By Zero #1
Date: 11 August 2000
Eyes don't lie
Why don't you just look into my eyes
and tell me you don't have a slight feeling for me
or are you too scared to do so
I'm not pretending
never was
just look into my eyes
and tell me, that I don't love you
You couldn't could you?, thought not
(my eyes don't lie)
never have
just because my insecurities tell me not to want you
I can't change the matter within myself
I never intended it to happen, but it did
If you wonder why I'm like this
don't go bother asking your friends
they won't be able to help you on this one
never will
just don't make me look like a fool
because I think you're the most beautiful person
I've ever seen...
(and my eyes don't lie)
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