By Stephen
Date: 13 July 2000

Dragon Necklace

Ahh, Didn't you see? That "evil one" passing one by me? Slipping her note away set for sailing the sea?
She drops that lizard chain bleeding seeds.., seeds quite round indeed.

Ahh, But didn't you believe? The note dropper being spotted and easily seen..?
Admired from afar is the way to be as she leaves?

Ahh, But didn't you notice me relieved? To hear that ink talking to me?
To see its sweet shapes communicating with thee?

Ahh, Didn't you see me read? About those swirled and whirled creatures swift so gracefully over me?
With the hero in protection on the lead? Yes, you couldn't concieve the joy that I believe.

Ahh, But can you Dream? For her to get back what she recieved, and so thoughtfully put on leave...,
Yes I can dream, and she still continues to be quite intrigued, on why the hell I gave it back to thee.

Ahh, So can You see? The idea that I can see? You don't have to believe to stay intrigued. 
But are you starting to get annoyed with me? Too bad because I see something you can see....,
Of Course!.. This silly way to communicate with thee!

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