By Gala
Date: 18 August 2000

Truth To God

I am enrapt
caught up in your words
and heart
and held close to a soul
I feel I have always known.

You fear that what you say
will not serve me,
that there will always be more
that I will need---
but words have a power
that completes the soul
that nurture the strip mined heart
and feed the aching spirit
and all this you have done---and more.

Truth to God,
it is you that I have needed,
wrapping me in something new and warm
so that passion became more than a pretty word.
Desire grew a knife edge,
sweet and sharp
and left it's mark on me
like no lover
I have ever known.

Your name is the one
my heart whispers
when the night is deepest
and sleep is still outracing me,
you are who I reach for
in quiet joy,
or mad frustration,
you I ask the gods to bless
when the silent voice of my soul
speaks to the all in prayer.

Truth to God,
I will love you
with profound simple conviction
and every dawn
will bring you to me
in that first moment
when the morning birds
find their calls.

Truth to God---
Truth to God---
Truth to God---
you are a fundament of my soul.
And I would banish the doubt
the fear,
the old feelings
that make you wonder
if this is real,
if I am real,
if we could really be---
Look in my eyes
and tell me
what it is you see....

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