By Misti Lake
Submitted by Misti
Date: 2001 Jul 22
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Guru Knows Best

Found a new list of ten words at yesterday. Here's my attempt.

...She was brooding because her guru, Tim, had just informed her that she had a magenta aura.
"But I wanted a crystal one," she said.
"It's no calamity. Magenta auras are very vivid and alluring," Tim assured her.
"Well...crystal is cool. You can see rainbows in it," she said.
   To cheer her up, Tim took her out for pizza. He let her order a Fantastic Pineapple Bamboo Jungle Delight jumbo deep-dish pizza with a pitcher of Mountain Dew, even though Tim was a pepperoni thin crust Mr. Pibb kinda guy.
  Indubitably, she began to belch halfway through the meal.
  "That's so trashy," Tim said with a raised left eyebrow.
  "You're my guru. You aren't supposed to pass judgment."
  "I'm not supposed to pass gas or burp, either. It's not evolved."
  "I guess you have a point. My mom says you can always tell a lady by her hands."

After the feast Tim dropped her off at her room at The Immaculate Motel By the Roadside, which is where she lived.
"What should I do to attain enlightenment today?" she asked as she was getting out of Tim's cobalt SUV.
"Study your reflection in the surface of a Windexed mirror."
"And my mantra?"
"High caliber razzmatazz. I got it."
"Thanks, dude. Hasta luego."
    Tim zoomed away and she walked toward her blue door smiling, feeling much better about her magenta aura.