The Big Rollover
Whether you hold with the spoil sports who say Millenium Eve is
actually December 31, 2000, or with apologists such as myself
who think 1 B.C. should do double duty as 0 A.D., the end of the
1900s is a big event-- much bigger than my capacity to celebrate it,
at least. But it won't stop me from trying.
So, if the Doom-n-Gloomers who have predicted ruin and downfall are right
(despite being pretty much wrong for this entire year), this is my final Digest, and
I bid you all the fondest of farewells. More likely, I'll see you
in this very same forum in a month, with more great poetry, good conversation, and a traditon that spans centuries. (Sort of.)
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Front Page Picks
- a.m. By Sarah.
- Seredipity Split By
- "Holding Hands" By Lynn ...
- These are pieces by three different women, all relatively prose-like, and
each with a story to reveal. I like it when there is some kind of synchronicity within the
frontpage picks.
- a thousand words By The Guppy.
- The Guppy's work always tends to stand out because of the care
he takes with language; I think sometimes on this site, people lose
the balance between the medium and the message, but Guppy manages it
with great grace.
- Famished By
This piece captures a lot of action in some interesting ways.
- Quote From "Dead Poets Society" (1989)
By John Keating (Robin Williams, screenplay by Tom Schulman).
Submitted by kevin urenda.
I think this quote paints with an overly broad brush, but it uses some
really stirring colors.
- "What Is Your Verse?" By Toklas.
Spinning off the above quote- Toklas has a real gift for images.
- Bright eyed
- Nice Job
- Two by ZoE. The first in the stars, the second returning to earth.
- not thinking of you
By Madison [].
Enough to make one wonder what an island rum cigar would be like...
- Atlas Pining
By Art Dog.
- I sometimes worry that a classical reference is an easy to ticket
for a submitted work to become a Frontpage Pick, but Art Dog's work
requires no such device.
- Tribute to BFC
By Misti Velvet Rainwater.
Misti asked forgiveness for "another sappy one", but I think this piece is
a wonderful tribute of longing, tinged with a dozen other feelings.
- write me in
By kate.
- Three lines that study the conundrum of being in love with people
with histories- I distrust the feeling that starting with a blank slate
is the ideal situation, anyway.
- Foreigner
By LaReina. []
LaReina writes "This poem is about a German exchange student I fell in love
with & visited years later after it was over"- readers may know it's territory
I've explored in
autobiographical fiction
as well as real life.
- A Mountain Lion
By Diana Bickston.
Submitted by Misti Velvet Rainwater, who mentions
"this poem was written in an Arizona prison."
- the mermaid shines
By the guppy & deevaa.
A very neat collaboration. You know, the Internet really is the
return of the written word, but sometimes the odd picture is good as well.
Heart on Sleeve Corner
- All the remaining heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.
- Featured Artist Review
- A link to a great bit of prose, following last months
ramble about the glories
of Boxers.
- Blender Board
- Conversation and Comments sent in over the past month.
- About the Blender / History
- What it's all about.
- Blend-O-Matic
- Random Romantic Ripcords
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