"I guess everyone has had that one breakup where you just want to sit in your house for six months, smoking cigarettes and eating chicken pot pies in your underwear."
--Jake Johannsen

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < january 2007 >
2006 is nixed, 2007 is... I dunno, heaven? Maybe, maybe not.

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But it is a new year, full of the hopes and concerns of every new year. It's a chance to put the bad things of the past behind us and look for new starts and try some new approaches.

The holiday season is always a little light, in terms of quanity, but I'm extremely happy with this month's selections.

So as always, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

Early, Early Morning. - j. knipp
This may well be the loveliest prose work this month, rich with metaphor.

Cornered in a Kiss - Ali
The short lines in this piece work really well.

Until Sugar Isn't Sweet - B.K.
I really enjoyed this one's take on the old "Yours 'til Niagra Falls".

in medias res - chris
Hey, another Niagra reference... lovely cadence in this piece.

gravy trains - Kirk
The dream logic labeled this as a Paul Simon lyric, odd piece about taking things for granted.

This Christmas - Star of David
Holiday without the cheer.

All We Needed
Best Friends?
Two paragraphs by musicalduck, one melancholy, one more wistful.

Ta-Daa! - blakey
And this, just a sentence... but a great one.

Modern Technology - callaphair
Ah, the joy of txt... 5,5 L; 6,6,6 O; 8,8,8 V; 3,3 E?

Haunted - Abogada / abogadalbny
Another cellphone cameo...

mired memento mori mine - aparajita
Aha.... always adoring alliteration.

last night in the dark - darwin
Brooding and powerful.

Untitled - blessed23
Missing summer.

I Love The Way You Love Me - badnews

Shame on me (or satori, peanut butter, celebrex, and estratab) - MichaelT (foolishly)
Great detail-laden prose piece.

Blender Feature Review
Shannon Wheeler, more than just Too Much Coffee Man...

Heart on Sleeve Corner
55 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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