By terry
Date: 1 July 2000

I Am Shiva

The precipice looms in the shadows
Choices deadly painful in every direction
For a blind man who refuses to embrace his destiny
And to a deaf man who cannot hear his own heart’s scream.

Dead calm has fallen
And the vodka is burning
And God my head is filled and churning
The inside of my brain unrelenting.
Choose, Don’t choose
Go, Stay
Indecision=cowardice=destruction of a precious heart
Mine? Hers?

I am Shiva destroyer of worlds
Whose will it be
‘Tis better to swallow the poison of self
Than cast pain in a deliberate rebuke
In the name of Love
Even if Love hurts

Three doors
The right is red and flowing
The left is white and hot
But the middle is black and stark

And I recognize my own soul
Dare I enter?
And at what cost sanity?

I am Shiva Eater of Happiness
So fuck it
End her laughter
Kill a Heart
The consequences are irrelevant
When you murder your own soul.

Open the black
Were you not born there
In a pulse of blood and pain?
Embrace what you know the best
Let some one else sort the rest.
Its only love
Its only life
Its only me you hear weeping.

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