By Crystal
Date: 27 August 2000


I've experienced a change inside,
I've not cried in days...
I've laughed more than I have in a very long time.

At this very moment,
I'm so sad but the tears aren't flowing.
This bothers me,
am I letting go completey.
Of the Love I've held in my heart so long?

I'm realizing,
that the words "I Love You",
never really made a difference...
It wasn't enough for you.
And now when you say them to me,
somehow they feel empty...
just said as a habit, with no emotional feeling at all.

You have long since moved on,
and I stayed behind to hold whatever was left between us together,
and to mend my wounded heart.

It hurts so very much,
My life has fallen apart.
I remember every broken promise made to me,
I remember dreaming of being with you forever.
My hands shake, my heart beats faster,I can barely breathe...
But yet,
I can nolonger cry.
   I guess the rain will come again another day!

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