Happy Spring!
It's Spring Time and the Blender Digest is sporting its Easter pastels- oh
wait, this is how the site always looks. Never mind.
Still, it's good to see you here, and I hope you'll enjoy this month's
selection of new prose and poetry, as well as the usual editor "Rambles
Regarding Romance" and a review of Garrison Keillor's Mr. Blue column in
So have a happy Easter, Passover, Pagan Spring Ritual, or my personal favorite,
return of Daylight Savings Time!
Read, Love, Enjoy.
Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Front Page Picks
- Wanting
By Christina caldwell.
- The distance between desire and fulfillment, measured in light years.
- Afar
By Melanie.
- Short, plaintive prose piece, the final paragraph resonates.
- L'idiot
- Tinged
- Two haiku-like pieces by Isolde.
The first is presented in French and English, the second consists of a surprisingly striking metaphor.
- hrts in your i's
By Brandi.
- (Submitted by Angel no1halo@yahoo.com.) Another short piece
by the six-year-old poetess.
- free
By anonymous.
- "For m.", good example of the use of spacing in free verse.
- Sleeping in J's L
By Just L.
- "A cocktail napkin diddy about sleeping on Jason's L-shaped sofa" -
nice rhythm and rhyme.
- a penny
By kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com.
- A little overwrought in the middle, perhaps, but I liked the conclusion.
- The "L" Word
By Crystevin.
- "For X", one of the frequent posters here,
a delightful dive into the dictionary.
- No Note on the Dresser...
By Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com).
- Implies volumes.
- Where Were You?
By Donovan (krylos53@aol.com).
An interesting study in the baggage romantic pasts leave us with.
- Memories
By Kitten.
- Submitted by empussycat@hotmail.com.
A threat from love gone awry.
- Why Now
By Rob Ward.
- Good questions that I've been known to ask.
Heart on Sleeve Corner
- All the remaining heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.