By Jessica (
Date: 12 May 1997

Romantic Rainfall

Watching the rain and thinking of you
It's like my heart has stopped being that shade of blue
I'll let you take my tiny fragile hand
Hoping and praying you will understand
You whisper into my soul so softly
Reaching out I hope you'll catch me
The sweet romantic smells all around
I pray that you'll hold me and keep me safe and sound
Those soft clouds of gray hover my home 
Yet it doesn't stop me from hearing it's voice
The soft pitter patter reminds me of my heart
It's clean and it's falling, it's falling for you
There is nothing I can do to stop it
My hands are cold and want your warmth
I am not going to hurt you or kill your soul
Just hold on tight till we have to let go
When that moment does come
Lets pray it's not soon
I'll remember this moment forever I hope you will too. 

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