Love is two crickets hopping in the same direction --W.T.Vollmann
Blender of Love Digest February 1998

The Ides of February

February-- It's a tough month to spell. And it's cold. And it's still dark. The month's only saving graces might be a diminished number of days and the most important of holidays: The holiday that brings lovers together. The holiday that makes us step back and appreciate the people in our life. The holiday that shines like a beacon, reaffirming life during winter's ice-covered days. I'm speaking, of course, of Groundhog's Day.

I'm being silly. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

This month brings more poetry than ever before, as well as a critique of "Titanic" and a review of the wonderful "Round Midnight."

New Works
Raindrops - By Suzie.
Framing question that carries a lot of weight.
happy anniversary - By d.
Even with the 'net, long-distance relationships aren't easy.
blue eyes - By erin.
erin's back, with 15 submissions this month.
Ache For More Than an Image of You - By Athena (
Athena, another "Collectioneer", ends this poem with a great couple of lines.
Lethargy - By Tracy.
Tracy brings a great sense of wordplay to her work.
Phone - By katgrs.
'Phone' points to a startling intimacy.
folly of a hard-core romantic - By Misti.
Misti Velvet Rainwater (I just like typing the name) with one of her shorter works.
Rebekah's - By Jim H.
One of the Rebekahs in the world. A very smoothly flowing work.
from The Struggle
By Edith Mack. This is a brief excerpt from a piece of hers- the entire thing is in the Heart-on-Sleeve Journal.

Other Artists

Although my feet - Ono no Komachi.
Submitted by Kae. Early classical poetry from Japan.
excerpt from Ulysses - By James Joyce.
Submitted by katgrs. A bit on passion from Ulysses.
Heart on Sleeve Corner
All the remaining heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

Ramble Regarding Romance
Why "Titanic" misses the boat.
Featured Artist Review
Four versions of Thelonious Monk's Round Midnight.
Blender Board
Feedback and Comments sent in over the past month.

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