By Imel Pangilinan
Date: 5 June 1997


don't keep on giving me a ring
     I hate speaking with you
but do call me sometimes
     'coz I need someone to talk to.

stop telling such silly jokes
     you know I easily get annoyed
but do make me laugh in some way
     'coz I always am pretty bored.

never come to my house
     mom and dad would get mad
but how I wish we could see each other
     so I'll be comforted when I am sad.

refrain from insisting for a date
     I'm sure not to give a chance
but set a day for the two of us
     and just see me for a glance.

and...don't ever call me sweetheart
     I won't commit myself to you
but treat me like a little sis
     'coz I feel the same way, too.

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