By Rose
Date: 27 July 2000

Shielded Hearts

The heart is such a fickle thing yet so complex
Desiring romance, passion, love
Yet needing security, understanding, devotion
An Anchor
Ever searching,
Even greedy, at times
With an appetite that seems insatiable

One moment frivolous and free
Spontaneous, flirtatious, firey and strong
The next cowering, blocked, cold
From the wicked little darts of
"I don't need you's or I don't want you's"
Cast by other hearts
Oblivious to anything but their own hungers.

And in the midst of these myriads of hearts
Most in selfish quests~
Mine found yours
And in one single moment the two seemed bound
In an eternity of discovery and joy
Each sheltering the other
With an invisible shield of love

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