By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 15 August 2000


teasing...laughing...being stupid
me a giddy Scarlett and you a stoic Rhett
trying to carry me up the stairs
to the boudoir for some no nonsense nookie
No More of THAT talk! Time for BED!
then falling flat on the mattress
ummm...thought the beloved blue lightbulb would help
and damn, I'm cute
and god, you're gorgeous
and gee, we're horny
but there are always more words to say
more accusations
more self-preservation tactics
endless blame and denial and doubt and fear
the song of the spheres will not play for us tonight

and then my tears and my refusal to succumb to them
I DON'T want to be a baby! I don't want to be soft!
I don't want it to ALWAYS end this way! Me pushed to the
wall and crying and you wrapping me up in your security blanket
embrace saying words of love and nuzzling my neck!

we agree on Ed Abbey and anarchy and Hank Williams, Sr.
and you bring me peanut butter and chocolate ice cream
and candy bars and I make you coffee and wash the sheets
we sleep on
but that is not enough

...instead of giving up and chalking it up to a cyber space
romance gone bad
we grit our teeth and clench our fists and make it work

last night I felt myself grow a couple of inches as I told you
things I had never told you before
(the hits...the hits...they keep on comin')
and instead of a poor me pity party
we celebrated truth together
and rewarded each other for facing the demons head on
                 healing plum lotion
                 and kisses that smack
                     of conviction
                 and benediction by
                   a beautiful

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