By deevaa
Date: 2001 Jul 15
Comment on this Work

16 July 2001

... with 4 days to go

Four days!

I think we are both under some stress, and of course we are both a combination of excited and nervous.

I'm nervous that TK will throw one of his infamous temper tantrums when we first met his folks, and they'll have a lasting impression of him as a brat and of me as a terrible mother.

I want everything to be perfect, I've never done the meeting the family thing, and here I am flying over to total immersion, and of course my skin has broken out (I NEVER get pimples), my hair has gone crazy, and I've put on weight.

I painted my toenails bright cherry red, and for some reason that, like wearing lovely lingerie, gives me a little confidence boost, even though 99.9% of the people I meet in Melbourne won't be seeing either.

My stress and nerves is taking a toll on our relationship, I've been a bit snippy the past few days, down because I can't make everything 'just right'. He is stressed out with work, and with other people's expectations of him, all in all it has been tense. Come Friday, there will be that moment as our eyes catch for the first time, and all the tension will dissolve I'm sure.