By Riggs
Date: 6 July 2000

The Meaning of Sex

What is the meaning of sex?
The final consumation of love?
Who the hell came up with that idea.
Oh and who decided that humans are fundamentally monogamous?
Look around.
There is an abundance of evidence to the contrary.

It's an itch.
You scratch it and you feel better.
at least for a while.

But it is not a healthy thing.
To whore oneself this way.
Because it loses all meaning.
If it had any in the first place.

Like duct tape around someones arm.
It'll stick real good the first time.
Rip it off.
It hurts.
Takes some of them with it.
So it doesn't stick quite so well to the next person.
Or the one after...
Soon it won't stick at all.
If sex is the most final of acts,
what happens then...

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