By sarah
Date: 21 July 2000

we gathered

the fire was lit
as the grass around it
crinkled from heat
the branches swaying in the dark
casting their luminisce gray
gaze on the rocky soil
its dampness permeating
the air with its ripe scent
bringing us back to a primal
we gathered
with our arms outstretched
and our hands met in palmers kiss
the light glow of fire in
our eyes as we felt the
warmth on our bodies level
against the cold that threatened
our backsides
our hearts pounding with a rhythm
that matched the beating we felt
beneath our feet in the dance
we felt needed to be performed
as i waved my body around you
as a sacrifice
we gathered
your gaze penetrating the dark
alive with the fire, not of the
ones that grew around us in our bodies
but of the forces we brought together
and invoked
i opened my hands and presented
you with my flame and placed
it upon your head
i set my mark upon you
and i wear you as a talisman
between my breasts
where you indeliably marked me
and we gathered

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