By Zero #1
Date: 14 July 2000

You Didn't Follow Me..

      I walked out of your life
you never followed just strolled your way through it all
through all the lows and bads and goods, you were the only one there.
      I walked out of your life
you never followed left me there looking back, with wishes of
your being coming running after me, telling me not to go,,just beckoning

      I walked out of your life
you never followed we drifted apart, farther than before
like a wrecked and damaged ship, you just let me take on more water

      I walked out of your life
and you absent mindedly forgot to point me in the right direction
Dying through tears and the breaking of my heart, I ended up right back to

          Like a fool...
      I walked out of your life
         only to keep on
             into it.

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