By Susannah
Date: 19 August 2000
What happened to this Fairytale
I think about when we met
That smile on your face
It was so very long ago
A fairytale time and place
I melted when you touched me
From the fire within your heart
This would last forever
I thought never would we part
Our start, like a fairytale ending
"And they walked off hand in hand"
Foever I'd be your woman
Always you'd be my man
My Love for you a treasure
My eyes sparkled and shined
Putting you on a pedstal
How I adore you, cherishing you are mine
Years passed like a rollercoaster
Just ups and downs I guess
Yet through it all I have to say
I always tried my best
Soon hurtful words were what I was hearing
But I still continued on
The fire, now in your eyes raging
And the smile o your face gone
With the sparkle o my eyes fading
Yet a promise to stay forever
No matter what happened I thought
I would leave you never
Then the last time I knew
There was nothing more I could do
And the "Fairytale" was through
All the hurtful names, silence games
and the "unmentionables" too
Were too much for my precious heart
And it finally broke in two
I tried my best to please you
Looking back at all the years
I hold on to the special times
The moments before the tears
I shared my giggles,my little girl dances
Love notes, easter baskets
And birthday bashes
Chocolate cover hearts on that special day
Always endless kisses, and intimate moments
anytime of day
Snuggling on the couch
Being close to one another
Looking at you so intensly
Loving you like no other
You being all that wanted
All I desire, all that I see
I Thanked God that he gave you to me
Cooking and cleaning,
Yes I did that too
Oh and me in only my bra and thong
Remembering just a few
Then my world came crashing to the ground
No more I love you's
Only put downs
See my heart can't be glued
'Cause it shattered into a million pieces
Years after you first broke it two
Now I see your email
On the computer screen
Looking back at me
Tender loving words
How can this be?
You say you've missed the sparkle
That lived in my eyes
That when you looked at me
You knew, You were my World, my Life
You say that you miss me
Memories of me follow you through out the day
That you can't stop thinking about me
Almost 3 years since I went away
You say how much you love
And no one else can take my place
Your words so sweet to treasure
How come, you never said them to my face?
Looking back, we both made mistakes
Maybe we were too young
But I want you to know
You can STILL melt my heart
For you were the ONLY One
Dedicated to my "First Love"..Ernie
Sometimes we can't see what is there all along.
For where ever your heat leads you...You will always be a part of my heart
Note to Readers....Please feel free to comment, I'd loved to hear from you.
Thank you
Copyright 2000 @ Susannah
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