By Gala
Date: 26 August 2000
Come Dance In My Garden, Love
Hold still a moment love----
let these hands touch your face
so that you cannot look away--
so that my truth
will ring in your soul
with the guileless purity of a bell.
I let you in---
this was not criminal trespass,
not B&E
with the intent
of theft by deception.
I left the door open,
and even if you weren't expected
could you doubt that you were welcome?
Now lean your head here---
that's my heart beat
a little quicker perhaps,
but the staccato beat
is there for you,
and i feel the echo everywhere.
Oh love----
I only know one thing;
those bald spots i had,
are suddenly filled
with life,
and ready to burst open
filling the night air
with the sweetness
of a moon flower bloom
and it was the caring touch
of your hands
strong and gentle
that brought this garden
to lush splendor.
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