By KJ Untold
Date: 19 August 2000
Broken Everything
Broken down inside and out.
How do I get you to talk about,
The things that are bothering me
I wish that it could be free.
Why I feel broken and down
I don't even feel like making a sound.
Maybe one day i'll be found
All the broken pieces along the ground
Would anyone put me together
Before I floated like a feather.
Drowning in tears
Making every dream a fear.
Broken down inside and out
I just want to let a shout
I just want to go and die
Instead of acting happy as pie
Hidden in the wall of life
No one to take a knife
To the being all slashed and torn
Why was i even born
The last of the person I was
Will never return i'm afraid
For once it does
I'll be gone and made.
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