By Brenda
Date: 10 April 1997

*The Tears-The Hope*

There comes a time in life when the spirit in each of us...

Reaches out to find promises of love, happiness and security.

Many times we catch only a glimmer of something to quicken our heart

and lighten our soul....

Invaribly the hand of destiny snatches it away...

To darken our soul, and sicken our heart...

To trust no more..

To plunge the veil of light..

Into darkness...

Is there a way to catch and hold 

The elusive promise of a heart filled,

With love, joy and happiness?

Through the anguised pain and moments of despair..

We eventually lift ourselves up...

Wipe away the tears...

And walk on...




Reaching out...

And opening our souls once again...

To fill the void of lonliness

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