By Abe
Date: 23 August 2000
Your Affection
Your affection is so addicting
Like a junkie, I yearn for more
Pulse pounding, my pours sweating
Eyes bloodshot with desire
My veins burning for your fix
I can't escape, even if I wanted
Your spell cast ever so slowly,
unnoticed by my adoring self
It awakens my senses and my soul
My body aching for your touch
My soul once fraught with disillusionment
now focused on your contentment and your bliss
My mind's eye envisioning your angelic face
revisiting our last embrace
wishing for our next rendevous to be immediate
I need you now, not tommorrow
for tommorrow comes too late
I need you till I can't take it anymore
Fill me with your sweet, loving, affection
for I adore you and all that is you
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