By Jon W.Gross
Date: 27 July 2000

The Heart

                      THE STORY OF THE HEART
A carpenter found a perfect piece of wood and fell in love. He took that
piece of wood already knowing what it was. It was a heart. The carpenter
started to cut away the excess pieces off and turned it into the best piece
of wood. The heart was a symbol. A symbol of life. The reason I say that is
there are many things that happened in that hearts life. One of those
things that happened to the heart was it has been broken two times. The
heart is like people. Give it love and time and it will be fixed. The pain
is still there but only if you look for it. The heart has a few mistakes in
the wood but dose that make it any less beautiful?? The only way you will
know that they are there is if you look deep inside of the wood. The
carpenter put his life into making the heart but in reality the heart made
him. Things happened in the carpenter's life that made him see the light.
He almost gave up on the heart but people and the heart kept telling him to
finish. The carpenter was not happy but then his life changed again. The
heart taught him the most valuable lesson in life. It taught him no matter
how bad life can get there will always be some one who cares enough and
loves enough to never leave his side. The carpenter got an idea and put two
butterflies for a symbol of beauty. The butterfly was a ugly caterpillar
but just like people they change and gain wings. The carpenter knows that
no matter how much he love the butterflies he cant keep them trapped and
the carpenter loves the butterflies enough to let them be free no matter
the pain he has inside. The carpenter also put felt in the heart. The felt
is the symbol of warmth. Even thought it is black it keeps the heart warm.
The felt is to show the heart that the world can be black at times but itis still a warm place as long as you let it. The beauty of the heart was
like nothing the carpenter ever saw. When he finished with the heart he was
very proud of what he had. I just hope this heart will be able to teach you
as much about life as it did the carpenter.

P.S. If you ever feel sad or depressed please remember that there will
always be some one who loves you more then life.

Yours truly,

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