Heart-on-Sleeve Journal - Fall 1996

Love Lost
Sunshine, My Angel
By "Jeff Thomas" <jeffysan@usaor.net>.
Grief, Pain, and Love
By Roei Shalev <bensh@mail.netvision.net.il>. Some moving images drawing on a powerful cultural tradition and personal experience.
How I Hate Her
By Stephen Davi Pollock <stevep@UDel.Edu>. The contradiction of love.
Between Friendship and Romance
In Some Ways I Already Love You
By Sue Olszewski. Sounds like an answer to an all too common question.
Admiring From Afar
Forgiving Love/Dark Road
By Mark Gammill <gammill@msn.com>. Small pieces looking through darkness
Forgiving Love/Dark Road
By Mark Gammill <gammill@msn.com>. Small pieces looking through darkness
Just Plain Admiring
By Edward Earle Lafferty Iv--bd25070@binghamton.edu. Fate brings Angels.
Something Else
Three Works
By Jane Pek <eponine@rgs.edu.sg>. Three pieces with a bright lyrical bent.

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