Date: 17 August 2000


round and round the trees we found
games of lasting sight and sound
flitting in on wings of gold
sunlight dances to the ground
into the air we raise our voices
crying out about our choices
drifting through our melodies
one voice raised as she rejoices
one today she so stands out
sudden different her voice in shout
wavering like a dreamy vision
voice so pure it cast no doubt
one by one we quiet then
as hush returns to our small glen
translucent as a candle flame
her voice a clarion in gods own den
her flame bright , to bright it seems
her voice a purity you find in dreams
shimmering waves of beaten day
break round her in boiling  stream
tomorrow it may come to pass
as my day so come at last
to rise high above the rest
to sing an angels quiet mass

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