By Angel
Date: 3 July 2000
A Longing
how this muggy summer night
you and i are drawn
to the other world
outside of home
into the dank of night
down to the dirty banks of the river
where the sounds there echo those
we sometimes hear in our heads
when we are sleeping not
but laying hot in bed
and nature is calling us back
to a time when there was no time
'cept for a time to sleep
a time to be fed
and here in these far reaches of time
without time
you lay beside me
an early man
i, your doting mate
and the scent of you
is my comfort
for, i can smell your day
and i can count every hair in your brow
and know which way they lay
and you can see my femininity
in the absense of lace
or of paint upon my face
and you touch me
like i am the wind and the fire
to be harnessed by you
but respectfully
and i oblige
for it is this delicate respect that allowed you to drag me
into the cave in the first place
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