By Gala
Date: 14 July 2000

Heart Deep

After the first 10,000 times
even "I love you" loses it luster
and it's not that you feel it any less,
it's that the word is worn
a bit tattered
and seems unworthy
of the swell in your chest and throat,
the feeling of total connection
the gleam of a lover's
unabashed and total regard.
Those first few times we say it
there is wonder
and no small measure of joy.
In time it wears like good flannel---
comfortable and comforting
no longer a shock to hear---
and even when spoken absently,
is still worth hearing.
But we need another word for love
that can silence the evening news
penetrate the comfortable silence
and convey
once and for all
that you've passed the puppy place
you're beyond mere devotion
and what you feel is so consuming
that speaking it
is partially a prayer.
We need a sacred word
for that moment---
that no one is allowed to speak in vain,
or sell in a greeting card
or use more than a few times.
Heart deep
soul connecting
and utterly profound.

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