By Misti Velvet Rainwater and Christopher David Lake
Date: 15 August 2000
Too Soon For Tucson
it's too late for Taco Bell and "Wild at Heart"
and too soon
for Tucson
the demented desert howl can claim us someday
with its red void
and spirit of Ed Abbey
soaring above us
on thermals
a patient turkey vulture
here it is relentlessly green and there is no end
in sight
to second chances and grass salad dressed and seasoned
for nursery rhymes
too much time to kill the blessing and ask for dessert
the hurt rolls off our backs and splats
on the sidewalk...
we could talk tonight
of then and now
and how easy it will be
when we are home among the sage and saguaro
no more sorrow to shoot at each other
in watergun wars
the fear will stalk us later
let's put it to bed
and fall asleep entwined
trusting nothing more
than the ageless lullabye
that is
our love.
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