"Unrequited Love is like hitting your head against a wall that isn't there."
--Too Much Coffee Man
Blender of Love Digest August 1999

The Dog Days of Summer

We made it through July, spooky interpretations of Nostradamus aside (though some "true believers" claim we need to get to October before we're really out of the woods) But I digress! We've got another month of new creative work and a PalmPilot related ramble from yours truly. So get to reading, and enjoy the summer while it lasts-

(For the record, this issue marks 2 full years of the new Blender Digest format, with the first version of the Love Blender itself dating all the way back to late 1993...)

as always: read love & enjoy,

Kirk, Blender-Keeper

Front Page Picks
QUANDARY Rennie Lorca - Lorca@bigfoot.com.
Rennie Lorca's poems, short and to the point- or to more than one point.
Alarmed?By Just L.
Story from the morning after.
Because of you By Lisa Crouch.
??? By The Guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com.
Where I First Fell in Love on the Edge of a Glacier in Alaska By Jlor.
I feel that the works in this triumvirate really stand out for their final lines.
beautiful morningBy deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz.
Commutes have never sounded this good...
Effect By Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com).
Sometimes there are third parties in relationships that are both neccesary and unwelcome...
MessengerBy Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com).
Requiem for a chessplayer. The rhythm in this prose poem is amazing.
take my breath away By d.
jump By d.
Two breathess pieces by d.
ex-stacyBy The Guppy.
luck of the drawBy The Guppy.
Two by The Guppy. I like "luck of the draw"'s quirkiness and well wishes for ex-romance.
Heart on Sleeve Corner
All the remaining heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

Ramble Regarding Romance
O for the love of a PalmPilot
Blender Board
Conversation and Comments sent in over the past month.

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