 3 February 2001

Oh Terry...

Loved the peppermint memory....thanks my friend...


From: terry
Date: 3 February 2001

Thank you Gala, it may not belong in The Love Blender, but then love covers a broad spectrum.


From: Stands with a Smile
Date: 4 February 2001

To Angela

The submission I was referring to is "After the Melee"

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 February 2001

Well Dark Angel,

That's a hell of an intro. I think it pulls together nicely---while giving a celestial feel to a practical concept.


From: nikki (precious_lana@hotmail.com)
Date: 4 February 2001

Surprise! Yes, to those of you who remember me, I still exist. It's been a busy year so far, and unfortunately the Blender has been made to suffer my neglect, along with my writing.

Kirk--Thank you for the front-page pick. I always like to know when someone else can appreciate a pice of mine.

Writers--I haven't even had a chance to glance at the new submissions, in fact, in a very long time. I am sure they are all magnificent, as every one of you are.

Long-time Blender friends (you know who you are)--I apologize for my absence, both here and in e-mail, or whichever other forum we make contact. I still think of you often.

Update on nikki--I got fired, I am still in school, and I am taking a three month trip to Eastern Europe (no, I don't know which countries yet) beginning March 26. I hope to come back with tons of material so that I can put yet another storyline on the shelf while my overactive mind conjures more trouble for me to get into.
I currently have a few ideas in the works for books, I haven't written poetry in forever (Lifetime was written last month), and basically I sleep 7 hours a week, which leaves entirely too much time to NOT be writing in.

If anyone wants to keep in touch while I am in Europe, drop me a line at my precious_lana address, and I will forward a separate addres for my trip to you.

I love you all, I miss you all, and I have to run, because I have a quilt to finish for my darling nephew's 1st birthday.

Later lovebugs! the elusive, yet ever charming....Nikki

From: Anonymous, Mstrmh@aol.com
Date: 4 February 2001

Unrequitable is a poem I wrote as a way to deal with powerful feelings that were evoked in me by someone outside of my otherwise happy marriage. It’s my first attempt at poetry and it’s incredibly unconcise as poetry goes: about 2000 words. It’s not really much like the stuff that usually falls under the heading of poetry (I never could understand or appreciate poetry very much). It could probably be better described as rhythmic prose. I spent a ridiculous amount of time on it, and (while I know it’s not destined for greatness or anything) I can’t help but think that it yielded some interesting perspectives and turns of phrase. I can't really show it to anyone that I know, yet I'd hate for all that work to be no more than a soundless crash in the lonely forests of my mind. If you (or anyone) would like to see it in it’s entirety, or know where I might find a forum for such thing, please let me know. An excerpt of it is available in the “Heart on a Sleeve” corner(near the bottom), January issue, this website.

From: B.K.
Date: 4 February 2001

Dark Angel: That was beautiful, very well done. Thank you. Please write more for us.


From: scqueen
Date: 4 February 2001

terry ~ i, too, loved your peppermint memories. i guess valentine's day compelled me to write a piece in january called 'shaping my soul'. it was about my grandparents who i spent a lot of time with, growing up. i just had to get some of what they taught me on paper. i feel that they really shaped my definition of love. if you didn't read it, i hope you'll go back and do so.

From: Ali
Date: 4 February 2001

Jenna~ All of your new poems are just amazing...you charge them with such emotion..Wow.

Terry~ 'Long Skirts and Peppermint Memories' was very sweet...kind of reminded me of my grandmother...=)

Elaina~ Your new submissions are wonderfull...

Niki~ Great Job girl! Your writing gets better and better everytime you post. I especially loved, 'Lifetime in a Touch'...you described something I had often thought about describing...Bravo!

Dark Angel~ 'The Gift' was awesome...I really liked it.

Gala~ 'Revolving Ring' was so very beautiful...I am, as always, in much awe of your talent.

Love and smiles, Ali

From: Ali...windy357@aol.com
Date: 4 February 2001

Anonymous~ I thought that the poem was wonderfull...When I was reading it, it reminded me of something I experienced...it was just a beautiful poem...and by all means, if you continue to write, post here...I like the way you write...I believe that you said you only posted part of it...you can post all of it here, if you like...there are no rules against length...what you may not be able to share with others, as you said, is always welcome here.=)
Love and dreams, Ali

From: Angela angieubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 4 February 2001

Ali~ I was looking through that January digest and I read a poem of your called "what was," I though it was abbsolutely beautiful. i especially liked the part where you used the metaphor of the sun and the moon making an eclipse! I have felt that way before in relationships and it sucks.

From: Angela angieubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 4 February 2001

To: stands with a smile~
I liked that poem. It was pretty cool. It envoked feelings that are all to familiar. =)

From: Ali
Date: 4 February 2001

Angela~ Thank you!! =) I'm very happy you liked it!
Love and light, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 4 February 2001

Ok, I'm a little confused, on the new submissions page there are only the submissions from Feb. but the front page picks aren't up yet and in the heart on a sleeve corner it's still last months stuff. Can someone tell me what's going on??

From: Melissa, melissa_112@hotmail.com
Date: 4 February 2001

Hey, I submitted a few things about a week or so ago, and I was wondering if you fine people would give me some feedback on them, good, bad, whatever. I think that the only way I'll learn is through my mistakes. Please keep in mind that I'm a 19 year old female, and I write what I know, and what I know is love. They are all real experiences, and I hope you like them. Thank you!

Melissa **

From: DeMo
Date: 4 February 2001

I dream of the Girl that I once knew, that I once loved...
That I still love... but don't know...

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 February 2001

Me thinks Kahuna is setting up the Feb issue...no worries....


From: Elaina
Date: 4 February 2001

Thanks to all who commented on my new stuff.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 4 February 2001

It's here.

From: Joei E. Tavares
Date: 4 February 2001

It is Good and it very romantic

From: B.K.
Date: 4 February 2001

Hey O.U.Tofit: Your poems are eerily familiar...you like ghosts huh? I like them only if they are Casper..HA. but like you I also love my computer...lol.


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 4 February 2001

this is for all the front page picks~
Good job!! Some veryy! good poems there!!

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 February 2001

It's here...and so are the winners of Icky Sweet 2000!

The Winners are invited to place their precious words in the Valentine Page of the Garden! Those with objections make 'em quick!

Thanks everyone---I think we needed to release a little corn syrup....

And as follows:

Honorable Mention: Icky Valentine
Kev Urenda

Third Runner Up : Chocolate Cheese


Second Runner Up : How Sweet It Is
SC Queen

First and Absolute
Ruler of Shmaltz : Lost In Thoughts of You

Terry Leonard

I could not ignore the qualities of "scorched shorts", "chocolate cheese" "candy covered gummy bears...and the sheer audacity of pookie bear---twice.

Love Gala

From: kevin urenda
Date: 4 February 2001


oy, what memories you brought back to me with that ramble... Thanks for sharing that snapshot in time.

I am going to be forty this year and still think I have a lot to learn about 'the rules.' But at 13, I was the stammering half-geek/almost-athletic-type hiding in the midde of the class. Not the front (for the brainiacs) or the back (for the cool people), but safe, middle-of-the-road, blending in with the crowd... I was, in the words of a girl I dated in high school, sappy. Wise, she was... Anyway, thanks for the memories.

From: deevaa
Date: 5 February 2001

Kirk, you are so darn up-predictable.... you never ever pick the work of mine that I think is best.

I guess that adds to the game LOL....

This is my first double hit, so I am pretty happy.... however if I had to pick my two best subs last month it would have been between "Waterfall Woman", "Golden Glow" and "I want him to come in the summer time".

I must say I was bummed that 'smooth' was over looked the first time I posted it, its always been a favourite, its one of my favourites in the book I wrote for Christmas.

Anyways, Gala great ramble -- and to the other front page picks, congrats!!

Take care of your hearts.


From: O.U. Tofit
Date: 5 February 2001

umm sorry if any find a lack of caps or punctuation offensive but i figure thats what the imagination is for...so if u really need em lol go fer it heh ...if a work cant stand alone without then....lol but thats my own thoughts and maybe my work cant either but hey i try

From: O.U. Tofit
Date: 5 February 2001

oops almost fergot lol thanks B.K. as for ghosts well lets jus say it was an idea i needed to persue a bit

From: Wade Morris
Date: 5 February 2001

Thank you,
For putting up with me.
Thank you,
For your Love. You showed me what Love should be.
Thank you,
For your time. Being near you made me happy.
you brought joy to my life.
Thank you,
I was never happier than when I was with you.
Thank you,
For being happy now.


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 5 February 2001

Ali- Thanks for the feedback... it's always appreciated...


From: scqueen
Date: 5 February 2001

Me aka Niki ~ there's something about 'Behind my mosquito net' that i really enjoyed. Could be that the meaning could be interpreted many ways...the ghost could be a person living or memory of one dead. with so few words, i got a very desrciptive image from it. thanks!

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 5 February 2001

Whoa, I just made up some scripts to see what kind of traffic I was getting on kisrael.com :

for 04/Feb/2001:
frontpage: 32 hits 22 unique ip
overall: 935 hits 60 unique ip
(the kisrael.com frontpage got loaded 32 times, from 22 unique IPs (roughly meaning that many desktops), and over all 935 pages got loaded, from 60 different IPs)

Anyway, I realized I could run the same script on the loveblender log:
for 04/Feb/2001:
frontpage: 2087 hits 1369 unique ip
overall: 27431 hits 2467 unique ip

Whoa. S'allota hits! Over 2.4K unique visitors I think. In a day! That's kind of neat.

From: Megs
Date: 5 February 2001

Kirk- Neat observation. It goes without saying people seem to be drawn here...

The front page was exceptional. Gave me a chance to catch some pieces and I sat down and really READ for the first time in ???
Sarah's 'Virginia Rain'. Dee with 'Smooth' and Gup's 'Chosen' (the first line just wowed me for some reason); all really amazing pieces (not selling the rest of the picks short by any means)
And Gala- your ramble was fantastic. I still give out little cartoon Valentines to all my friends. just an indulgence of nostalgia...

Of more recent works: Misti's "Ballet" brought tears. Beautiful and sincere. If you read this gal...email me. I miss your communications *grin* Megangel25@yahoo.com. Now that you have your love...I need some help with mine.
Also Stands- I was touched by "After the Melee" and "The Parking Lot" piece. The tones just...hit home? I s'pose...

And I even tried my hand at writing today. Feel rusty and awkward with words. The thoughts in my head won't stop coming though!!!

From: B.K.
Date: 5 February 2001

Dark Angel: Your work is so beautiful, this is twice now you've made me cry.

Megs: Glad to see your work, wonderful, well done. How's he doing?


From: B.K. (again)
Date: 5 February 2001

Just wanted to say Congratulations to all front pagers! Very nice work.

Gala: The ramble was wonderful, made me think back to the decorated box on top of the desk for Valentines Day. Funny stuff..LOL

Kirk: This place rocks for poetry, so what's not to hit on!


From: the guppy
Date: 5 February 2001

kirk---pardon my language, but holy crap that is a lot of hits! Pretty dang successful little pet project you created. So, yeah, anyone who wonders if their works are read by the public, check out those numbers...you have an audience


From: Elaina
Date: 5 February 2001

Congrats to all the front page picks.
I had a a horrible emotionaly trying weekend. And something like this usually leaves me flowing with insight, however I'm speechless. It hurts so bad and I can't write about it and that hurts even worse.

Ali~ Wonderful new work.

me aka niki~ I really enjoyed 'behind my mesquito net'


From: the shark
Date: 6 February 2001

the shark is in the water... beware.

From: the guppy
Date: 6 February 2001

where else would a shark be?


From: O.U. Tofit
Date: 6 February 2001


From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Oh Madi Girl....

This latest is luscious...don't make us beg for more!


From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Mr Dark Angel Sir?

Around here, "bumping" is a supreme compliment. The quivering female dying to make your acquaintence is BK...say hi girl!


From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Hey Gup---

Shark or no---you'll always be the grandest fish in the pond...



From: B.K.
Date: 6 February 2001

Dark Angel: You just remind me a bit of my guy thats all. It gave me the inspiration to write again and thats what I need right now. Thank you for that. Nice to meet you...LOL
Please write more!


From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Bk you shameless flirt...

First Terry...Then Hank...and now Dark!



From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

And let's not forget Jack!

From: B.K. (again)
Date: 6 February 2001

Well now Gala you can't have them all...LOL They inspire me as well as the rest of the ladies here. Hells Bells, every time I bump Terry I get voo doo doll warnings...LOL

Terry Darlin where are you lately anyway. We need some bumping going on around here!!! LOL


From: B.K.
Date: 6 February 2001

Besides that what's not to love about Jack? (sigh)


From: O.U. Tofit
Date: 6 February 2001

umm might be a little late fer this but might i ask your opinion on my work Toklas?

From: deevaa
Date: 6 February 2001

goodness -- speaking of Jack, is it just me or is O.U....... ahh its just me, I'm sure. *grin*

From: Dark Angel
Date: 6 February 2001

BK -
If that is being bumped, I am very honored to think I had a small hand in that delightful offering. Thank you.

From: B.K.
Date: 6 February 2001

O.U Tofit: Lady of the Lake is beautiful. Funny, I was just reading about her last nignt...You have to be reading my mind..LOL This one would make a good Deevaa painting.

Dark Angel: Kiss, Oh Darlin, Glad you like it. There's lots more as long as you keep writing for us too..LOL


From: scqueen
Date: 6 February 2001

Oh Gala ~ 'Coffee in the Kitchen' made me get the warm fuzzies this morning. loved it :-)

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 6 February 2001

2 Sqcueen~ Thank you so much! glad you liked it

2 Elaina~ Thx..and "Then life goes one"
I like it! It's good
Looking forward to reading the end

From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001


That was your best in a long while...thanks.


From: terry
Date: 6 February 2001

Whoa, am I ever behind! But first things first.

Congrats to the picks for the Valentine issue....great work guys. And Dee a double pick! Kudos sweetheat!

And Gala; what a wonderfully nostalgic ramble...great writing. I was carried back to third grade all over again. Facing the box! Wow, what memories that flooded back. Like Charlie Brown I had my own little red haired beauty back then ...lol, whom I never got the courage to ever speak to. But I did stuff the 'special' card in the box. Even got one back...lol.

And also Gala, thanks for the honor(dubious) of being named schmatlz king. I knew 'pookie bear' could not be overlooked....lol. My hats off to all the participants. I loved all them!

BK~ Wow, I'm almost afraid to jump into this bumping.....you have burned the house down aleady! And in luscious style I might add...I've been badly under the weather lately and have written practically nothing, but will get back on the wagon...lol.

I'm still trying to read steadily so as not to get too far behind, and i'll comment more later.

bye for the moment

From: scqueen
Date: 6 February 2001

Gala ~ you're just itching to get BK started back on the food thing, aren't you? :-)

From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Oh Sc...you blew the surprise...

Yes all, it's true. Our very own BK is hard at work on a book---the working title is ALTERNATIVE ROMANTIC USES FOR COMMON HOUSEHOLD FOODS...Volume one.

How could I possibly compete?


From: scqueen
Date: 6 February 2001

I knew we'd never hear the end of that cucumber/pickle barrel poem! lol

From: B.K.
Date: 6 February 2001

Alright now, I know when I am being picked on...LOL I will get even...LOL LOL

Actually it's called '69 Ways to Make Food Fun.' LOL The publishers said they have a million calls for it already..HA


From: Galadrial
Date: 6 February 2001

Sputtering...rolling on floor...laughing till tears roll down my face....

Oh BK....that was too easy...

And Terry---God Man---CHILDREN read this site...Tsk Tsk..(but wow!)

Okay Gang---It's nearly Valentine's day---and I had half a thought. How about on THE DAY, we post the poem we've loved the best for the last year---BY SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!

I know---hard choices...but having just judged the Icky Sweet 2001, I thought it would be interesting to try.

Yes. Rules.

You can post by going into back issues of the blender, cutting and pasting. Say a max of three pieces---NOT MORE THAN ONE per favorite poet.

It just seems to me that some truly beautiful stuff has been posted in the last year---and I'd love to see some of them again?

You guys game? Hey Kahuna? Can We? PLLLEAAASE? Come on Kirk---please? Pretty please?


PS---Congrats to the front PAGERS----DEE WHO HAS TWO!!!!!!
DEE-vaa, DEE-vaa---you GO girl!

And my thanks for the kind remarks on the ramble...it really took me back.

From: Wade Morris
Date: 6 February 2001

Thank You,
For putting up with me.
Thank You,
For your Love you showed me what love should be
Thank You,
Being near to you made me happy, you brought joy to my life.

Thank You,
I was never happier than when I was with you.
Thank You,
For being happy now.

Wade Morris

From: scqueen
Date: 6 February 2001

Gala ~ I'm game! I know that several of us keep notebooks and folders of the work we like so I think it'd be fun. No guidelines on the type of work? Just favorites?

BK ~ Ok, enough is enough, but what can we say? We just miss you around here lately :-)

Terry, Terry, Terry...

From: B.K.
Date: 6 February 2001

SCQueen: Thanks, It's been like walking in slow motion lately. But it's full moon week and time to rock and roll the blender sheets...LOL


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 6 February 2001

Sarah- "We Are" Dont worry, you definately havent lost it yet! Keep it going...


From: terry
Date: 6 February 2001

Riggs~ Yes, I have.
Yes I still do,
And yes it is.
Thank you for that great post!


From: Misti
Date: 6 February 2001

Great idea. I'm going with *Dot-Dot-Dot-Dash...* by mojave
(Chris...yep, I'm biased but that doesn't negate his awesome talent!) and *Shannon sways* by Michael. There are dozens of kick ass poems in last year's Heart on Sleeve Corner but those are my two favorites.

From: terry
Date: 6 February 2001

sarah~ 'We Are' is wonderful. I agree....you have lost nothing. Keep it coming....


From: Misti
Date: 6 February 2001

oh, yeah...and I think we should have a tribute to the inimitable zOe. The girl rocks, ya'll!

From: Chris Lake
Date: 7 February 2001

Good idea, Gala. I vote for everything by Misti. Oh yeah, zOe is amazing as well. I also miss Michael's long stream-of-consciousness rants. They made last summer interesting for me. Well, it was interesting enough as it was. Anyway... I'm down here among the palmettos and alligators, exiled for the time being from Austin (land of half-a-million-and-one yuppies). This part of Texas kinda smells like oil, but what the hell... As they say in Leo's convenience store, 'Ah tell you whut...that there is the smell ah money, son.' So it goes. It probably is... (Not that I ever see any...) One more thing! Want to find your old high school flames? Check out alumni.com. I guarantee it will get you into lotsa trouble (like it did me). Other things I was wondering about... Where is Alexander Newfield? I hope he didn't hurt himself or anything... Well, I'm gonna go now, 'cause my miss Misti is startin' to make rather crude scatological references. OK...the real reason is that I want to play 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire'. And it's true. I really do want to be a millionare. Michael! Where are you, boy?!?!?!?

From: Misti & Chris
Date: 7 February 2001

We love your latest! Keep writin'! Hope you get well soon.

From: Michael (dizzy)
Date: 7 February 2001

Chris and Misti ~ I'm here. Still at work. Coincidentally, every time I fall in love with a girl I get sick. I'll put my favorite picks for last year up, but to do that I'll have to go home and compare dates. I already save all my favorites to disk. Choosing one by each author is the hard part.

From: Toklas
Date: 7 February 2001

Congrats to all the Front pagers! Gala , really enjoyed the Ramble. thank you !

From: scqueen
Date: 7 February 2001

Michael ~ stay on the flu medication! it's working wonders :-)

From: B.K.
Date: 7 February 2001

Michael: I came home yesterday so dizzy I could barely hold my head up. God, not the flu I hope..yuck But I love the poem. Hope you feel better soon.

Terry: Oh Darlin, beautiful poems. How I have missed your touch here. Hope you are feeling better too.


From: Megs
Date: 7 February 2001

B.K.- Thanks for noticing I am (sorta) back. David is sometimes better. Just had big time surgery that hopefully put some stuff back where it belongs. Its still a long road back...

So glad to see Misti and Chris back. Kev submitting a couple (tho doubtful he is speaking to me since I still have an email in my inbox I haven't replied to...*shamed*) Gala and BK in the kitchen still keeping us hungry...for...somethin' *grins*

Ahhhhhh...I wish I could write!!!
Also has Blender Keeper smile upon our Valentines re-submissions? Its going to take me all the rest of the days to pick just 3? Just 3? Hard...but a good task.

Off to start digging...

From: Anonymous, Mstrmh@aol.com
Date: 7 February 2001

To: Ali- Blessed are those who respond, and bless you, especially, for your positive response!!! So there's life in me yet! It may take a little while because I've got a coat or two more of polish to put on (as always), and my time is not mine, but ASAP: "I will send this out, as my Feeling demands/ I will trust that Look, I must take the chance!" To unleash "Unrequitable" in it's entirety will be a long awaited cold-burning plunge for me... can I count on you for the good, bad or ugly comeback as indicated?

From: Nellybabe43@hotmail.com
Date: 7 February 2001

i liked the poem at first sight the best because it reminded me of the one i love to so if you want email me back just to chat~*sarah*~

From: terry
Date: 7 February 2001

Guppy~ 'seizure by section'...I loved the wordplay and double meanings..."style me with your strict measure"...A great line! And the ending of 'thoughts upon hearing' was marvelous...
"some kind handshakes have a claim to stake
and some
go shush into the night"
Great work!

O.U. Tofit~ I'm not gonna pick just one, but I really like your style. It is hauntingly familiar...lol.

Bk~ All the bumps were wonderful, but 'War of More' was WOW!

Devin~ 'Seductress'...Double Wow!

Misti! 'Ballet'...
"it's an awful ballet
a beautiful blasphemy
the mirror shatters and you make it all new
in the image of you
I see the long forgotten me
in your bewildered innocence"
Another wonderfully deep, self revealing work I've learned to expect from you...I hope all is well with you...

Madison~ 'watered-silk'...beautiful writing...Bravo!

Kev~ All are your usual mastery of the art of words...but 'Wishing'...
"to kiss you as if I could
taste all your love in
a single moment"
Wow, what a great image and thought!

Gala~ 'Comfort Foods' was plain yummy, and Coffee in the Kitchen' was magnificent!

Michael~ Get well soon, but keep the great poetry.....lol. Good work...


From: Elaina
Date: 7 February 2001

I'm writing to redeam myself on my poem 'CARELESS' I seemed to forget my 'E' in lEss. Sorry I'll fix it and re-sumbit.


From: O.U. Tofit
Date: 7 February 2001

*stomps in from the cold* durn durn durn lol kinda liked that nic.. out of it.. lol ...well found out again but hey i try ....congrats on all the front page pics ,all very well done lol deevaa two!! taiwan was beautifull but far too much food and the reason for my topic as well..seems the chinese have a belief in vampires being ghosts of lovers draining the young in the night ,so i have tried to capture that some what . AND TOKLAS im going ta get an opinion from u yet!!
and as for you lady Gala, 3 poems of favorites ?? durn teachers, you mean i have to read back over the 3000 poems or so that have been posted since i first got here?lol k i'll try but..... lol jus remember i was the first person you bumped lol
B.K... ah i missed u as well, you are puting out some fine poetry
slug..... i miss your work!!
terry... great work of late hope ur doing well
dark angel you do some fine work yourself though u do seem familiar??
and far too many great works done in my absence to even begin to count jus gives me more reason to love this place !!
well must begin to read so till next we meet....
..........................*it dosent matter*(jackryhme) aka simply

From: Misti
Date: 7 February 2001

Just read the e-mail you sent. I was thrilled to hear from you. I'll send an e-mail and a snail mail with pictures later, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and am so proud to know you! You are truly amazing, chica.
Thank you for the compliments on *Ballet*...that poem means a lot to me. I cried while writing it and my mom cried when she read it. I've been reading all those adoption stories in one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books lately and they give me a lot of hope. Chris has been amazing. He helped my mom pick out an outfit to send Julie Kate (the daughter I placed for adoption) for her fourth birthday and he bought *Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs* for me to send to her. When I meet Julie Kate someday he'll meet her, too.
Married life is hard, anyway, I guess...two people coming together and learning how to compromise and sacrifice...but it's even harder when your spouse is struggling with depression and assorted demons. Chris has seen me through a lot of hard times these past eleven months. A lesser man would have left me a long time ago. So I'm looking into getting the help I need to be a better wife and friend to a man who has been the best friend and best example of unconditional love I've ever known.
Writing helps immensely. I'll always write.

From: deevaa
Date: 7 February 2001

*grin* seeeeee........ I KNEW it.

You can never hide from me Jack!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 February 2001

you are nothing if not VIVID (in large letters).
I got something more from the enhanced definition in your painting. The detailing seems to have sharpened the subject and the mood.

also, mea gran culpa... sorry for the double submit...
temporary dain bramage... ;-)

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 February 2001


I was struck by the poignancy of "You Said."
the repetition of those words seemed childlike, or at least plaintive, in tone. This, balanced with the knowledge of an attentive woman, which almost seemed understated, made the poem as a whole (which was really wrapped around a single metaphor) work. Nice.

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 7 February 2001

O.U. Tofit- Taken as a compliment, "The one I knew," well written

Congrats to all the front pagers. Better late then never, I dont seem to be able to make it on time lately. :o)


From: Ali...windy357@aol.com
Date: 7 February 2001

Deevaa~ I don't think I've ever told you how much I love your work...well, you never cease to take my breath away...your poetry is wonderfull, and your painting are divine...=)

Michael~ Feel better!!!!

Elaina~ I loved 'So Broken'...great job!!!!

Anonymous~ Glad to hear that you'll post!!! And you can always count on me for a "good, bad or ugly comeback", as you put it...I'm looking foward to reading your poetry...
Love and dreams, Ali

Date: 7 February 2001

i just read tig2 letter called finding myself alone it was so sad the way he never found what he was lookin 4 u should check it out
hey kandi.com

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 7 February 2001

2 Deevaa~ I just loved your last 2 poems
With the paintings..Wow

2 Elaina~"Just look away"
You must be going thru a hard time right now
But I loved that one
Good work

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 7 February 2001

2 Gala~ "You Said"
Oh my, WOWW
That was beautifull..loved it

From: Ali
Date: 7 February 2001

Niki~ 'Last Night' was beautiful...I cried when I read it...((((HUG))), since I can't really hug you, that'll have to do...feel better! If you want to talk...vent...whatever, email me, ok? I'm here for you, K? Windy357@aol.com
Love and happy thoughts, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 7 February 2001

Ali~ Wow the new ones are great, I have so many thoughts in my head hopefully some good writing wil come from them.

ma aka niki~ it seems that you are a lot like me, have a hard time letting go even after so long even other relationships you still can't let go...I feel for ya.


From: Misti
Date: 7 February 2001

wow, what a surprise! thanks so much for the poem. heck, we forgot our own anniversary! didn't realize we'd forgotten 'til we got a card from Chris's mom! there's been a lot of chaos in our life here lately. we're moving into our new apartment on Friday...in a new town. again, thanks! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

From: terry.....
Date: 7 February 2001

Ali~ 'In the Middle'...we've all lived in that place at one time or another...hang in there....and keep writing!

Dee~...I really like father Time......image and words. More great work!


From: hank
Date: 8 February 2001

i felt the need to share this i found this poem online a few months ago, if anyone knows the author i would like to e-mail her, if only everyone could say what she said, i wish i could.
Have you ever yearned another
yet the lover had no care
has a tear escaped your eye
yet no more would even dare

does your heart melt melt with a glance
as you offer up a prayer
when you look into their heart
does you heart yearn to be there

have you wanted them so badly
that your heart would start to bleed
have you tried to say I love you
yet a voice would not proceed

don't lend your heart to love dear friend
let your tears fall like the rain
a healing heart will break again
and sadness will remain

you'll ponder thoughts of real love
and wonder if there're true
pity takes no place in life
upon a heart so blue

grand is love yet merciless
the price to pay is high
a choice to take of love or death
my heart would rather die

never lend your heart to love
you'll find my words are true
don't doubt me friend for I should know
I fell in love with you

- Jen Amaya

From: Michael (hoarse)
Date: 8 February 2001

Thanks for the concern about my health. I'll be fine.

Gala ~ Here's my top three picks...and then I'll cheat and throw in eight more for my top 11. (only one per author)

"salute" by Guppy. http://www.loveblender.com/2000october/heart/salute.html

"Renegade" by Misti Lake http://www.loveblender.com/2000may/heart/harsh.html

"Look at Me" by Terry http://www.loveblender.com/2000june/heart/fly.html

And for my next 7 favorites from last year..(Cuz I can't bear comparing relative emotional impact)

"I Love You As Incantation" by Gala http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/incantation.html

"punctuation" by Sarah http://www.loveblender.com/2000december/heart/noname168.html

"Aftertaste" by Kevin Urenda http://www.loveblender.com/2001january/heart/aftertaste.html

"Phoney Baloney" by Kim Wu http://www.loveblender.com/2000june/heart/phone.html

"Is it enough" by Jean http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/enough.html

"Nursery Rhyme" by Megs http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/hip.html

"Happily ever afters" by Nikki http://www.loveblender.com/2000august/heart/ever1.html

"Going through the motions" by Riggs http://www.loveblender.com/2001january/heart/noname154.html

I have a favorite of Chris's and many others but that didn't happen in the past year.

Hope you don't mind me spamming everyone. I'd have further reduced the list but it would take too much time trying to find a favorite. I'm too lazy for that. And I love way more than I've listed..but you know..This is what I cam up with in 20 minutes..

From: Michael (hoarse)
Date: 8 February 2001

Thanks for the concern about my health. I'll be fine.

Gala ~ Here's my top three picks...and then I'll cheat and throw in eight more for my top 11. (only one per author)

"salute" by Guppy. http://www.loveblender.com/2000october/heart/salute.html

"Renegade" by Misti Lake http://www.loveblender.com/2000may/heart/harsh.html

"Look at Me" by Terry http://www.loveblender.com/2000june/heart/fly.html

And for my next 7 favorites from last year..(Cuz I can't bear comparing relative emotional impact)

"I Love You As Incantation" by Gala http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/incantation.html

"punctuation" by Sarah http://www.loveblender.com/2000december/heart/noname168.html

"Aftertaste" by Kevin Urenda http://www.loveblender.com/2001january/heart/aftertaste.html

"Phoney Baloney" by Kim Wu http://www.loveblender.com/2000june/heart/phone.html

"Is it enough" by Jean http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/enough.html

"Nursery Rhyme" by Megs http://www.loveblender.com/2000april/heart/hip.html

"Happily ever afters" by Nikki http://www.loveblender.com/2000august/heart/ever1.html

"Going through the motions" by Riggs http://www.loveblender.com/2001january/heart/noname154.html

I have a favorite of Chris's and many others but that didn't happen in the past year.

Hope you don't mind me spamming everyone. I'd have further reduced the list but it would take too much time trying to find a favorite. I'm too lazy for that. And I love way more than I've listed..but you know..This is what I cam up with in 20 minutes..

From: Galadrial (tiptoeing in quietly)
Date: 8 February 2001


I have the link to the icky sweet page of the Garden...i think it's up and running, and oh boy, is it over the top! Hearts. Flowers. Kissing roses. And four of the ick-iest poems I have never sunk my sugar sensitive choppers into!

Please visit, and applause again, For Terry, Kev, Guppy and SC...oh---and the insulin is purely optional!


And Kahuna? Can we post our blender faves? You never did answer---and I don't take horrified silence for a no, so?
Pretty please?

And remember folks (yes, this means you too, newlyweds!) three poets, one poem for each (NO MORE) and only if Kahuna says we can!

(Three? How the heck can you just pick three?)


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 8 February 2001

B.K. - "Spiders Web" Amazing... I felt like I was an on looker... didn't mean to sound kinky :P

Deevaa- "Father Time" Simply Beautiful.

From: scqueen
Date: 8 February 2001

Gala ~ Thank you for the beautiful Valentine page! How fun :-)

From: Ali
Date: 8 February 2001

Elaina~ Thanks!!! And, dearie, when in doubt, write! It might not make your troubles go away, but it will make you feel better!

Terry~ I will keep writing...thanks! Oh, by the way, this funny thing keeps happening, everytime I read one of your poems...my computer screen fogs up...curious, huh? hehe...
Love and light, Ali

From: gardenguru, gardenguru@yahoo.com
Date: 8 February 2001

Golly gee guys, I'm sorry -- I just posted my first work and I caught misspellings and the anal part of me took over and I ended up re-submitting it with corrections. And drat!

From: scqueen
Date: 8 February 2001

Gardenguru ~ Perhaps you were Shakespeare in a past life??
Regardless, your wife is certainly lucky.

From: Ali
Date: 8 February 2001

Anonymous~ Hey, I wrote a poem, that your poem inspired...I took some things from my life, and borrowed part of your last line, in 'Unrequitable'...I hope you don't mind...it's actually a compliment, b/c I liked yours so much...read it, and let me know what you think, K? It's called 'Summer Warm'....I hope that you like it..=)
Love and starlight, Ali

From: gardenguru
Date: 8 February 2001

scqueen: you've obviously missed the point of my piece. My wife inspires ME to such thoughts and passions, hence, I am the lucky one.

From: Rae-Baby
Date: 8 February 2001

I like Ali's poems: Summer Warm and Above Everything. They are kind of in my same line of style.

From: scqueen
Date: 8 February 2001

Guru ~ No argument here!

From: Ali
Date: 8 February 2001

Rae~ Thank you very much, glad you liked those poems...I read your poem, I liked it...I thought the ocean comparison was very good..keep writing! Love and light, Ali

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 8 February 2001

Gala, my silence is more... I dunno, I'm paying attention to something else. I love the blender and the community here, but I also love that I've set it up so it only *needs* loving attention every month or so. I try to keep up a bit with the Blender-Board but often I just skim, or skip some days.

*anyway*, getting back to your question... sounds good. Actually, if you get this organized, and can get the official 'favorite three' of a bunch of blender regulars, and send them to me by e-mail, I'll make a special Valentine's Day page with those picks. So everyone, talk with Gala, 'cause I here by appointed her both organizer and arbitrater of this thing. Would that work?

From: deevaa
Date: 8 February 2001

*raises hand*

does that mean each regualar (that wants to) picks 3 favourite by others, and emails them directly to Kirk, or to Gala?

From: Galadrial60@aol.com
Date: 9 February 2001

I'm glad you asked...

Unless i'm mistaken,everyone send your THREE (THAT's 3) favorite poems since last February. ONE per author.(Hear that you love happy Lakes?) No nominating yourself...tacky.

1. Email me the poems you chose---cut and paste please---and I will foward them to Kirk. We won't have the time to hunt them down!

2. My addy is in the body of this post.

3. Please folks---ASAP---If I don't have them by the 13th, I make no promises...K?

Questions, email me...Okay grunts!Quit shoving...and quit whining. You all thought that judging the icky sweet was easy? Fine. Your turn!

This is gonna be fun... Gala

From: Galadrial60@aol.com
Date: 9 February 2001

I'm glad you asked...

Unless i'm mistaken,everyone send your THREE (THAT's 3) favorite poems since last February. ONE per author.(Hear that you love happy Lakes?) No nominating yourself...tacky.

1. Email me the poems you chose---cut and paste please---and I will foward them to Kirk. We won't have the time to hunt them down!

2. My addy is in the body of this post.

3. Please folks---ASAP---If I don't have them by the 13th, I make no promises...K?

Questions, email me...Okay grunts!Quit shoving...and quit whining. You all thought that judging the icky sweet was easy? Fine. Your turn!

This is gonna be fun... Gala

From: Gala
Date: 9 February 2001

Oh weird---I clicked once---it printed twice...KAHUNA!

From: scqueen
Date: 9 February 2001

Ok Gala ~ 2 questions ~ Are you allowed to be 'picked' as a favorite? And, do we have to submit only from front page picks or just any favorites from the month?

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 9 February 2001

Yes, Gala is certainly in the running for favorite works.

If possibile, it'd be nice to have the URL of the pieces you pick. There's not reason they have to be frontpage picks. (I'm lucky though, if I join in, I probably need only bother looking over the frontpage picks, since my favorite three are undoubtedly in there)

From: scqueen
Date: 9 February 2001

Thanks Kirk ~ By the way, I really do enjoy your weblog. I tune in every day with my first cup of coffee (or tea :-))

From: Princess of the 7 lakes
Date: 9 February 2001

Stands with a smile,

Things could have been different for us. You could have

said you want me to come back, or that you would come with

me. Instead you chose to live with someone who you say is

just a friend, but obviously is more to you then I am. Deny

it all you want. You do not love me. I am putting this here

because I know you will read the board.

From: imran_romeo@hotmail.com
Date: 9 February 2001

You're in My Dreams

You're in my dreams
while my love beams

As I live and breathe
Your presence never leaves

The love you bring
makes me want to sing

Sing is what I will do
if I can be with you.

Not just in my dreams at night
I'll never let you out of my sight.

But for now I will love you from afar.

From: scqueen
Date: 9 February 2001

Riggs ~ 'Sad Girl' - well written

Madison ~ Loved the line from 'Downstairs Porch':
"another dog across the lowland barks in fours"

From: Galadrial
Date: 9 February 2001

It begins! Thanks Ali----and Micheal---your picks are the first three on your list?

From: Michael (I am a donut)
Date: 9 February 2001

Gala ~ Well, they aren't Valentine's day picks. Two of them are a little bitter for that. They just struck a strong chord in me and influenced my work..

Hmm..If I picked ones that were positive and romantic I'd have to pick a much different three. But if this is my favorites, those are it.

From: Fern Wood
Date: 9 February 2001

I am a webmaster with a site http://liveonlove.homestead.com. I would like to link to your site.Please let me know the procedure.

From: Du'Doll
Date: 9 February 2001


Wow!!! I loved your poem "the Word." It was incredible!

From: y
Date: 11 February 2001

terry, I really like your poem "long skirts and peppermint memories." My Nana died a year ago this Sunday and I really miss her. There are family friends who think I do not go and put flowers on her grave enough (they get upset, there is not this sign of her being remembered), but I know she is not there. Why would I visit her there when she is part of me? When I miss her and can't find her voice within me, I look to heaven for her. I do not search for her beneath the cold hard ground of winter, in a barren land of stones and statues. If she is watching and wants a sign of remembrance, she will look to my life, not for a flower on her grave. She always had those white and red peppermints (in her pocket, in her purse, in a small dish). Thank you for the gift, your poem, bringing to me your thoughts and memories, and my thoughts and memories.

From: terry
Date: 11 February 2001

y~ You are very welcome. My Gran's death was the hardest period I've ever gone through. Much tougher than my own recent illness. And I agree with your remarks about cemetaries and flowers. I feel Gran in my actions all time, and realize many times over how much her love effected the foundation of my world growing up. Her refuge off unconditional love was the security that allowed me to flourish later.

From: Ali
Date: 11 February 2001

Niki~ I loved 'Neighbours'...you write so well...I loved it!!!
Love and smiles, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 11 February 2001

B.K.~ 'Moon Sickness' was awesome...I liked it a lot!

Love and dreams, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 11 February 2001

oh no, there she (BK) goes again with the food and I refuse to take any blame :-)

From: Galadrial
Date: 11 February 2001

Oh...like it's my fault? I write two stinking poems about kitchens, and I got her started again?

From: B.K.
Date: 11 February 2001

Ok You Two; First Gala plays around in the kitchen and then scqueen brings home the orange creams. You should have seen the recipe for moon pies I did have planned...LOL Would have made Martha Stewart jealous...HA Just be glad my computer ate it..HA HA But still, it's the both of yours fault. Just think, only 64 more recipes and I will have my book written.


From: Galadrial
Date: 11 February 2001

BK is a kitchen wench, Bk is a kitchen wench.....

From: BK again
Date: 12 February 2001

Takes one to know one...HA HA HA Can't help it if I love dark chocolate with creme centers...Yum and this year they might even have jewels in them...HA Someone just brought me some "From Russia With Buzz," you gotta try it. Ben and Jerrys best coffee ice cream..god its wonderful. Now I'm doing commercials, while pigging out. Tomorrow it's back to being sensible. (yeah right) 100 sit ups and two miles on the trail. ugh!

Date: 12 February 2001

Come on Deeva tell us too.

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 12 February 2001

*smirks at the annoymous one* nope nothing.

ummm and in the poem.... layed = laid, just some folks can't spell!

From: the shark (ibrake4chum@yahoo.com)
Date: 12 February 2001

~swishing tail furiously~

See, this is the deal: the shark is tired--tired of swimming around the same old ocean, tired of reading all these trite poems (a lot of you get an A for effort, but, come on fellas!). Please, for the LOVE OF SHAMU, someone catch me and send me to Sea World or something. Enough is enough. The shark wants some real live audiences cheering him on, some perky co-eds, some hot dolphins, some biggie-size Wendy's frosties, some good bloody bait, some tuna. In short, a good time. Sharks need action, too.

From: Ga;adrial
Date: 12 February 2001


Some might applaud your honesty...but frankly, it's just a little stream of consciousness in my book.

And as to our efforts...hey pal...Blender of Love and all that? Gotta expect it to be a bit frilly at times.

Maybe you can do a Blender of Relationship Angst? In any event, you sound like a fun date.


From: B.K.
Date: 12 February 2001

Misti: Your Auntie Gala will teach you how to cook and your Auntie BK will teach you how to eat out and have dessert later...LOL LOL Right Gala? (kidding of course) But Darlin girl I love your work just the way it is.

From: BK again
Date: 12 February 2001

Mr Shark: Humm you know there are other Poetry sites that swim faster than us. Thats why we like it here. It's a nice diverse aquarium with lots of fish styles and we could use a nice tame shark that only nibbles but chunks well..I think Purina is looking for sharks, for chunky cat food.


From: B.K
Date: 12 February 2001

Now that was not like me..Ha back up here and lets start over. Mr Shark, if you have a new chunky style to show us, please do so, don't tell us we should be like that, allow us our own voices, but by all means show us the style or where we can see it. There thats better.

From: Riggs
Date: 12 February 2001

Careful Gala

There is a lot to be said for relationship angst and its ability to inspire poetry.

(this is not to suggest that i am in support of the sort people who seem feel that being deliberately controversial really quite a jolly and amusing passtime.)

From: scqueen
Date: 12 February 2001

Ok shark, come clean. Are you anyone we know? Jack? Gup? Riggs???

From: Galadrial
Date: 12 February 2001


Get back here! No hug for Auntie Gala? And it's valentine's week and everything (sniffle).I know I'm old...but not even a hello?

And yes Riggs---I am well aware of the creative potential of angst...but is cannibalism a required factor in poetry?


From: B.K.
Date: 12 February 2001

The shark has churned up the waters and chunked off. I think shark, that love is a lot harder than Vegas and Spring Break attitude. That whole chunk that runs thru, only feeds an instant gratification. Maybe real love is what you crave instead of chunky. Real love is in bites that keep you wanting more and changes to sadness when it gets rough. The expressions of relationships in all their forms is very hard work. You need to show us whats under your shark skin suit. Then maybe we can take you seriously.

From: Elaina
Date: 12 February 2001

Ali~ Wow! I'm glad you're writing more now. Seems your muse has come back stronger than ever, wonderful work...I really liked 'through my eyes' really wonderful. I felt that one.


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 12 February 2001

2 Elaina~"nightmare of her"
Everything you said was so true...
Good job

2 Deevaa~ "Why ruin there fun"
It had a nice twist to it!
liked it

From: Nightrider
Date: 12 February 2001

Wing, I love your last peom, actually I love all the poems
that you have written lately. "Whisper my Name" was
really incredible, please write more. I can't read
enough of it!!! :o)

From: jack
Date: 12 February 2001

ouchy lol thanks but i only nibble a little, lol i like the idea of being a well umm manta ray lol yes i like that idea heh jack the manta lol beats being a true squid but thanks any way scQueen

From: scqueen
Date: 12 February 2001

ok, Jack's off the hook (no pun intended)- Gup? Riggs? Any confessions? Or could this shark be female? hmmmm...

From: the shark
Date: 12 February 2001

Cats? I eat cats. I creep up real slow and swallow them whole. (Meow.) (Here kitty kitty.) And forget trying to figure out who I am. I'm the shark, fools.

From: Sharon Leon, princessleon@hotmail.com
Date: 12 February 2001

Hi all. I have a question. About three years ago I posted a poem to the blender. I have gone over everything trying to find it again but have been unsuccessful. It must be out there because I received an email from someone who had read it just a few months ago. That email prompted me to start composing again. In the last week or so I've posted two. I'd forgotten what it can do to your life to be creative and get out your feelings.

Is there a search feature that I am unaware of? I noticed that there is one month back in the first year that the link is broken. My luck that is where my poem is.

If someone would like to also fill me in on how this whole thing works I'd appreciate that also. How are the selections made for the "front pagers" I've been reading about?

Thanks in advance,

From: Robbie Cope Rob_EF@hotmail.com
Date: 12 February 2001

I would like to post one of my poems if you would take it. My friends say i'm a quiet good writer and I would like to know if others thing this too, I'm only 15 but people say it's as if i've been writing all my life and longer, well he is one of my poems titled Oh Stars. Sorry for spacing and all but my poem is better like this for me.
I looked to you oh distant stars,
Console and comfort me please,
Orion, oh mighty hunter,
What wisdom have you for this lonely man?
Shall I hang my hope upon your belt?
Orion’s ponderous gaze shifts to me,
Deep and slow his words come,
“ Forget about your lost love mortal… come and join me in my hunt, we will
purge your anger and sorrow with the blood of the hunt, and the thrill of the kill. So say I.”
So saying, Orion draws his bow, and looses a shooting star across the evening sky,
Then lets loose a blast from his hunter’s horn and returns to his hunt.
Oh stars, are there others amongst you who might answer my cry?
Mighty Draco, what would you advise?
The dragon’s withering gaze turned to me,
And it roared in an awful voice,
“ I care not what you do mortal! You love at your own peril, and I care naught about your pain, be wise and be alone, so says Draco!”
The dragon roars and twist back to its rightful position.
Is this the vaunted wisdom of the stars? None of this will help!
And then, Cassiopeia leans down from her seat in the stars, So she can gently whisper in my ear,
“ Young, dear mortal, your short life gives your emotions a fire that we
cannot match…. Do not let this put your fire out… Use your pain and make something beautiful if you can.”
So saying, she gestures at the sky… and the Aurora Borealis glows at me as I stare in silent wonder, and now gratitude. The lights dance and flicker across the sky, the colors weaving. Thank you Cassiopeia!
She nods and smiles, slip back into her place.
So I journeyed home to try her advice,
And here I sit with a pen.

~Robbie Cope

Please let me know what you all think of this. Although this is not the best of poems it's about, if you haven't guessed, my losing of a my love of 3 years. Thank you for reading my poem.

From: the guppy
Date: 12 February 2001

i'm no shark...and frankly i'm a little pissed off that this shark person wasn't around a few years ago when i was begging people to take my psycho cat away from me...he would have made a tender little morsel of sharkchow methinks


From: scqueen
Date: 12 February 2001

See gup, beacuse of the cat comments, I thought it was you.
I give up...

From: scqueen
Date: 12 February 2001

It's affecting my spelling and everything!

From: Ali
Date: 12 February 2001

Elaina~ Thanks!!!! Glad you liked them...I really liked your new one...keep writing!!! Love and stars, Ali

From: the shark
Date: 12 February 2001


No, you're not me. At least the last time I checked. I don't know who I am a lot of the time. Things get turned around, mixed up, muddied to the point where I can't see anymore. I go on scent and instinct, minute vibrations in the water. You're on the beach alone, roar of the surf all around like a seashell held to your ear, thinking of nothing in particular - and I'm there. I'm your world. All of a sudden. All me. Women sense the hunger so they stay away. That's a mistake. I can love them like you've never been loved before and never will be again. I can make them feel like they're up there floating in the Milky Way and then in some forgotten cavern way at the bottom of the ocean. Women don't understand me. But that's alright. I don't want understanding. Some ask if what they're feeling is love or merely lust. I say, Why choose? So remember, I'm closer than you think - but don't come looking for me. I'll find you - if you're lucky. But I digress. I like your stuff, gup-man. Keep churning the waters. Oh, and Ali, are you seeing anyone at the moment? Just wondering.

Date: 12 February 2001


Sometimes change is good. But make sure it's for the right reasons. Make sure it's for you, and no one else.

From: the shark
Date: 12 February 2001

Yeah, I have something to say about change. Women are always changing their minds. Why can't they decide what they're thinking? Why do they always feel the need to throw heavy things at me?

I don't know anything, when it comes right down to it. I'm as in the dark as everyone else. You women know where to find me. As the poet William Blake so memorably noted, "The road of excess leads to the palace of the shark." 'Nuff said.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 12 February 2001

Shark, play nice.

I'm sure there might be a nice lady shark out there for you, but hunting in these waters isn't appreciated. If you come across as a menace measures may be taken.

From: Angel (angeltatum@hotmail.com)
Date: 13 February 2001

Excellent Valentine commentary. Hail to the memories of the grade school Valentines box...


From: Du'Doll
Date: 13 February 2001


You are a confussed little boy that is bitter, just because you have been hurt in the past. If I was like you I would be so angry at the male race. I have been cheated on in every realationship I have ever been in, but I am not like you. I still believe that there are good people out there. Oh and by the way, women do know what they want, they just never know how to go about getting it. I know what I want, I am just waiting for it to come swimming along and devour me!!!!!

From: Galadrial
Date: 13 February 2001

Hey gang---

The hobbits have re-worked the Valentine's page of the garden...so if you thought you had seen it...ta da!


A very happy Valentines to the lovers and dreamers who make this place something special. And today is the last day to sub me your "Best of Blender" list...so get hopping...KEV? GUP? RIGGS? ANGEL? AND DEVIN, I know you're out there...yikes! I didn't do mine yet!


PS---Today is Valentines Day for Dee and Riggs---you figure 100 e cards a piece? :)

From: gardenguru, gardenguru@yahoo.com
Date: 13 February 2001

Ya' know what bugs ME about this "shark" guy? He's intelligent. Seemingly quite intelligent. He has style (certainly, at least, poetic style). He uses big words appropriately and, here's the big one, he SPELLS ALL HIS WORDS CORRECTLY.

More so, nothing wrong with an edginess to poetry (although four-letter words show tokenism and that one has missed an opportunity to accept the challenge of finding a better way to express the true edginess). Even his black and sometimes morbid metaphors, the ones that make many here uncomfortable, have a place. Such an "edge" may inspire the better writers here to try something beyond the familiar.

What bugs me, what really bothers me, though, is that this intense soul can't trust his written works (his poems and prose and "ramblings") to speak for him.

For some reason, he finds it necessary to explain (defend?) his intensity, to explain his life, to spew idiotic sexist generalities, and, worse, to denigrate others. And the blatant flirting is simply way too silly.

I'm reminded of "Good Will Hunting" -- an intelligent young man struggling in a perpetual duel against insecurities and a giant chip on his shoulder. The almost-hero can't find real happiness and success in himself; he must knock others while slipping in hints of his own greatness. It comes off as pseudo-beatnik, tormented James Dean-esque.

Ah, but I come off as pseudo-psychologist. Enough.

The real crime is that this possibly great writer will engage in his new battle here (and maybe go home with some ladies who fall for "bad boys") and will eventually tire of the debates or, worse, will get booted from the forum. And will gain nothing from it. Nor us.

I don't understand the need to use this forum as a stage for one's ego. It is too much of an opportunity for betterment.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 13 February 2001

M. guru,
VERY well-said...

Mme. Gala,
I'll try my best...


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 13 February 2001

2 Shark~ I especially liked
"so MucH siLenCe (and LittLe eLse)"
I think I can relate to the feeling
Left alone behind
And I cling to the only thing I have the memories
Nobody understands my pain nobody understand my way of thinking...
Is that what you meant?
I loved the last line
"if I'm so demonic
tell me why my brutal heart
is breaking."
I'm getting the feeling your not that demonic..
So now you tell me
What's the deal with you
How did life treat you?
It looks like nobody knows who U r...?
Name pls...

From: the shark the shark65@excite.com
Date: 13 February 2001


I'm flattered by your comments. My story is too long to tell. And too painful. I use what I've gone through for my art, and for that alone I am thankful. I only ask that people who find what I've posted and submitted to be offensive that they consider the very nature of "art" itself. Reality fuels creation, but all art is ultimately clever fiction. I take consolation in the fact that so many of the great writers - especially in this century - were at first not understood by their contemporaries. "Ulysses" could not even be published in Joyce's own Ireland. And need I remind everyone that Henry Valentine Miller could only be published in France? Alas, it seems that America is still way too philistine for the likes of the shark. But you flatter me, Niki. I have a great respect for your work, too. I have become used to hatred and misunderstanding, so it's nice to find someone who does get it in these deep and murky seas.

From: Blender Betta splendens
Date: 13 February 2001

A *true* artist may 'get used' to his/her detractors, but must also accept that people may not 'get' it. Many an artist cannot accept that, and so become a recluse from the community by ostracism or choice. When (IF) you become published in France, let us know. We'll then consider you an artiste.

From: Derrick Benson derrick@n2football.com
Date: 13 February 2001

Great site! Your story of the old people has really touched me, I wpray I find someone that special in my life.

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001


Nice comments. If that was an attack, it sure felt good. As to the question of my intelligence, last time I checked I tested out to 173. And I am familiar with the objections to four-letter words. All I can say to this is that you need to re-read your Chaucer and Marvell and Lawrence. The presence of expletives in poetry does not automatically render it "smut." Lack of artistry does. True art makes no apologies or pretense. I make no apologies. Judge my art on its merits or lack thereof. Do not judge me. You do not know me.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 13 February 2001


So far, I have the top 3 picks from
Ali, Terry, Deevaa, Scqueen.
That's it! Either Gala has some of the rest, or they accidentally got lost and you have to resend (sorry!)

So, since it's so late, here's what to do:
send directly to me at
Just the following information is all I want or need:
Your blender board alias
The URLs of your 3 picks. Please make sure the URLs
are correct, though.

This page is a really cool idea, actually. Maybe we can start a tradition. Next time though I'll make a webpage to make it easier all around.

From: jack
Date: 13 February 2001

shark lol ... I make no apologies. Judge my art on its merits or lack thereof. Do not judge me. You do not know me.
lol good line this heh u walk a fine line between intelligent and naive lol good job on the bad boy lost routine did you study this tactic or does it come natural?

From: deevaa
Date: 13 February 2001

Kirk, I think its a great idea!

From: Ali
Date: 13 February 2001

Shark~ I just wanted to say that I love your poems...I think you write very beautifully...I really feel what you are saying, in your writing...I guess that's the whole point of poetry,conveying a feeling, but your poetry has a tendecy to move me...hits a nerve or something like that...Anyway, great work...=) Love and Light, Ali

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001


You're too cynical for my blood, buddy. And that's saying something. You're not funny, either.


What can I say? I'm an admirer of you, too. Your fresh optimism reminds me of something I lost long ago. I've even shed a tear or two reading your stuff, something I haven't done since I left my ex.

From: gardenguru
Date: 13 February 2001

Gosh, shark, I'm not sure I "judged" you. I said you denigrated people (individuals and whole cultures). Which you did and still do. No "judgement". I said you use sexist remarks. Which you did and probably still will. No "judgement". I said you were an "intense soul". Which you have admitted in so many words. No "judgement". I said you "explain and defend your intensity". Which you've already done in many ways. No "judgement". And you "blatantly flirt". No "judgement".

I said that I am reminded of a movie and its main character. Which I am. No "judgement".

I did say that you are "seemingly quite intelligent". This may be, forgive me, a "judgment". I also said that I believe you will "tire of these debates here or get booted". Probably another judgement -- not so much of you but, rather, of the circumstances.

Your "art" does, indeed, merit critical reading. I've said that. But, as you say, I do NOT know you. That's why I offer my perception of what you say in your intentionally dramatic comments posted here. You are, as you plan, a provocateur. You provoke comments and, yes, judgement. Not just on your poetry but on your comments themselves. You wallow in the good words and philosophically dismiss the critical.

By the way, I checked with MENSA and I can't find a "shark" on the membership list.

I also called my good friends Chaucer and Lawrence (I'm afraid I don't know Marvell). They sure did use sexually explicit (for the times) language in their writings. But, they tell me, they NEVER lowered themselves to insulting peoples nor self promotion.

I don't remember suggesting you apologize for your poetic work. That would be silly.

I do not wish to "attack" you. That's definitely not my point. I can see the deep philosophical bent in you. Which reminds me of a favorite saying of the Master, Confucius: "Humility is the final achievment".

From: gardenguru
Date: 13 February 2001

Forgive me, all, for my soapboxes and dissertations. Tell me, please, if I'm exhausting you.

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001

Not at all, Mr. Guru. Your observations are fascinating and well-presented. You're obviously quite intelligent yourself.
But I must ask you, how in the world have I denigrated cultures?!

From: jack
Date: 13 February 2001

ah shark lol its quite the reverse im sure

Date: 13 February 2001

I would like to know what Happens to the old stuff that goes under the new submissions?

Date: 13 February 2001

I would like to know what happened to a poem that is called to be with you by dboyd3@prodigy.com

From: B.K.
Date: 13 February 2001

Shark: Since when did misogyny become art. You set women back hundreds of years and owe us all a very big apology. Then you try to reverse it to sensitivity, what bull droppings. Any woman that deals with you has to be very weak minded or apat to repeat what your hiker said...YOU NEED HELP!

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001

Ah B.K.... For one thing, the shark ISN'T any "one thing." I am indeed something that should disturb you, but I'm also a furry teddy bear. I'm a collection of all the contradictions that anyone who is ALIVE out there contains within themselves. I have nothing but love for the women of the world. Sometimes I don't know what to do with all this love. My heart bleeds daily, and if that occasionally makes me appear to be anti-woman, then I can bear no responsibility for that. As Walt Whitman said (though not about the shark), "I contain multitudes."

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 13 February 2001

shark, from one high-IQ-on-paper-at-least guy to another, tread lightly man. You've probably grown up noticing you're smarter than most of the folk around you, but your poetry sounds like you're going through the same stage of angst as a lot of other smart people.

The Valentine's Day Picks page is up, see the link on the front page.

Speaking of the frontpage, I revamped it a bit. All the past issues are now in a select box, it was just getting to big and cluttered. Feedback welcome.

Just had some of my current winter fav, milk + kahlua + bailey's, (I'm surprise how tipsy a mug of that can make me) and I was still able to code up the new front page and the perl script to do the bounce (well, it's a pretty trivial script, but still)

From: scqueen (your conscience speaking)
Date: 13 February 2001

and Kirk ~ would the above drink indicate a slipping diet or
just an occasional treat?

From: scqueen
Date: 13 February 2001

P.S. I like the revamp, but at first I thought you'd done away with the Blender Board! Dammit, give us some kind of warning before change - you know our lives depend on it :-)

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 13 February 2001

PS if you think you're a blender (semi-) regular, and you had three picks you wanted to see on the Valentine page, e-mail me and I'll see about adding them in

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001

Criticism well-taken, man. Sometimes the shark gets too big for his britches. You've made me thirsty. I'm going to make a run for the liquor store now.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 13 February 2001

sorry about that. Yeah, I rearranged the frontpage a bit (wasn't planning to ahead of time) I try to make it roughly reflect what I most want people to use.

And my diet's not very fascist. A mug of the above ain't violating the rules anyway. I mean, above all it needs to be a sustainable diet, one I can live with for the rest of my life. And is life without milk and kahlua and bailey's really worth living? Still, I've lost...mmm, about 12 lbs since Jan 1.

I'm not as vegetarian as I thouhgt I could be either. Still no red meat, and not that much meat over all, but I just can't give up a "Colorodo Chicken" burrito grande from Boca Grande.

From: Spirit's Joy
Date: 13 February 2001

Shark, hey I see you for who you are, even through all of your words and painful memories. Sometimes the pain feels like you will never be able to make it through the day, let alone the night. But you know what, there are people out there that just want to help you. I don't know you personally, but I am praying for you. You may not care at all about what some "religious" freak says on the Love Blender, but prayer is more powerful then any human could even imagine. I love the person you are because God made you in His own image. The hard core attitude that you try to portray can't hide the pain that you must be feeling. Keep fighting, don't let the shark of your ocean pull you down under the waves.

From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001

Spirit's Joy,

Thanks, man. You've given me something to think about. It's good to see that people like yourself are out there in this messed-up world.

From: PT Barnum
Date: 13 February 2001

Theres A New Sucker Born Every Minute

From: Galadrial
Date: 13 February 2001


Mr Guppy! Do I count SIX picks!

And Mr. Terry! Wow....

Thanks to all for the Valentine's special---it was interesting to see what would turn up...

And thank you Kahuna, for letting us, and setting up a cool page!


From: the shark
Date: 13 February 2001

Mr. Barnum,

I just want to say that I saw your circus with my little nephew last summer and was really impressed. You really know how to put on a show! And those clowns on the unicycles never fail to crack me up...

From: the shark
Date: 14 February 2001

Oh...one more thing. Love the Valentine's Day Special! There sure are some great writers at this site. Kudos to you, Gala, for coming up with such a winning idea.

From: B.K
Date: 14 February 2001

Happy Valentines Day You All!

What a wonderful day, I got word from my man that he's growing stronger. I am the happiest woman alive right now. The best Valentine present a woman could get, that and five rare red orchids about to bloom. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day as well!


From: B.K
Date: 14 February 2001

Happy Valentines Day You All!

What a wonderful day, I got word from my man that he's growing stronger. I am the happiest woman alive right now. The best Valentine present a woman could get, that and five rare red orchids about to bloom. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day as well!


From: terry
Date: 14 February 2001

Kirk~ I like the trimmed down front page alot. Especially the navigation box.....ever thought about adding a search feature there too? Would sure be handy for those of us who cannot remember what month something was posted...

And thank you for the Valentine Day picks everyone. I was shocked, pleased and humbled too speechless!

Thank you all!
(...and a cool new tradition is born Kirk, thank you Gala!)

From: the guppy
Date: 14 February 2001

Wow, everybody. Thank you. I sometimes wonder if my best truly romantic pieces met an unjust fate of dusty shoeboxes in distant closets. I'm truly happy that my work is enjoyed by other people here.

I'm not a romance poet, but I know love.

Thanks for the honor,

b.k.---Which orchids are about to bloom???...do tell

From: Riggs
Date: 14 February 2001

Mr Shark.

As much as I hate getting drawn into the mud slinging matches that happen hereabouts occasionally, I feel the need to tell you that your act is wearing damn thin buddy.

An heavy drinking heavy smoking brilliant but tortured artistic soul who can't seem to escape his weaknesses???
Come on man, if it were true you wouldn't be bragging about it by dropping those frequent and not so subtle hints.

"You've made me thirsty. I'm going to make a run for the liquor store now."

Kurt Cobain meets Dylan Thomas huh? Jim Morrison crossed with Janis Joplin? An Andrew Wood Brian Jones hybrid?

Come on man. Angst is my favourite subject. You can verify it with any of the people who contribute to this page. I know perfectly well what it's like to be bitter and disillusioned. Finding a focus for your anger is the hardest thing in the world. But how about making an effort not to rub people up the wrong way huh?

From: Angel
Date: 14 February 2001


From: the shark
Date: 14 February 2001

Mr. Riggs,

First of all, I don't have an "act", I have a life. Am I perfect? No. Do I have what some might call a drinking problem? Probably. But do not question why I do what I do, sir. I suggest you go through half of what I have in my short life. I suggest you lose your high school sweetheart in a freak hunting accident at 18; I suggest you get to see your beloved pet golden retriever since childhood run over by a garbage truck. Etc. Oh, and "making an effort not to rub people the wrong way" is just a wordy and euphemistic way of saying "kiss ass".

Everyone else,

Sorry about that. Don't want to tarnish this wonderful day, but it needed to be said. True, I'm not technicially "with" anyone this Valentine's Day, but that doesn't mean I can't dream and hope. And read poetry that stirs my soul. Thank you, all - this site is a veritable island paradise amid the vast and stormy seas that are my life.

From: Spirit's Joy
Date: 14 February 2001

Shark, I am not a man, I am a woman! It doesn't really matter though!

From: Stephen King Love Page
Date: 14 February 2001

From: the shark (ibrake4chum@yahoo.com)
Date: 12 February 2001
~swishing tail furiously~

See, this is the deal: the shark is tired--tired of swimming around the same old ocean, tired of reading all these trite poems (a lot of you get an A for effort, but, come on fellas!). Please, for the LOVE OF SHAMU, someone catch me and send me to Sea World or something. Enough is enough. The shark wants some real live audiences cheering him on, some perky co-eds, some hot dolphins, some biggie-size Wendy's frosties, some good bloody bait, some tuna. In short, a good time. Sharks need action, too.

Shark, you insult us and now we are an island of wonderful to your lost soul. It says loveblender not CREEP ME OUT on the page.

From: Lucy (The pHyciAtRisT is In)
Date: 14 February 2001

You barely got scars, go kiss a new dog, we've all seen snoopy die. As for death of a loved one well thats life. You are quite a young shark aren't you? Well, fella, you have not seen the real hooks life can give you yet. Better prepare yourself now..LOL Quit your wailing, go read, "How To Win Friends and Influence People."

From: the shark
Date: 14 February 2001

Okay, you've figured me out. The shark is complicated. The shark is not nearly as simple as you'd like. As an aside, I would like to say that (some of) you folks are just brutal. You don't know the HALF of my life story. Oh, and quit using phony names to convey your angst over me. I know you're regulars who are too cowardly to come out in the open. Don't be so scared of me! I don't bite. Happy Valentine's Day - even to you idiots who hate me. Everyone deserves love.

From: It Ain't Easy Being Green
Date: 14 February 2001

Sure Shark and eveyone wants to swim with a shark and have the Marquis De Sade come visit on Valentines Day as well. Women want men that need to have restraining orders taken out for them, now thats a real Valentines Day treat. Bad boys only seem to work if you are Brad Pitt and it's only a movie. There are plenty of big IQ's under the bridge. Go visit and see. There are also plenty of us here that can match your angst bone for bone and then some buddy, but we choose to see life differently. Its like playing pool, you need to know what angle it takes to get the ball into the pocket. So far all your balls are square.

From: the guppy
Date: 14 February 2001

this is getting annoying. no, i take that back, this is already annoying. it's evident that shark has said a few things that could be considered offensive. it seems ridiculous for him to be surprised that people react to such things. i'm venturing a guess that it's by design, and that the "stirring things up" game would probably end if met with silence.

i imagine my above comments will be met with some sort of chess move to alter some invented position, or maybe an accusation of judgement, or profession of complexity. those would be wasted words. i do not care. i'm just annoyed.


From: Madison
Date: 14 February 2001

I got goosebumps (see that?) when I clicked to the Valentine’s page to find scqueen and Angel had picked something of mine as a favorite, thank you guys : )

From: scqueen
Date: 14 February 2001

Madison ~ You deserve it. I've gotten goosebumps a couple of times from your work so we're even :-)

From: deevaa
Date: 14 February 2001

after a lot of stress, I finally got my homepage updated... there are several things that need tweeking, that I totally didn't have patience for last night, but they'll get cleaned up over the next few days... also there are some links to paintings missing because I couldn't find the scans, but as always I'd love some feedback.


... thankyou to Riggs who kindly let me use some of his poetry.

Take care of your hearts.


oh Gala, Cassandra isn't up yet, I can't remember if you gave me permission to include your words?

From: Angel
Date: 14 February 2001

Madison, "Dancing Down 6th Street", was one of the few poems this year that I made room for on my hard drive. I loved it from the moment I first read it and have reread it many times. Choosing only three from a whole year of Blender submissions was soooooo hard and I had to rely on choosing from the ones I troubled myself enough to save to my personal Blender collection. Narrowing it down that way saved me the trouble of rereading a years worth of poetry lol.

Kirk, it would be so nice to have a file system that goes by author rather than just the month of submission. I did have a poem in mind by Rennie lorca that I had somehow failed to save and have forgotten the title of and for the life of me could not remeber month of submission :) A quick look through her titles would have refreshed my memory.

From: the shark
Date: 14 February 2001

these words will probably be wasted on you and from the amount of time I've been here I've figured out that you're the Brad Pitt of this site, but I don't know what your problem is. all I've done is posted a few lousy comments and submitted some poems. I feel confident that the poems I have submitted are far better than a lot of other submissions by poets who shall remain nameless. by the way, your mouse poem didn't seem inspired by love or romance.
anyway, I am not some random jerk ranting in this forum. I have shared my vulnerability and insights with total strangers. all this ire is unexpected. I'm reminded of grade school. this place is one big clique. I'm moving on to bigger and better waters. fans can still e-mail me at theshark65@excite.com. I love hearing from you people. makes my day.

From: Ali
Date: 14 February 2001


Secondly, ok, here goes...Ok, there has been a lot of mean things said ...and it's not nice! At the risk of sounding like a completly naive little cheeseball, can't we all just get along? There's all this harsh banter, going back and forth, there's a lot of not nice things being said, and it bothers me...I know that things aren't always nice, but isn't this a place to be kind? Maybe I'm way off base, maybe I'm being silly...It is just upseting to me, that there is this discord, right now...Everyone here writes amazingly, and I love it here...everyone has been great to me...but things have been said, that I don't think are very nice...and I just don't think that meaness is right...Okay, well, I think that I'm done ranting now...

Love and light, Ali

From: Kirk
Date: 14 February 2001

Shark, for me guppy isn't the local Brad Pitt or whatever, he's a poet writer who has a higher respect than average for words and their usage, and while IMHO his work isn't universally stellar, I think on average it says more things in more interesting ways than the stuff you presented. (in particular, it's not quite as fixated on a single topic, unlike the shark theme that carries through most of your work. Maybe that's not entirely fair, good artists do tend tend to explore one mode or style for a while (ala Picasso's blue period, etc) and we haven't seen as representative a sampling of your work as we have his, but still. Your genius is not as instantly recognizable in most of your work as you seem to think it is.

From: The Regulars
Date: 14 February 2001

Ali - We were provoked, dontcha think?

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 14 February 2001

Angel, making a better organizational system has been a long term todo for a while. But to do that it would probably need an entire login/account system for authors.

A search engine is a possibility to. I once had one about 75% done. Maybe I'll take another stab at it soon.

From: Angel
Date: 14 February 2001

Guppy~"Decoration", keen to the senses; I could hear your heart break.

From: Angel
Date: 14 February 2001

Kirk, I would love a login for authors, for many reasons;) sounds good to me.

From: None
Date: 14 February 2001

I read a poem the other day called Oh Stars on the newly submited poems and I looked for it today and i don't see it there, would the author of the poem please repost it. Your poem really made me feel good about the loss of my girl friend.

From: Rob
Date: 14 February 2001

I've reposted my Oh Stars None. And thanks for reading it, I'm glad one person read it at least.

From: Ali
Date: 14 February 2001

'The Regulars'~ Yes, I must agree that you were provoked...but, honestly, do two wrongs make a right? I wasn't saying that one person was wrong, and another not, I was just upset that there has been such unpleasantness, shall we say. Perhaps, I have not been here long enough to have made a comment, like I did... Love and dreams, Ali

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 14 February 2001

I know that some people like to fight their own battles, and I know that the best way to make an attention seeker to quit is to ignore them, however I find the allusion in 'mice are nice' offensive and want to say so, loud and clear.


From: the guppy
Date: 14 February 2001

shark---email me at kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com if you want to talk. my problem is just annoyance by constant bickering on the board. your writing is good, you have definite talent.


From: fugu
Date: 14 February 2001

the fugu is in the water...

From: distant moon
Date: 15 February 2001

Hi everyone, i'm sorry for not like, ever writing to anyone or telling anyone how much I enjoyed their poetry, i've been busy...but I will be silent no more :-)
First of all, happy valentine's day to everyone who, much like myself, didn't HAVE a valentine, and all the rest of you as well, I GUESS ;-)...

the fact that no one reads my stuff (i know this, cause, well, i went back 800 days on the board and searched for my name, and aside from the astronaut thing, it's rarely on there, but that's a neat feature)....I'm not offended, I write for me, and in hopes that someday I will achieve greatest (i.e. the blender frontpage thing)

Now, on to what i liked:

jack - I liked savage

Tanqueray Cowboy - wow, My Valentine's Day Surprise is wonderful

the guppy - WOW!..."many days have passed in this life / most i have lived / and some i have just related to" Rehearsed....to hearse again is a great poem...and then not to be outdown by yourself you wrote Rodentia...which, i must say I don't fully understand, but...i like it "you're your own slave"

Ok, and there are more, but I'm tired...it's 1:19am and i've got class in tomorrow afternoon, so...you all have a great day and I'll talk to you again sometime.

From: Christopher Lake
Date: 15 February 2001


Your talent awes me. I'll never write a sonnet that good--and I've spent many years trying. And that was your first! Wow!

(She's the brains in the family, folks...)

From: terry
Date: 15 February 2001

jack~ 'savage' was great, the message greater! Keep your unique style, it is much better than contrived imitation ANY DAY....

guppy~ I've learned to consume your writing in great big gulps, taking time to discover the layers with subsequent reading. As an artist you always make me see things as you do for that instant when a 'light bulb' moment occurs ...

shark~ A belated welcome to the Blender. There are some gems hidden witin your work. It takes courage to reveal glimpsess of your real self behind such a carefully crafted image. But poetry has a way of doing that doesn't it...

distant moon~ Don't jump to conclusions. There are a lot more people reading your work than you suspect. I have been very remiss with comments lately, but I do read it all...

Ali~ You are certainly entitled to your opinions, and you are saying that you hate conflicts of any kind. I tend to think there is room for a bit of tension on the board as long as we are all civil and respect one another. I certainly respect your opinion, ven shark's though I disagree with his facade....keep the light and love flowing.

Angel~ Thank you for making my poem one of your picks...I am humbled and surprised...and I don't know about the others, but narrowing the picks down to 3 for a whole year was purt 'near impossible for me! I had over 100 'favorites' saved to disk....lol. And thank you all again who chose my writing. It is a great honor given the great talent at this site...


From: Galadrial
Date: 15 February 2001


How do I put this? Thank you. Yup. Good start.
But I never in a million years...Thanks guys. I'm always a bit stunned when someone likes my work. But this...yikes. And it was incredibly hard to pick. I kept wanting room for something by Calypso, or Shady Girl or Dev....Riggs...Slug...Angel...Megs (HI girl!) It's like the Baskin Robbins of love poetry in here. And I love to taste them all!


From: BK
Date: 15 February 2001

Gup: I loved rodentia, very well done. As for the orchid, I have been looking for the article I brought back with it. Alas I put it in a book and there are just too many books here..LOL The orchid I think is a vanda and it's not the orchid but the color that is rare. We shall soon see.

Misti: I love your sonnets, the first is my favorite.

Jack: Wow, savage is wonderful

Distant Moon: Glad to see you back

Hey Rob: Welcome to the blender. Your writing about the stars was very nice. I love everything about stars.

Shark: Try writing something that will make Front Page Pick, make the regulars around here go wow, and earn some respect. Thats fair man. This is not a clique, they let anyone post around here as long as they respect others rights as well.



From: Angel
Date: 15 February 2001

Why would you think that, Distant moon, you are rapidly becoming one of my favorites. I just have so little time. I am a housewife, a mother, a webmaster, a not so good part-time poet, a friend, a lover of life, a pet owner, a chauffer, a school marm flunky, an enterprising not so young woman who is having a hard time balancing everything and I feel I am on the edge of a SCREAMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...remember MUNCH...or is that CRUNCH...LOL...Ya know, the 'SCREAM MAN' ...that's me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:) But I do try. Also, it is not only the duty of us regulars to be the commentors;)

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 15 February 2001

Someone said something that did bother me
Lucy, you said that Shark doesn't have any scars
And to "kiss a new dog, we have all seen snoopy die"
What's your problem?
I don't think you should talk like that
Losing someone ,yes even a dog, can be painfull
It hurt me when my dog died because She was my dog since I was a year old, we grew up together, she slept in my room etc, so It was the same as losing a friend
Maybe you get over it sooner
but it still hurts
And Shark said at one point that he lost his highschool sweetheart in a hunting accident
The only thing you said was "that's life"
Maybe it is
But I would rather think what you meant was
"that's life, Go on don't worry, stop wailing"
But that's BS
a lot of the people that write her have a lot of pain
Because they lost someone let's say in a relationship
Don't you think it would kill them if they lost their loved one to death FOREVER
Never hearing their laugh Never seeing those eyes
Never having their arms to wrap around you
Never again to be in their presents
or to hear their voice wisper your name
NEVER AGAIN Utterly alone you would be left in this world
If I lost the one i cared for
I would go insane
WOuldn't you If you loved someone?
It seems more that the person that's bitter here is you
Those were some harsh words..
And as for shark I think he just has a lot to deal with, a lot of pain And then you take on a strong image as if you don't care
Myabe you even start caring less about some things
But most of it is just to make the pain go away
At least I'm like that, If you talk to me
I wouldn't be the girliegirl type that you can make cry with anything you say I say fuck the world
I just needed to say that


From: Misti
Date: 15 February 2001

thanks! Chris taught me how to write sonnets over chicken fajitas yesterday. I told him I'm going to write nothing but sonnets from here on out. Probably an exaggeration.
I'm still trying to formulate a tasty recipe...

From: kevin urenda
Date: 15 February 2001

actually, having read some of "the Shark's" work, and considering those words independently of what has been written here on the Board (much of which is quite telling, and even entertaining), it is not all that bad. Kirk was correct in his assessment of that body of work written along the shark theme, but not all of what the omnivorous one has written fits within that category. Although I do agree with what Deevaa took umbrage with. To objectify persons of the opposite sex is to dehumanize them. And that is quite offensive.

From: gardenguru
Date: 15 February 2001

From the beginning, Mr. shark stepped on people. Intentionally and sometimes crudely. He was rude in many many ways. Many here tried subtly and not so subtly to get him to stop (or leave). He didn't hear, didn't care to listen, and seemingly only stoked more fires. If people's efforts to lend a civil tone to shark's nonsense are considered "one wrong on another", then I'm not sure what civility is all about.

This has nothing to do with shark's personal life and his way of exposing himself. That was an uneasiness, at worst. I am positive shark is old enough to wake up each morning and DECIDE that he has a new and better life to live. He is welcome -- indeed, encouraged -- to seek counseling or work out whatever problems he feels he has on his own. I certainly wish him well. I would hope, however, that he would get on with his life when interacting with others. As many here do.

There are few here whose very intimate lives -- some strictly passionate, some painful, some both -- do not pour from their poetry. That's what good poetry is. That's where we are "comfortable" feeling it. That one has a painful life is NO excuse for public rudeness, boorishness, vulgarities, and disrespect. And I know of many internet forums where all manner of people pretend to be something or someone else and everyone is happy with it. This is not the place.

I do suspect that shark is not an innocent. Superiority complexes aren't healthy.

Kirk: you are welcome to tell me to "shut up and write a poem, danggit!" I just may do that.

Date: 15 February 2001

To: Dark Angel

I've only recently discovered this site. I find your submissions very well written and insightful. Are there any others archived in past issues?

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 15 February 2001

2 Lisa~ "january" I loved it..

2 Du'Doll~ "An excuse to love"
Great poem..:)(

From: kevin urenda
Date: 15 February 2001

dark angel-

if you open up any of the past Blender Digests from the Blender front page, scrolling down to the bottom of each will get you to a link in the lower right hand side for "Heart-On-Sleeve Corner." Those are your archives.

Mr. guru-

Point of clarification: in no way does my previous post condone the boorish and manipulative public behavior which you (among others) address yourself to. In fact, the single "netizen" behavior I detest more than anything is the use of the anonymity allowed on the web to manipulate other people. I have seen it in IM, ICQ, chat rooms, and message boards such as this one. Being deep down a gentle soul, I have fallen prey to variants of such behavior on more than one occasion. On that point, we concur.

From: gardenguru
Date: 15 February 2001

Thanks kevin. My name is Joe, I live in Santa Maria with my wonderful and loving wife (scqueen!), and I can send you my bio. How's that for a start at minimizing anonymity (that word is almost as hard to say as anemone).

Whew, it's good to break free of the intensity I've unfortunately helped perpetuate here!

From: janette cyber_angel19_2000@yahoo.com
Date: 15 February 2001

hey. i love this web site. the poems are so good. i've wrote poems since i was 9. I'm 14 now. and i've won many awards for my poems....poetry is a part of my life i'd miss.

From: Janice <jhm_45@lycos.com>
Date: 15 February 2001

Hi, everyone.
You don't know me, but my son contributed comments and poems to this site. You knew him as "the shark." He's 38 years old and has been living with his father and I his entire adult life. The doctors tell us Thelonious is extremely bright but he has the emotional development of a twelve year old. We thought getting him an Internet account would help his social skills (that's what his therapist suggested, anyway). That was working fine for awhile. As a matter of fact, for the past several months Thelonious has told us how much he enjoyed reading the poems at "the Blender." With our encouragement and intensive therapy, Thelonious was finally able to submit comments and poems of his own. This was a major breakthrough. Or so we thought.

This morning Thelonious wouldn't come downstairs for breakfast. I thought maybe he'd been up all night on the Internet and was sleeping in. To my shock, when I went inside his bedroom he was nowhere to be found. He had taken a bag and most of his clothes and left a three-ring binder on his bed that was filled with print-outs from this site. Most of the print-outs were poems written by a person who calls himself "the guppy." Thelonious left a note saying that he needed a change of scenery. His father and I are extremely worried because Thelonious cannot fend for himself in the outside world. He has never been on his own for any length of time.

I'm just posting this comment in hopes that someone here may have some clue as to where my son may be. Did something happen here that could have set him off? Please, if anyone has any ideas or feedback I would appreciate your help. Please e-mail me at the above address. Thank you.

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 15 February 2001

2 Ali~ "half the blame" was just beautifull
I loved it...

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 15 February 2001

2 Ali~ "half the blame" was just beautifull
I loved it...

From: fugu
Date: 15 February 2001


Shark's mom writes as well as shark does!

Look out guppy -- he's coming to get ya'

Janice: I want the name of the therapist who recommended getting your son on-line as therapy. Wow!

From: Angel
Date: 15 February 2001

Squeen~'Aint Got No Firewood Blues', HA! Really cute, squeen:)

From: terry
Date: 15 February 2001

I for one think you will find Thelonius in the very same location as Janice. The brain of a creative, antisocial personality who loves to create attention for him/herself. Doesn't matter if its good or bad as long as it is...

Take off the masks, shark and come play with the grown ups...it can be alot of fun.


From: B.K
Date: 15 February 2001

I think the net police need to know the sharks bandwidth myself and maybe thats what needs to be done at this point.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 15 February 2001

To: Kevin

Thank you, all the same, but I have discovered how to access the archives. If you read the message, which was directed to Dark Angel (would that be you in alias??), I was asking if there were other submissions particular to the authorship of Dark Angel. I was, therefore, trying to avoid going thorugh ALL the archives. Again, thank you.

From: Ali
Date: 15 February 2001

Niki~ Very glad that you liked it! Your kind words always make me smile...

Love and starlight, Ali

From: laurel ahlfeld
Date: 15 February 2001

Hello all. Thought I'd come back and see how everyone is.
Happy (Day After) Valentine's Day. Here's wishing you all the love and joy in the wide world of blenders.
Love always,

From: B.K.
Date: 15 February 2001

Riggs: Loved your Valentines poem. I agree with you though I think you can handmake valentines and do things simply and still have fun, actually with more meaning. But being alone sucks for sure on Valentines Day.

Gala: Another delicious Ridge Poem! I love them all. Thank you. May we have more please?


From: Galadrial
Date: 15 February 2001

BK doll...it's momma's turn to cook tonight! Out of the kitchen!


From: B.K
Date: 15 February 2001

Darlin Gala: You did't just cook, you burned the house down too...LOL


From: Elaina
Date: 16 February 2001

Wow! Everyone I haven't had time to comment in a while, everyone seems to be doing wonderful.

Ali- Love the new ones, I fully relate

me aka niki- it seems you are going through something I went through and am partly going through right now. Just know someone does understand. Love doesn't make sense. Someone once asked me why it had to be so confusing, well, I don't know and perhaps it doesn't I've come to believe if you have to go through so much pain and heartache and trial and error then it isn't worth it. And maybe your not in love, did you ever think of that. I'm trying to convince myself that love jsut happens and when it's for real he won't walk away when we have a fight and it won't be millions of 'I'm sorrys' to get back where we started, it'll just happen. I'm rambling just thought you'd like to know I understand.


From: Chris Lake
Date: 16 February 2001

My Misti~

For the record, your first attempts at sonnets are better than anything I'll ever even CONCEIVE of. But that's ok; not everyone can be brilliant. I've come to terms with that. Being with you--us loving each other--is more than I ever hoped for and all I could ever want.

From: Michael T (parenthetically)
Date: 16 February 2001

Chris ~ Just tell Misti you married her for her brains. And beauty. :-)

From: B.K.
Date: 16 February 2001

Chris & Misti: I would say that you both write anything very well. Chris those sonnets of yours are beautiful, keep them flowing.


From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 February 2001

Just Some Girl-
no, I am just me.
also unfortunate is the fact that searching for specific poems or a body of work here can be cumbersome. Good Luck and happy hunting!

From: scqueen
Date: 16 February 2001

BK ~ 'Belated Valentine' is such a different poem for you and I really, really liked it! Good job :-)

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 16 February 2001

To: Kevin

I do have another question, maybe you can help me...do the poems and sonnets on the main blender page change? How often? Are they chosen from the main submissions or are they picked by Kirk? Perhaps I should ask Kirk...?

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 16 February 2001

2 Ali: your welcome~

2 Elaina:Thank you for your advice
I hope that your haning in there
Well actually all of this happend almost 6 months ago
But Still it hurts me
And still I think about it
I just want the pain tpo go away and I want to forget but for some reasoN I just can't
I still cry for him after 6 months
I mean, am I crazy or what
Yes I also asked myself If I was in love
And if I'm not or if I wasn't
I was pretty close
Because he's still running around in my mind
He's still in my heart
And I still feel his touch
So I would say I was in love
ANd cared deeply for him
I need him you understand? and now he has her
I don't think it's fair, life isn't fair
I know now that he didn't love me back
Because just what yoyu said, he would stay and not go away
He was never there..
So it was love, from my side only
But it needs to come from two sides
Thx again
Sorry for the long story peeps!:)

From: bill clark frenchy__29@hotrmail.com
Date: 16 February 2001


From: Megs
Date: 16 February 2001

Gala and Kirk- The Valentine's picks were a fantastic idea displayed in a fantastic way. I would love to see it every year AND am so bummed I didn't get to submit mine in time. *sigh* Not having a computer is such a sad sad thing...

Misti- You picked one of my poems...*misty-eyed*...coming from someone whose writing I always love without much exception...well its a compliment of the happiest purplest shade. I hope you had a wonderful first married Valentine's Day AND I got your mail mail. You and Chris look too adorable (or maybe I should just write you an email...whoops...LOL)

I hope EVERYONE had a Valentine's that inspires poems upon poems. I am off to check and see what has come up so far.

Till the next time I find a computer...

From: Misti
Date: 16 February 2001

Thanks again. I STILL can't come up with a recipe! This is so frustrating...I have plenty of great sex but I can't write about it.
Thank you. But the truth is, Chris married me for my money. I come from a long line of oil barons. Ha. Thanks also for picking *Renegade*! I'd forgotten about that poem. I like it.
I'm so glad you got the letter and pictures! I love all of your poems, it was hard to pick one!
:)))Hope everyone has a splendiferous weekend, we're off to see the wizard! Bye!

From: Robert
Date: 16 February 2001


Why ears if not to listen to your every word
Why a mouth if not to press it against yours
Why hands if not to touch the softness of your skin
Why a nose if not to smell you on my clothes
Why a heart if it beats not for you


From: B.K
Date: 16 February 2001

scqueen: Thanks, it was one sleepless night, and too much buzz..lol that wrote that one.

Gala: Most unlikely too, anytime soon it looks like...LOL But I can still dream about it..HA (Heavy Sigh)

Misti: That trucking sonnet is hot stuff. Keep em coming.

From: terry
Date: 16 February 2001

Gala~ Wow those last two Ridge poems were absolutely yummy.!


From: jack
Date: 17 February 2001

Distant moon i do like this nic as well as ur writing style though i am awfull appologetic about not saying something sooner
there are many here who read every post and there are so many good writers that it grows difficult to make comments on it all lol and i am very sorry for my laps so please keep up the good writing i do enjoy ur work

From: terry
Date: 17 February 2001

scqueen~ 'Rain Angel' was wonderful...thanks for sharing such a moment.


From: scqueen
Date: 17 February 2001

Thanks Terry ~ That means a lot coming from you! It was hard to get that concept on paper, and I mulled it over for a week. Don't you think writing makes you stop and take advantage of 'moments'? I do...

From: The Ditz: DitzZchick@hotmail.com
Date: 17 February 2001

Hello all. I posted a reflection of myself and would appreciate some input. The piece is entitled "A reflection of time." Maybe it would have been more appropriate to have entitled it "A reflection of me."

I usually don't post my work because it is very personal, but my heart bleeds and is in need of a metaphorical band-aid. Does anyone understand this?

"When the sun rises at mornings start I am losing that image I fought so hard to carve out. By days end I am his and he is mine. Like a riddle, I am in question once again......."

The Ditz

From: The Ditz: DitzZchick@hotmail.com
Date: 17 February 2001

Maybe for easy reference you would like the link to my piece... http://www.loveblender.com/heart/new/noname82.html

The Ditz

From: Kandy627@aol.com
Date: 17 February 2001

I published a poem in this site in January. Is there anyway for me to find it on here now. I really need to see it. Please let me know asap.

From: terry
Date: 18 February 2001

scqueen~...Yes, for me writing clarifies and immortalizes a life experience. And when its done well, others can see through your eyes, just as I saw the child dancing in the rain through yours. It is a special magical gift indeed!


From: Michael T (absently)
Date: 18 February 2001

Misti ~ Happy B-Day Misti.
Chris ~ Did ya get her something special?

From: kevin urenda
Date: 18 February 2001

If you submitted during January, your poem would be here:

From: kevin urenda
Date: 18 February 2001

THAT'll teach me to submit before coffee
that poem was mine... was supposed to have written all the other garbage in the description box...

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 18 February 2001

Kirk~ I was looking for a old poem of mine
And I just couldn't fnd it
What about a search engine..

From: Chris
Date: 19 February 2001

Well, I took Misti to the Stockyards in Fort Worth for her birthday. It's only about an hour from Bridgeport. It was considerably colder up there (nothing like our sub-tropical Gulf-coast Beaumont), so we didn't do that much walking around--just opted for dinner at Riscky's Steakhouse and then went to Billy-Bob's ('World's Largest Honky-Tonk'). To our surprise, none other than Loretta Lynn was playing that night! Misti and I have yet to become proficient at two-steppin', so we limited ourselves to the 'cotton-eyed Joe' and watching a bunch of cowboys doin' the 'electric slide'. Funny stuff... That's about it. Over and out.

From: Misti
Date: 19 February 2001

We didn't see "Snatch," after all. It wasn't showing in any of the cinemas! I have a feeling it won't be showing in this area anytime soon.
Oh, well. Last night we bought "Smokey and the Bandit" at Wal-Mart for seven bucks.
...Chris wants me to let ya'll know that on Sunday before we left Bridgeport he went and saw the preacher's baby donkey. He was awestruck by the simplicity and friendliness of rural Texas life. Roosters crowing in the morning, horses to ride, everyone knows everyone's business, church on Sunday followed by a huge lunch at home, etc.
I'm going to eat some brown sugar Pop-Tarts now and drink some coffee. Hasta luego.

From: Ali
Date: 19 February 2001

Sarah~ 'Of Angels' was beautiful...I really loved it...

Brandy~ 'One Starry Nite' was very sweet...I always love your writing...

Courtney~ 'How Did I Get Here' was very good...I feel/felt the same way...sometimes, things just dissapear, and I don't know where they go, or when exactly they started to fade, or change...well, anyway, great poem...write more!

Love and hope, Ali

From: deevaa
Date: 19 February 2001

Chris Perby you TOAD!!

I sure hope theres a good juicey email in my inbox right about now!!!

I've missed you!


From: terry
Date: 19 February 2001

sarah~ oh my.....'of angels' took my breathe away. Excellent piece of prose....Kudos!

Chris~ 'Convection' was great....your words have been greatly missed....

Dee~ 'Hush Now' had a wonderful feel...

Ali~....still love your writing...keep 'em coming.

BK~ ...Wow...I'll be back after the cold shower..whew...lol


From: Chris L.
Date: 19 February 2001

Welcome back, Chris! (From 1 2 the other...)

From: it dosent matter
Date: 19 February 2001

oops sorry fer the duble posts

From: Ali
Date: 19 February 2001

Terry~ Thank you! I'm very glad that you like my writing...that means a lot to me...Thanks! =)
Love and Light, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 19 February 2001

Terry Darlin; I burn for your words on the page. Give me something to bump baby bump..LOL KISS

slug: where are you Darlin? Miss your kissy face poems too.

Megs: How's the guy and better yet how are you? Don't forget about us please?

who else is missing, get back in here and write for us ya hear! NOW...lol


From: scqueen
Date: 19 February 2001

Hey! What's going on? Half of the new submissions have disappeared???

From: Chris W.
Date: 19 February 2001

Thanks all for the welcome back messages. I've been busy busy with grad school and unfortunately haven't kept up with my writing. But, I'm now learning how to pace myself, and hopefully I can get back into a groove with it.
Dee, and anyone else who wants to chat, please email me at cwharton@uiuc.edu. I am rarely ever on AOL anymore (which has contributed to my absence).
Again, thanks for the welcome back,
Chris W.

From: scqueen
Date: 19 February 2001

Looks like everything posted since Feb 13th has been wiped out.

From: Chris W.
Date: 19 February 2001

by the way, what is going on? i'm not pulling up the most recent subs either.

Date: 19 February 2001

this bites the big one

Date: 19 February 2001

somehow I hope the big one does get bit, by an even bigger one..lol

Date: 20 February 2001

its a conspiracy I tell you....

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 20 February 2001

Ok, things are fixed, though some things in between may have been lost. I gotta change one core part of the silly system. Thanks to people who e-mailed me to give me a heads up.

From: Chris (Lake)
Date: 20 February 2001

Me aka Niki,
I like your blunt, Hemingwayesque style. You cut to the heart of the matter with a minimum amount of cant and bullshit. All poetry should be like this. Flowers belong in vases...not poetry.

From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

Whew! Thought my sonnets were goners.

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

Thank God for that. The world would be a poorer place indeed without Misti's sonnets. Kirk, I like your 'Test' piece. Reminds me in an odd way of Pound's 'In the Metro'. Very Eastern...very Bashovian...very Zen. Misti's laughing at me so it's time to go now.

From: jack
Date: 20 February 2001

ah i find my self in full agreement with chris ....kirk *test* what can i say , i am not dry of eye right now , this has touched me deeply as i am sure it has others who have watched their poems flash before their eyes
in so few words you have brought joy to so many
what more can a true poet wish for
thanks again kirk for this wonder of wonders
.................................standing in so much awe.............

From: deevaa
Date: 20 February 2001

Chris with all due respect, flowers belong in vases? Thats bullshit.

Not all poetry has to be angst ridden and bitter to be good.

From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

How flowery and diplomatic, Deevaa.
I don't think Chris said anything about poetry having to be bitter and angst-ridden, did he? Anyway, I agree with him. Flowery poems suck. Poems can be positive and ebullient without being flowery and trite.

Date: 20 February 2001

aye, this year is a year of jumping down throats, isn't it....and I say this only as a casual observor, as I have chosen to be nothing more.

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 20 February 2001

2 Chris~ I'm happy you like my way of writing!
Thank you!
But what poem did you like in particular? of did you just mean in generaL?

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

OK...look...all I meant to say was that even though there are so few 'shoulds' in this most subjective of art forms, each poem SHOULD be something affirmative, something urgent, something that grabs you in the first line. Poetry: a life-or-death proposition. Bluntness helps...hiding behind metaphors doesn't.

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001


I was talking in particular about 'It Hurts'. I just like how you convey that emotion in a raw, matter-of-fact way--the way pain should be conveyed. You don't cover it up with flowery frills & poetic doublespeak. Simplicity is 9/10s of good poetry. Just my opinion.

Date: 20 February 2001

So we all have our peeves of what we don't like to read. I personally don't like all the endless droning of every last detail of why he did not speak, listen, kiss, fart, to me, give me flowers anyday over that. But the point here is that the page is free and there are different generations and different voices here THANK GOD,the page is FREE, or so I thought.

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

Yeah, you're right. Good point.

From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

Yeah, it's not like a circus or cinema, where you have to buy a ticket.
...people can submit/post whatever they want, obviously. The strength of this site is not in the community or the mixture of horrible, mediocre and excellent poems. This is the only poetry site I know of that allows you instant gratification with the poems you submit. Everything that's truly great about the Blender of Love is because of Kirk's ingenuity and dedication. The price of having a free and open site is having to muddle through the mediocrity. I don't make any money as a poet but I think I should. Damn it.

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

OK...everyone send Misti money and gifts. I know I'm biased, but, c'mon...the woman should be on postage stamps already! Maybe a new dollar coin...at least a statue on the Mall in DC. She needs to be a star, dammit. Look at all the no-talents out there--Britney Spears, Madonna, Jewel, Cher, Kate Moss, Nicole Kidman, etc., etc. Even after she loses the ten pounds she wants to, she'll always be an intellectual heavyweight to me--and pretty soon the world. Or else.

From: B.K.
Date: 20 February 2001

The strength of this site is it's community of poets that allow one another space to use their own voices and not tell each other what or how to write. There is room on the page for anything regarding love as long as it's not too terribly offensive to the community. The freedom here is what makes this place the best. Ask Sarah and others about another site that will rip you to shreds in a heartbeat, just for the fun of it. This one is mild compared to that.


From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

We're legends in our own minds. Our arrogance astounds me! We'll be like Sonny and Cher or Captain and Tenille someday. Or at the very least Damon and Affleck. Yes, yes, the world should adore us but it doesn't. So let's go find jobs, already.

From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

Please understand that this is all tongue-in-cheek. We really do need to find jobs. We really are broke. Bye!

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

Actually, I'm serious (about Misti's talent), but her modesty is good. BK, you're absolutely correct. I would never dream of attacking a particular writer--I'd just say nothing at all. Manners DO matter. However, a board is the kind of place where aesthetics and the various nuts-and-bolts questions regarding poetry should be discussed. I think at its best a community of writers encourages and brings out excellence in its members.

From: B.K.
Date: 20 February 2001

Chris & Misti: Chris, I agree which is another reason this place is wonderful. But some people see through what I call funnel vision. There is only one way for them, their way. So much varitey out there and who knows when you might open up the page and discover something that will as Emily Dickinson says, make sparks fly out the top of your head. The anticipation of that brings me back here every day. I look for sparks the same way I can put bluegrass, opera, rock and roll and folk or whatever together in a cd player and push---mix it up and enjoy every bit of it. Diversity is something we need more of here.


From: deevaa
Date: 20 February 2001

ahhh, nice to know I can still stir a conversation while I sleep.

From: B.K.again with ruined eye-liner..lol
Date: 20 February 2001

h: 'it must not snow,' darn your hyde, I've just put on make up to go to the bank and you made me cry it all off. That was beautiful..thanks,more please.

Slug: woman, ditto the above, been wondering where you were, missed you around here. If spring does not get here soon, its been a miserable winter for sure.

deevaa: ahh you enjoy a good controversey, admit it.

From: Ali
Date: 20 February 2001

Niki~ Your recents subs. are awesome!! Great job!

Terry~ Write something, Dammit! Please?!?

Scorpion~ I liked 'Your Love'...it was good...

H~ 'It Must Not Snow' was so wonderfull...WOW! I love it!

Love and Smiles, Ali

From: i'm so confused
Date: 20 February 2001

so the 'flowers belong in a vase' business was all tongue in cheek? Or does anything that *doesn't* ooze from its own rawness really suck?

-james dean

From: B.K.
Date: 20 February 2001

Back from shopping: Just bought everything that's waterproof in the way of eyemakeup. LOL So go ahead you blooming poets, give it your best shot now...HA

Scorpion: 'Love,' and 'Your Love,' are both beautiful. More please.

Sarah: I loved 'Vase,' as well.


From: the guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com
Date: 20 February 2001

Kirk---Any chance of divulging IP source addresses from your cgi log? I've received some harrassing emails and i'm looking to compare the header IP traces. I completely understand if you don't want to give out the info, but I thought i'd ask.


From: Misti
Date: 20 February 2001

Don't be confused! Yes, it's all tongue-in-cheek. I'm a cheeky chick, what can I say.

~Marilyn Monroe

From: slug
Date: 20 February 2001

thank you, bK - our weather here has been teasing spring - 75 and sunny today, 50's and rainy tomorrow. argh. i wish it would just get sunny and hot and be done with it. (this is texas, though, and sunny and hot soon enough.) i've been awfully busy and bogged down with work to write- but i've been reading. it's been fabulous. i just wish that people would stop arguing about the poetry they want to see and enjoy what's here. my two cents. there's been entirely too much strife these past few weeks.
anyway - love your poems! keep writing!

also - delighted that jack is back :-)

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001


Well...uh...actually...86.5% of it is tongue-in-cheek...ha...

(Misti generalizes.)

From: james dean
Date: 20 February 2001


Thanks for clearing that up.

People tend to take what is said around here too literally sometimes (and it works both ways). And we end up with the Poetry Nazis vs. The Cultural Revolution (a.k.a. the Vanguard of the Poetic Proletariat). Too much bloodletting going on around here. Seems like Hollywood in the Fifties.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 20 February 2001

A word to the unwise:

Harassment through email is a federal offense. As such, it falls under Title 47 of the United States Code, Section 223, meaning it is legally the same as telephone harassment. Offenders are punishable under Title 18 of the US Code, AND can be imprisoned for up to two years.

translation: leave the guppy alone.

From: Chris
Date: 20 February 2001

Mr. Dean~

Here, here! I agree entirely. Cultural guardians--no matter what it is they're guarding--are almost always worse than their supposed 'enemies'. All courts need jesters. Ed Abbey: 'The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny.' Viva la Vanguard de la Poetic Proletariat!

Date: 20 February 2001


Its the Chris&Misti MONSTER!


Run, while you still can!

From: Chris&Misti monster
Date: 20 February 2001

Run! Hide! Call the cops! Unless you (gasp!) stop reading Board posts and our submissions, there is no escape! The Chris&Misti monster is here to stay, boys and girls!

From: Artavia
Date: 20 February 2001

Dear Blender of love,
Hello! I would like to know if you have any nice appreciation poems for a grandmother. My family is throwing my grandmother a surprise appreciation party!Can you respond as soon as possible,before March 3, 2001.

Thank You,
Artavia Washington

From: terry
Date: 20 February 2001

My, i do think the Board is finally achieving a sense of humor at long last (and good use of irony too....lol).


From: slug
Date: 20 February 2001

terry - sunset is beautiful - it left me breathless. just beautiful.

From: terry
Date: 20 February 2001

Thanks slug....that was a five minute improv challenge I did today. Loved 'kissy face' btw....


From: B.K.
Date: 20 February 2001

Chris & Misti: Must be some pretty powerful cactus juice you all are drinking down there. You are about as scarey as a fuzzy dust remover...LOL

From: bk (this is fun)
Date: 20 February 2001

terry: Beautiful Darlin, just beautiful. Glad I had the waterproof eyes for that one.

Hey Gup: Sorry to hear about your intrusions. I hope that
someone catches the rats patotie and throws the book at him.

From: terry
Date: 20 February 2001

BK~ Thank you Darlin'...i shall ever bow to your pen.


From: Ali
Date: 20 February 2001

Terry~ I must agree, 'Sunset' was beautiful, indeed...you never do cease to amaze me, you know that?
Love and angels, Ali

From: Ashley Skye
Date: 20 February 2001

Misti- I have been reading and submitting to the Blender for over a year now. I have my favorite writers and styles of writing, and you are one of them. I am going to college in the fall and majoring in Film and Television, as I want to be a director. I've been involved in acting and directing for 6 years now, it's my passion. If you are interested, could you give me your e-mail address, and maybe we could work on something for one of my student films. I have been looking for a writer for awhile, and you have some way with words. Thanks, Ashley Skye

From: Misti newlywednutso@hotmail.com
Date: 20 February 2001

Ashley Skye~
Wow! I'm way honored. Sure, I'd love to work with you! E-mail me at my hotmail address anytime.


From: terry
Date: 20 February 2001

Ali~ My thanks.....your words honor me.


From: james dean
Date: 21 February 2001


just don't forget that the proletarians burned their share of books too (that was my seemingly obscure reference to the Cultural Revolution for you kiddies at State U.)!

From: spiritualmechanic@yahoo.com
Date: 21 February 2001

I Thought

I got this crazy idea in my head
Somewhere along the line
When I fell in love with you
That we might actually be together
For a good long time.
And now that crazy idea
Is crumbling in my head
And it hurts so bad
I forgot how to sleep.
I wish things were different.
I really wanted you.
The week before, I was a happy man
Marveling at how good you were to me.
And I felt blessed for once in my life
Because it's been so long since I've felt loved
That I'd forgotten how to be really
Deeply moved by anyone's presence
Until you came along ...
My cynicism lifted, my fantasies
Appeared before my eyes,
And that crazy idea solidified itself
In my mind with the mortar of desire.

From: J Edgar here (remember me)
Date: 21 February 2001

Ok all you Pinko Commies and you instamatic spoiled children, out in the square, so we can show you what happens to blatting sheep who don't follow the rules.

From: h.
Date: 21 February 2001

Ali and B.K.
Thank you very much for your sweet comments, they mean a lot to me. I hope she will like it, too. And by the way...it still hasn't snowed!!!

Date: 21 February 2001

come out of the closet, J Edgar!

From: Chris
Date: 21 February 2001

Hey J. Edgar... All I have to say is that if you wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.

Date: 21 February 2001

u have a good web site but what is your phone number you did'nt say

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 21 February 2001

Ali~ Thank you very much. I havn't been on here in literally weeks. It felt good to write again. Thank you again!


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 21 February 2001

2 Ail~ Thank you for your kind words!
I also liked "faith" Good Job!


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 21 February 2001

2 Elaina~ All of your new works are great
Loved them

From: deevaa
Date: 21 February 2001

Madi -- 'gardenias' ... I like.

guppy -- I love the simple grace of 'palace'

From: Madi
Date: 21 February 2001

ha. thanks deevaa, but there are a couple of lines that went further into blunt than I wanted them to. Your new stuff is all very good, really enjoyed aromatherapy.

From: Galadrial
Date: 22 February 2001

Hi Gang....

Sorry...I've been absent too much! Madi---your latest...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

And Dee girl...you always have a way....

Dark----come and sit a spell sir. We're listening---close.


From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 22 February 2001

thankya madi, thankya Gala....

and Riggs, your new page is up... check it out.


From: Kathleen
Date: 22 February 2001

Hey I just want to say a big thankyou to everyone here that has given me feedback on some of the poetry I posted last month. I was lecturing my kid on doing her best so that she could follow her dreams and she kinda threw it back into my face for not following my own. Well, to make it short, I got an acceptance letter in the mail for a poem I wrote, so I feel like crowing.

From: Kathleen
Date: 22 February 2001

I just posted a poem that is a little different than what I usually attempt to write. I've been told that I am better at this type of writing, let me know what you think please. I welcome all critiques.

From: deevaa
Date: 22 February 2001

BK I love that Macy song... I used the lyrics in one of my poems last August, her voice is damn sexy.

From: B.K.
Date: 22 February 2001

Deevaa: Macy Gray's 'On How Life Is' is one hot cd. The whole thing is just wonderful.


From: Ali
Date: 22 February 2001

Gala~ Your new submissions are beautiful, I really loved them.

Elaina~ Your new ones were good!

Dark Angel~ You're soooo amazing....keep writing, please!!

Everyone is writing beautifully! Keep up the great work!
Love and dreams, Ali

From: Her Sheeness
Date: 22 February 2001

Found the Awakening by Stephen D. to be both sensual and yet thought provoking. A woman could easily see herself in this piece, where learning to trust again is a very high commodity. He captured the struggle between lustful desires and friendship.

From: B.K.
Date: 23 February 2001

Terry: Oh God, get out the fan, 'Goddess Ascending,'just stuck to the roof of my mouth..lol lol Wow, have I ever missed you in this place and hummm I think I just figured out which way is West..LOL me and about two million other women that read this..lol better put up the iron gates while you can. But don't fret just yet, I got a bad sense of direction and being blonde too...well, might take a few moments anyway.

Dark Angel: I don't know who you are but you jerk my string so hard at times. To wake up to 'Anticipation Illiteration' was wonderful. I think you like making women cry...thanks, The kleenex company should be a sponser here...lol


From: scqueen
Date: 23 February 2001

Kevin ~ You're right, 'The Language' is different for you, but very nice. Things have been a little steamy around here this week...Misti, Terry and BK could be to blame :-)

From: Ali
Date: 23 February 2001

Terry~ 'Goddess Ascending' just left me breathless...You're wonderfull, you know that? Beautifull writing, just absolutely perfect...

Dark Angel~ I loved 'Anticipation Illiteration'...I don't know what to say, except wow! You are truly a great writer...Wow...keep writing, please!

Love and wishes, Ali

From: Smiling Kat spiritsparkler@hotmail.com
Date: 23 February 2001


Your poem Willow Wisp is absolutely beautiful! It flows very well, and really got my mind working. Wonderful job! Keep up the excellent work! You are a great writer.

From: littlecountrygirlwholovescows_jamison_ashlee@hotmail.com
Date: 23 February 2001

I love your site..If you could, could you email me when you
have new poems in..?

From: Harem
Date: 23 February 2001

Thank you Smiling Kat, for the inspiring comment.... I really needed it.... I just started writing about 8 months ago.... and often wonder if it's any good.....
You made my day..... Grin..... Harem....

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 23 February 2001

Ali~ I was just going thru the blender and found that you picked me as one of your favs for V-Day picks...I wanted to say thank you and that you don't know how much that means to me! Thank you again!


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 23 February 2001

Ali~ 'A Glimmer' was so beautiful "It is hope, it is the glimmer of possibility And it is shining bright Shades of cherry red Mixed with light blue And a touch of lavender, thrown in Just for good measure...Hovering, on the horizen
Is a prayer, answered" Was one of my favorite verses. Positively exquisite!

Harem~ 'Painting the Sky' was the first work that I've read by you and it caught my eye. You know how to make a reader feel as though they are really truely there. Wonderful!


From: Ali
Date: 23 February 2001

Brandy~ Thank you! I'm happy that you liked it...if you could see me right now, you'd see a giant smile on my face...so, thanks! Love and light, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 23 February 2001

Kevin Darlin: Do you have a fever? WOW 'the language,'
and 'no,' both were hot. Keep it going Baby!

scqueen: I enjoyed 'Indulgance,' very much. Very well done.

Dark Angel: Can we just have a peek at who you are, you sound kinda familiar. lol Loved 'Between the Lines.'


From: deevaa
Date: 23 February 2001

Kevin I vote 'no' the best flower poem posted!!

From: BK again
Date: 23 February 2001

Anonymous: Well now, if you can kiss, as well as you write, then you are a monster...LOL You know what they say, It's in his Kiss! Thank you for sharing 'Unrequitable.'


From: scqueen
Date: 23 February 2001

Thanks BK ~ ...and Jack! 'Shadow, I' ~ very nice. Glad you're back. We missed you so.

From: Ali...windy357@aol.com
Date: 23 February 2001

Anonymous~ Ok, WOW! You're so very amazing...I am just in awe...your poem was like a journey through your mind, through your heart...it took me places...I really thought that it was wonderfull, absolutely, positively, wonderfull...I don't know what to say, except, damn man! You can write...I'd love it if you would write more, and keep posting here...will you? Love and Dreams, Ali

From: Tanqueray Cowboy
Date: 23 February 2001

Dark Angel ~
Really, REALLY good, and getting better. Great Stuff!

Anon ~
You've challenged my notoriously short attention span.
I like it (Unrequitable) quite a bit... so far.

Y'all are making it very hard to keep up. <sigh>

From: Misti
Date: 24 February 2001

*When the Heart Smiles* kinda reminds me of "Annie's Song" by the late John Denver. Hmmm...

From: B.K.
Date: 24 February 2001

Jack; It's 11pm and I want ice cream lol, I loved 'shadow i'

Dark Angel; I am on to you, lol, they are all wonderful, keep em coming Darlin.


From: Chris
Date: 24 February 2001


Yeah...Misti's right, dude. I think John Denver would be a little upset at someone using his words like that. I know what yer gettin' at...how heart is actually singing the song & all...but there are rules against that sorta thing...I think. There is a correct way to do it...quotation marks, maybe? Besides, shouldn't poetry have something to do with originality? Just wondering...god, it sure was a shame what happened to John Denver. Misti says that's what ya get when you fly an airplane out of a box, but I dunno...

Take care,

From: Anonymous
Date: 24 February 2001

I guess my poem “Unrequitable” would travel better and be more appreciable if had not defied every convention of this sound-bite, fast food world that we live in. I wrote it, however, with no other audience in mind except the growling demons in my own mind, whose satiety demanded it. There is unfortunately no single part of it which is not central to the one great demon and the many little daily demons with which I always wrestle. I am deeply thankful for the opportunity that this space has provided to (hopefully!) exercise these demons, at least in part.

A special “thank you” to BK and Ali- that belly button dancin’ angel of corporeality and that glimmer-shadow chasin’ angel of ethereality (respectively), whose responses have ministered so much balm to me. To have touched you two (even a little) is to have communed successfully with the twin churches of my musing- the body and the spirit.

As much as I would like to be a part of this community of condensate wordsmithing, I don’t know that I’ll be back this way very often. “Unrequitable” is my first attempt at poetry and it took many painful years to complete (and it may not even be complete). I can never write unless greatly moved and I am more often moved in the manner of prose. But as Vonnegut would say: “if the accident will!”

From: kaelan
Date: 24 February 2001

Lets celebrate Merrit Malloy - I found her at merritmalloy@ntscape.net - She is one of our finest voices - Lets ask her to join in the conversation - it will lift us all


From: Ali
Date: 24 February 2001

Dark Angel~ I find that I am more and more amazed by you, each time you write...

Anonymous~ Well,I still hope that you come back and visit sometimes...And I wondered if you had ever read, "Summer Warm", it's a poem I wrote and posted in the last issue...it was inspired by the last line in your poem...Well, if you have, I was just wondering what you thought of it...Anyway, take care of your heart...
Love and wistfullness, Ali

From: Chris
Date: 24 February 2001


Welcome! Some good stuff there. Your gal must be somethin' else. Mardi Gras is in full swing here, too. What month is it, anyway? All I know is it's 75 out there now. The weather is one consolation here, anyway. My friends back in New York are freezin' their asses off. I feel for 'em. Really. But hey, someone's gotta be livin' in the subtropics.

Date: 24 February 2001

To Brandy,
thank you so much for your comment about Painting the Sky..... You felt like you were there, and so do I when I write... I feel and see and smell and taste and hear everything I write... Thanks again....

To Chris and Misty,
Sorry about the John Denver Song, I got a little carried away last night. Was having a delicious night with a friend, and we decided to submit an old poem that I had written to him several months ago. He warned me not to add the John Denver song, but since we had been singing it to each other last night.... thought it would be fun... I should have taken his advice.... Apologies to John Denver, and the the entire love blender friends.....

From: Ali
Date: 24 February 2001

Harem~ I loved 'Nectar of Illusion'...your writing is very amazing...
Love and Light, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 24 February 2001

Anonymous: When you find your mind in rhyme, just think of us,..LOL You know, you can post short poems too, they don't have to be epics..LOL But thanks for being so nice, and come back and post for us on days when you wanna play hooky.


From: German Chocolate
Date: 25 February 2001

Yo, just want to let it be known how my tag came about. My moms is German and my pops is African-American. Peace, we outta here. Word up to my homies on the Eastside...Biggie will be avenged.

From: Harem
Date: 25 February 2001

To Ali,

Thank you so much for your compliment. I wrote the Nectar of Illusion about eight months ago, after having had some really cruel experiences with men who got off on abusing me emotionally and mentally. I thought it was just happening to me, but I found out later, that these same guys were doing it to every woman that they dated or had relationships with. There are a lot of sick people out there. I imagine it can happen to guys too. Writing is therapy for me.... once I put my feelings on paper... I am rid of them..... Its wonderful.... Thanks again for your kind compliments.... Motivates me to write more.....

From: Jessica
Date: 25 February 2001

When I'm having sex with my boyfriend, I'm thinking about my family and my shopping list. Is this normal?

Date: 25 February 2001

You talking to me? No, No, thats not normal. You should be in the moment with him swept away by desire for each other. Otherwise it's just sex, nothing more. Don't do it just to get him to like you. You need to feel something to.

From: Joey
Date: 25 February 2001

Hey fellas, what gives. I want feedback. I want to know if I'm any good.

From: Ali
Date: 25 February 2001

Harem~ I just read all of your new subs...oh, dearie, you made me cry...my god, you can write...you have an amazing gift...remember that. Love and Light, Ali

From: Ali(again)
Date: 25 February 2001

Niki~ Your new one,amazing! Girl, wow...keep writing...

B.K.~ 'Move Over Meltdown Blues' was great...you're awesome!

Everyone is writing sooo beautifully...Keep it up!

Love and sweetness, Ali

From: Joey
Date: 25 February 2001

Hey, uh, sorry for the double submission. It's good, but not that good! My computer does funny things.

From: Chris
Date: 25 February 2001

Hey bugsy...

Wow, man. You're good. You know the blues. We've all been there, but you describe it in a way that is--in a word--extraordinary. Keep writin' away the demons.

Take care,

From: scqueen
Date: 25 February 2001

FYI ~ I was not writing in my Irish brogue with "me niece or
nephew"... should've been "my" :-)

From: Annie Maynard, Maynard016@aol.com
Date: 25 February 2001

Could you love again?
How could you possibly love me
after her...
shes so beautiful,
and I'm so plain.
if only I had got there first,
I can't express to you
how much I could fall in love with you
I wish you could let her go
but then again
who could?
maybe I should stop hoping
but i live for the times
when you've had to much to drink
and you say,
you could picture yourself with me,
that you could love me.
Its funny how I know
if only you had met me first
I would be her to you right now
we both are starting a new
trying to forget our first love
how is it I have forgot mine
only living for a chance with you
if only i had gotten there first
then I would be her to you right now.

From: Chris
Date: 26 February 2001


Good to see you're back. Liked the newest. Misti and I cracked up. We're shopping for a couch and coffee table, so we can relate.

From: anonymous
Date: 26 February 2001

seems the blender has been regenerated. look at all these new voices... where'd all the old folks go? to pulpy heaven? where is the genius of dee? kevin? the fairy godmother? that little fish?

From: the guppy
Date: 26 February 2001

this little fish's genius is and always was nonexistent...my writing has been craptacular lately, and i'm just caught up in some winter blues funk...i long for green

there have been lots of new authors lately, but some of them have familiar trains of thought and references chugging through them...leading me to think they're not new authors, just new pseudonyms...i might be wrong...who knows?

michael---i relate to your furniture sub...i hate that...ha...nice writing
mistinchris---you guys feed off each other...i'm impressed by what both of you have been coming up with lately


From: Anonymous, mstrmh@aol.com
Date: 26 February 2001

To Ali, oh Ali- Your Summer Warm did something move me...

May I dream it an answer, a "wink and a grin," from beyond unrequitable walls?

what a treasure unlooked for...

From: Riggs
Date: 26 February 2001

hey hey slug i can't believe you know the whitlams. almost none of our aussie bands make it overseas. Folks i tell you, if you want to hear magnificent australian music you need to start searching for MP3's by Brisbane's own Powderfinger.

From: A Concerned Reader
Date: 26 February 2001


The misspellings are becoming an atrocity!! What about a spell checking engine???

Or, why don't those submitting write the poem on a word-processing program, then cut and paste onto the submissions form??

From: Misti/perry/Curtis/Michelangela/German Chocolate/Sylvan
Date: 26 February 2001

thank you. i think lately we've been feeding off each other in a bad way. we've taken our boredom out on the Blender. we only took one break during the weekend...went to a Mardi Gras parade on Sunday and caught some beads. i just didn't feel inspired to write anything as Misti Lake. i was feeling silly.

From: Misti/Benji Boland
Date: 26 February 2001

oops...forgot one.

From: the guppy
Date: 26 February 2001

mistinchris---kinda thought you guys were the multiple personalities...most of your poems have edges to them that distinguish them from other people's styles...seldomly do a bunch of new people submit good works all in a row...i'm not saying that it doesn't happen, it just doesn't happen very often...and that's a subjective opinion based on the things that catch my attention


From: slug
Date: 26 February 2001

riggs: LOVE powderfinger. my sister spent a year and a half in china - and her best friend is from some little place in australia. they merged music and i have flourished because of it. if it were up to me - australian music would saturate the world :-)

From: Anonymous, mstrmh@aol.com
Date: 26 February 2001

To BK- I wanna play hooky...

And thanks again! It's good to know that yall'll be here; if I ever can convince myself again of my own shining in rhythm or rhyme I'll make bold expose myself here. In the meantime, dance on! I'll be watching...

From: Ali
Date: 26 February 2001

Terry~ Where are you, dear?? I miss your sweet words...please write...I miss your work very much...

Anonymous~ 'A wink and a grin' back to you...

Love and Dreams, Ali

From: Little Scotty
Date: 26 February 2001

Mr. Conserned Reader,

I am sorrey about my bad spelling. I am ten years old what do you whant.

From: Anonymous
Date: 26 February 2001

Hey, Ali- (one more bit, okay?)- That line:
"You left, and did not catch me, when I did fall"
really caught me... I wish I could express so compressedly.

I caught a quote the other day that went something like- "Hell begins on the day when God grants us clear view of all that we might have acheived...of all that we might have done which we did not do." So true, eh? Yet all opportunities are not valid.

From: 'nuther conserned reeder
Date: 26 February 2001

Little Scotty sounds a little Sharky to me...hmmm

From: Little Scotty
Date: 26 February 2001

What does Sharky mean? Im just a little kid with these fealings inside of me. My Mom and Dad got me a computer for my birthday. All Im doing is haveing fun.

Date: 26 February 2001

why does this smell so fishy???

From: Galadrial
Date: 26 February 2001

What in the name of Christ is going on here?


From: Ali
Date: 26 February 2001

Anonymous~ You make me smile,you know that? I'm glad you liked the poem...I tried to pick a favorite line from your poem, but I cannot, for I like it all...Oh, and that quote that you shared, love it! I'm going write it down! My favorite quote ever is this: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world". It's just something that has stuck with me...
Love and starlight, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 26 February 2001

Dee ~ I hope your night 12 is awesome :-)

From: cee
Date: 26 February 2001

im sorry for my bad spelling ,, it was a long day , and a quick re type of all of my things .. you got the jist of things ,,, Right ?? next time ,, i supose i will have to take ones adivice , since it so bothers one .. input is input , negitave or positive .. so ,, thanks ...


Date: 26 February 2001

Just a few lines from someone that cares. Hey all you poets that think they have to ram it all down our throats in one write. PLEASE DON'T. Give it to us a bit at a time, say one or two poems at a wack and we can take time and savor the words. When you put it all out at once, it becomes a skim read, for me anyway.

From: deevaa
Date: 26 February 2001

scqueen... that'll be my Day 23, I think, I might have to re-count, but it'll be 23 days by then.

Date: 26 February 2001

Joey I enjoy your submissions but I think maybe you went too far with the last one. Take a breather.

From: BK
Date: 26 February 2001

Joey, honey that was magnificent, I haven't laughed so hard in one poem since Edgar Allen Poe, you know that pit thingy.
He was the one that said the only real poem was a short one. I dont know, I sort of like them medium length myself, just long enough to hit the G...never mind.


From: Joey
Date: 26 February 2001

Thank-you. I don't know what to say. My poetry is like an avalanche, like an avalance that's only just started coming down the mountain. You flatter me. I've never been mentioned in the same sentence as Poe before. I've got "The Raven" memorized. I don't know what to say.

From: Shakespeare
Date: 27 February 2001

What Fools These Mortals Be

From: Michael (somewhat mistaken)
Date: 27 February 2001

Guppy ~ whatcha talking about "Paradise" is great. Maybe you're not as prolific as usual, but I'd never notice.

Misti and Chris ~ I been enjoying your "it's aint all roses but it smells good to me" take on married life. Keep it up.

From: MS. Concerned Reader
Date: 27 February 2001

Little Scotty~

Since you're only 10, I'll give you some friendly advise...don't assume everyone is a Mr.

From: Harem
Date: 27 February 2001

To Misti Lake ,
Thank you so much for sharing your story : Where'd You Get Those Pretty Blue Eyes?
It amazed me how you said so much with so few words... I felt like I had read an entire book. It takes tremendous talent to do that. I could feel what you were feeling.... I could see what you were seeing. Made my heart go out to you... Having had a dysfunctional childhood myself, I could identify.. It also takes courage to share painful memories. Your writing style and use of words is wonderful... Thank you again for sharing..

From: Harem
Date: 27 February 2001

To Charlotte,

Your "A Love Story" captured the feeling so perfectly....
Anyone who has ever lost someone they loved.... or been through times of separation.... can feel it through this piece you wrote.... Thanks.

From: Little Scotty
Date: 27 February 2001

Thank-you, ma'am. I'm sorry ma'am. I havnt written much because the wether has been so good hear. Ive been out playing with my friends.

From: terry
Date: 27 February 2001

Misty~ 'Where'd You Get Those Pretty Blue Eyes' is powerful writing. By the end I was in tears...Thank you for sharing that.


From: Elaina
Date: 27 February 2001

Ali~I caompletely relate to all you've said in your last two poems. I'm going through something very simular right now.


From: Misti
Date: 27 February 2001

Harem and terry~
thank ya'll for the beautiful compliments on my latest submission. my original plan was just to submit a poem similar to Jim Morrison's *An American Prayer*...broken up with Roman numerals. then the poem and the pain came to me so i went with it. i am glad that i have a well to draw from and that my experiences can be turned into poems that mean something to other people. take care and thanks again!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 27 February 2001

I'm with you, there are telltale signs that some lurker is a multiple pseudo-personality...

thank you.

thank YOU. I happen to like those kinds of flowers the best...

From: deevaa
Date: 27 February 2001

scqueen... *grin* dah... it won't be 23 days.... they are the days of the wait. The wait will be over by then! Sometimes I'm not even quick enough to follow my own life. *rolls her eyes*

Kev... *shakes her head* unless its written in the poetry I don't wanna hear!!!!

Be honest whatcha think of tbe piece by Argyle I posted?

From: Ali
Date: 27 February 2001

Brandy~ Love the new submission! Wonderfull!

Elaina~ Thanks! I'm glad you can relate!

Misti~ 'Where'd You Get Those Pretty Blue Eyes' was so very beautiful...I really loved it...thanks for sharing it!

Love and smiles, Ali

From: Joey
Date: 27 February 2001

I'm already working on the fourth part of my "Litany of Longing", and, so far, no one has said much about the other three parts. (Except for BK's gracious words last night.) I get the feeling I'm being ignored.

Date: 27 February 2001

Joey don't feel ignored. 90% of the comments on the board are by one person who likes loads of attention.

From: Joey
Date: 27 February 2001

Huh?? Who's that? I'm sort of in the dark.

From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just submitted another poem, now I'm off to bed.


Date: 28 February 2001

Joey, you'll work it out.

From: B.K
Date: 28 February 2001

Sleepless just thought I would check in at 3am

Kevin; I loved 'how would I know' and C'est la Vie.' I am forever exclaiming, 'When does the donkey get the carrot?'
Right now it's my orchids holding out on me..lol

Misti; loved 'Engulfed.' some fine writing there

Gup; 'home,' was great. Thank you sir. I am still waiting on those orchids to bloom, they have doubled in size now and still the five have not bloomed. The anticipation is delicious..lol

Michael; 'Lemming,' was cute. They are cute little creatures. Saw them for the first time at the Philadelphia zoo.

back to bed now..yawn


Date: 28 February 2001

Mr X; That Smell Is YOU, You Suck, big time.

From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

Thanks! It is an honor to receive compliments from you.
I'm going back to bed now. There's a thunderstorm raging.

From: Harem
Date: 28 February 2001

To Ali,
No it wasn't jibberish..... it was beautiful....
"He Missed Me"...... Each word begged me to read more.
Made me nervous, excited, confused and definitely in your shoes... Excellent....

Date: 28 February 2001

Mr. X ,
Maybe like a bad dream, we can look away, and you will fade from our minds and eventually be forgotten. This is an unfair first reaction to your writing, and so I apologize, but I just had to say it... as you were also compelled to share your viewpoint.

Freedom of speech and creative writing should never be ignored. If it made me feel disgust, then maybe you are a brilliant writer for having been able to arouse such negative things in me. They always say that if an actor can make you hate him, then he is a genius. Maybe your prose should be taken in the light of reminding the world that some people will always be rude, and some will turn the beauty of love making into a crash foul symbol, that sex and lust can be degraded from the natural procreative drive into a lowly demeaning degrading act, rather than the passionately erotic state of all living beings. Perhaps you are a genius.

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 28 February 2001

Ali~ Thank you very much...and 'He Missed Me' was amazing...very descriptive and close to home...I love your writing! Keep it going....


From: Harem
Date: 28 February 2001

I had to resubmit my poem about "When the Sun doesn't shine"
because when I checked the first submission.... Mr. X's big member poem was in there.... How embarassing..... giggle...

Date: 28 February 2001

Harem are you a man posing as a woman?

From: Cee
Date: 28 February 2001

obviously , i haven't had time to read all of the new submissions but here are a few that really caught my eye ,.. some even making me think differently ...

~harem~ 'academy award' very very well written , I've read several of your pieces thus far , and i must say , you have a real knack with wording and putting it all together so it makes sense ,, your one that ill be looking for much more of ...

~michael t~ 'what's wrong with rob' I've been a bit down , and your short humorous to the point little ditty made me smile ,, so I thank you :)

~bk~ 'sunrise crystal prisms' was lovely , i think i knew where you were going with that one , in any event , it touched me , and made me think of warmer , happier days , this one also made me smile , so i thank you as well :)

~misti~ i saved you for last .. because i truly think i could talk about your 'where'd you get those pretty blue eyes' for days .. Shocking , amazing , enlightening , sad , honest , heartfelt , heartwarming are just some of the words i would use to describe this .. people can see what you write , and imagine how you feel .. where you've been , and what it must have been like , but misti , your excellence for writing , made me feel like i was there , a small girl my self , standing next to you as you danced , or talked with your mamaw , i saw what you saw , maybe not through your eyes , maybe i hadn't lived it , but while i read this , i was there with you ...... You have much talent ! Please , don't ever Stop !

and now im off to read more .. so Lates

From: scqueen
Date: 28 February 2001

gup ~ 'home' was great. don't look now, but your emotions are showing :-)

From: Chris
Date: 28 February 2001

Just my humble opinion, but I think the 'nameless' voice that has been resurfacing with regularity since I've been coming to the Blender--and way before that--is the real annoying presence around here.

From: Chris
Date: 28 February 2001


Good job with 'home'...

From: B.K.
Date: 28 February 2001

About Mr Ed,lol, I mean X; So we all play gross out with one another, that makes us genius, or just base animals, that have no sense of history of where we come from, which in turn will repeat patterns over and over again, instead of enlightening one another.

From: a different nameless one
Date: 28 February 2001

Chris, you are married to it.

From: the guppy
Date: 28 February 2001

I often wonder about how sometimes people just 'sense' something's up. Last night I just couldn't pull myself out of thoughts about Seattle, and a girl I care about very much. I was driving home from class and heard Seattle had a decent riot last night and was hit by a good-sized earthquake today. I'm a bit freaked out.


From: scqueen
Date: 28 February 2001

gup ~ I just read those headlines. I hope she's ok. Erie, huh?

From: sc
Date: 28 February 2001

eerie, I mean

From: Ali
Date: 28 February 2001

Harem~ Thank you ever so much! =)...I read your new submissions...I love them...your writing is very compelling...it's amazing...keep writing!

Brandy~ Thanks! I'm glad you liked it...made my day! And you, write more!!!

Love and sunbeams, Ali

From: deevaa
Date: 28 February 2001

guppy (((hugs)))

From: the guppy
Date: 28 February 2001

I have conflicting views of the multiple personality thing...I'm pretty sure the day I stop coming here will be the day that all of the front page picks turn out to be written by one person...which is something that I'm sure Kirk tries his best to prevent...and is something that is way unlikely to happen...I guess I look at it like this: It's the internet...you're already a nameless faceless blob to almost everybody...people hold a pseudonym accountable for it's views or actions or whatnot, how hard is it to trick people??? Maybe everybody should pick new names at random...ha...and do it consistently...the good writers would still be good writers...but that leads me back to my first point about being fair to the functionality of this place...all I know is that I sign 'gup' to what I write because I'll deal with the repercussions if they arise...and I'm not too concerned about being judged by people for what I think or do...I'm just another meatbag


From: B.K.
Date: 28 February 2001

Cee: Thanks for your comments about 'Sunshine Crystal Prisms,' Are you new to the blender? (I have no idea who's new and who's been here before, as I've only been here about six months myself) If so welcome, it's good to hear new voices. I thought 'Meet Me,' was lovely.


From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

Chris is married to "it"? I don't know what in the hell that's supposed to mean. Yes, I've submitted several poems to this site over the years with various names. Usually out of sheer boredom...never because I'm "starved for attention" and just dying to make the front page with as many names as possible. I've admitted to all of my role playing. I've used my "real" name ever since I first started submitting to the Blender in '97. I've never been nameless/blameless.
...It's pretty obvious that the nameless contributors to the Board are regular stalkers who have been around awhile. Doesn't really matter to me who you are or if you floss your teeth or how much education you have or how much money you make or how much love/sex/back rubbing you get. I'll never know you, thank God, and you won't deter me from submitting poems and posting comments.

Joy to the World,
an ebullient 28 year old woman who finally found a job

From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

Really, I should have just submitted a comment thanking your for your feedback on my blue eyes poem and just ignored the negativity. I always defend myself on this Board and then I feel like it wasn't necessary. I'll never really know any of the contributors to this site and I'm quite okay with that! The Blender is what it is...I should just be grateful for the feedback from people like you and B.K. and terry and Michael and Ali and Megs and not let the hate-inspired stuff get me down. It's ridiculous, I know.
Thanks so much for the compliment, I really appreciate it. Again, it means a lot to me that I can write about my pain and not be judged but respected for my honesty. I've said it before...writing is its own kind of therapy. There were times in my life when coming here was the absolute highlight of my day. And if it weren't for the Blender, I wouldn't be married to my best friend right now.


From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

oops...thanking "you," that is.

From: terry
Date: 28 February 2001

Ali~ (and everyone) Thanks for your concern. I am not sick, though I have not written anything new lately. I had a death in my extended family last week, for which I was responsible for making and carrying through the arrangements. On top of my normal workload, and constant guests staying at my home, I have not had enough quiet time to think.......much less write. But I will post as soon as I do write something. I am also behind in my reading here, but I fully intend to get caught up soon! Again, thanks for your concern!


From: B.K.
Date: 28 February 2001

Misti; When I tell people about the Blender, I always tell them to be sure to read Misti, and how amazing you are. I truly mean that! I think your Blue Eyes poem should start your novel, it was incredible. As for all the different names we all use at times (I even have one or two that I use when I want to try something that just doesn't sound like me at all.lol) they're fun and exciting and stirs the pot around here a bit when it gets dull and we all have the winter blahs..lol One thing we can say is it's never dull around here, not lately anyway..HA Congratulations on your new job. Thanks for your cast of characters too.

Joey: Bravo, Bravo, part three made me laugh hard and part four was just as funny. I like your funny love poems. Keep writing..LOL

From: BK again
Date: 28 February 2001

Hey Joey, why is it that with every poem this womans eyes change color...lol hummm, now this is strange..lol lol

From: Michael T (6.8 Baby!)
Date: 28 February 2001

Guppy ~ I'm in Seattle, or thereabouts..send me mail..(share_the_love@hotmail.com)...Does she live downtown? Unless she lives in a crumbly old brick building downtown, and happened to be leaving it as the quake happened, or she was in the Mardi Gras festivities, the odds are that she's ok...

It was pretty freaky, but most of the damage happened in downtown seattle, where there are lots of old crumbly brick buildings..

I was a little shaken, but not too stirred.

From: fugu
Date: 28 February 2001

Heyya Kirk:

You know that place where we're suppose to post our comments? Well, I think it might be nice if you made it CLEARER that this "Comment Form" is for "Comments Only" and that poems are to be posted in another place. Subtlety is for you and not the newcomers.

And Kirk...You know that place where we're suppose to click to go to that place where we're suppose to post our poems? Well, I'm glad you do because too many here don't see that place very easily. BIG LETTERS and maybe in red and maybe in another place altogether.

And Kirk...You know that place where you say "Long time posters, lease note ...". Well, I'll bet you meant to say "please" rather than "lease".

And Kirk, you know that idiot that keeps posting under various pseudonyms and "blanks" where a name should be? Well, I'll bet he's having a ball and wishes he could find a real life.

fugu -- NOT a pseudonym for a problem child

From: Chris
Date: 28 February 2001

Hey 'different nameless one'--

Watch your step, man (yes, I'm assuming you're male)... And pray I never meet ya. I might just have to kick your ass to hell and back.

Sorry for the seriousness, folks. No one attacks Misti.

Love & Moonbeams,

From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

You're awesome. I'm home! Come pick me up.

xxxxyour Mistixxxx

From: fugu
Date: 28 February 2001

And Kirk...

You know, I just read my last post and maybe it sounded "angry" or even "nasty". 'Twas not. They were just little suggestions and I still love ya man.


From: deevaa
Date: 28 February 2001

*rolls her eyes at the men folk playing cyber-protector*

Misti, I very much liked 'engulfed'

Guppy, 'Home' .. ditto what everyone else said this morning.

*grin* I'm so darn happy I could burst.

From: deevaa
Date: 28 February 2001

sorry Chris... I gotta share...

When I read that I thought of that scene in 'Dirty Dancing' where Patrick Swayze says... "no one puts Baby in the corner"...

From: gardenguru
Date: 28 February 2001

Good, thoughtful, and thought-provoking folks: I just posted, first in a long time. Tell me what I'm missing, please.


From: gardenguru
Date: 28 February 2001

Well, dang, Dark Angel and tavia kind of, sort of dovetail right in there with mine, don't they?


From: Misti
Date: 28 February 2001

That's awesome! Wow...thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy my role playing. Have you ever read the poems I submitted as Kim Wu? I think that was last spring. Then there's Braeden...Alexander Newfield...rat boy...tawnia...marcia marcia marcia...etc.! Seriously, it means a lot to me to receive encouragement and praise from you.

...just received an email from Paul. Our screenplay didn't place in the top three. Oh, well. Back to the grindstone.
"Candy Before Bedtime" will not be showing in a theater near you. I'm still glad we wrote it. Had fun and learned a few things.

Glad you enjoyed *Engulfed*...thank you. I love that scene in "Dirty Dancing." I also love the scene in "Gone With the Wind" when Rhett Butler pays all that money in Confederate gold for one dance with Scarlett O'Hara. Naomi Wolf wouldn't admire me. Germaine Greer would spit on me. But gosh dang it I'm in love with my errant knight!