By Nulla
Date: 25 June 1997

Redemption of an Ex-Con

For months, you've been my judge, jury, and prosecuting attorney
and I withstood this trial, swearing to tell nothing but the truth
swearing to change...
Long ago, I stole, cheated, took your love and ran across the border
I pled guilty to being a traitor to your state
I confessed
you gave me a second chance on (our) life

I stepped into this cell you call friendship
suffering the stench and blackness, 
holding tight to the belief that I could start over, 
become a changed woman
But, you found reasons, so many, to wake me from midnight
to drag me out, into your courtroom
and grill me on the witness stand 
Power can go to your head, can't it?
and once you had my life in your hands
You became the Almighty
He who giveth, and who taketh away

There is no amnesty for me

So I've sharpened my heart, 
and I'm digging a tunnel with it
the dirt that I shovel away to either side is getting looser
I can see light through the crumbling ceiling
and I can almost breathe again

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