Where is Light,
               is Darkness.
by: J. Cassioo
e-mail: uqaa55a@prodigy.com    
a man, a martyr
  set to walk the straight and narrow
a woman, a convict
  imprisoned in her sheets
a cry
  the martyr's distraction
  the woman's lust
with good words
 chains are broken
  the prisoner is freed
    piromainia lurks
the martyr heedless
 to this, his weakness
  lights a torch to the chamber
   and embraces the woman's frail tear
dogmatic coveys into agnostic
 the martyr, taunted into fire
  lost in the mire
   is eaten by the dog
the man, the fool
 set to darkness in death.
the woman, the jailer
 convicts herself to prison.

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