By C.A. Elizabeth Zingone --
Date: 7 August 2000
My World Unknown
A distant rumble of a storm cloud
The silent lapping of river water
A field of grass whispering in the wind
The crashing of ocean waves upon a sandy shore...
Two lovers stand in a world of their own
Feeling a comfort and closeness in each other
Two lovers stand in a world of ours
Feeling their world crashing before them...
Two people meet and fall in love
Another intercepts and pulls them apart.
Two people dream of a future together no one knows
Then begin to disbelieve what they know is to happen...
A gentle voice to be assuring
An inner strength stronger than life
A heart full of compassion
A hurt feeling from a world yet unknown...
A distant runble of a storm cloud
The silent lapping of river water
A field of grass whispering in the wind
The crashing of ocean waves upon a sandy shore...
...My world unknown
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