By Gala
Date: 25 August 2000
Advice To The Next Wife
Yes dear----
I'm the vile cruel bitch
who somehow trapped
that wonder of a man
you are now in love with.
You've heard I am the worst----
but did he ever tell you
that I used to make up songs
and sing him awake in the morning?
Did he mention
the years I spent
devoted to him,
before the cold
crept into his eyes or voice.
Did he mention that he's not a big one
for silly gestures,
and that "I love you"
is hard for him to say?
He'll tell you I ruined his life
broke his heart and spirit
but will he ever tell you
how very much I loved him,
before he decided i wasn't enough?
I didn't think so.
But dear?
Take care of him.
I do still love him---
but I could not
stand the cold look
the polar words
the cutting sarcasm
or the feeling that I was alone
sleeping next to him.
Make your own mistakes.
I earned mine.
And I will pay for them.
We both don't want to wear
the same dress for this party,
now do we?
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