By Misti Velvet Rainwater, Mistress of Muchness
Date: 28 August 2000
Raging Engaging Karma Kaleidoscope
what's your problem, gripe or guilt trip?
did you take a sip of lukewarm chardonnay?
you'll be okay if you don't think too much
look out the smudged window and see the street
for what it really is
not for what it could be
because Paisley Park was imagined by Prince
and Central Park is five blocks away
and today there is a homeless king kissing the sidewalk
and Trump Tower is glistening and the doorman is sweating
and I keep forgetting to FOCUS
'cause I'm surrounded
then grounded and humbled
we stumbled into disillusion and a fresh wad of Bubble Yum
on our way to the fountain
and I was yellow
'stead of gold
and I folded up my fantasies
and stood in the spray
saying Here I Am
Happy and Embracing Life With Much Zest
in the Best City in the Western World
my bra was itchy
my capri pants were too tight
my feet were cursing God in Chinese
and I felt sleazy for spitting out the two dollar hot dog
and blaming you for consulting the map
and looking like a tourist
instead of JFK, Jr. or Johnny Depp
I was an inept impoverished retired adult porn star on mute
not at all cute or cool
in my sulky displeasure
with the weather and karma
and destiny, especially
for holding out on me
and sending me here
much too late
but wait
the sun is setting
and I'm not regretting this journey
as we walk hand in hand
toward the subway
anticipating the slice of Americana awaiting us
in Greenwich Village.
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