By Michael (not a zero, wish I were a hero)
Date: 3 August 2000
Not a Zero Sum
In business, there's such a thing as a zero sum game
where sometimes when one person gains
another person has to lose.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
And anyway, that's not how love works.
Love is an infinite sum game
When someone else wins
someone else doesn't necessarily lose
when you don't win her
You haven't lost really
You might still have a piece of her heart
And she can love you
even if she's not with you
and vice versa
And it will be alright
You can make it great
It's a piece of cake really
Open a box of friendship
add a half-a-carton of caring
Unfortunately, you gotta break a few eggs too.
Be careful.
Things can get pretty messy.
It's easy though.
Just add love.
Mix and stir.
Everything you put in.
to the
Make it
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