By Zero #1
Date: 18 July 2000


You lied to me,
and we were so close,
or maybe that's what you wanted
me to feel,
so you just lied to me,
right to my face,
and had absolutely no remorse
for what you had done,
I can't believe this,
from hard times to good times,
even all those times when I wanted
no one else around,
I put all my faith in you,
all I wanted was for you to be happy
and what did you do?
YOU LIED TO ME!?!?!!!!
My heart, guess what, it's broke
but not just in a few pieces,
see when you lied to me, you smashed it
all into tiny pieces that floated away
on the breeze
I suppose this is where I blow up and scream
but I'm a nicer guy so I'll think of it
positively and in a nicer way
I just hope you're better off and
sure hope you're happy, baby,
now that you lied to me.

Liar.....cheatin LIAR, never thought you would

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