By Misti
Date: 2001 Sep 28
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Grandma Has Nothing to Do With Romance

Grandma, you have nothing whatsoever to do with romance
so I know you won't mind if I don't write a poem
about you and your wise ways
and charm school? okay, sure...really lovely
makes the valentine heart pump vats of passionate love
oh, but Scarlett O'Hara went to charm school
and didn't drop out
no, she passed with flying colors
and went on to marry one man
for revenge
another man for money
another man because he was a good kisser
who promised her a big, gaudy ring
all the while withering away
staring at Ashley's picture
so many Southern Belles
like our dear Scarlett
from charm school
with SOARING colors
the ugliness so prettily concealed
with Mary Kay
going to church
gossiping on the phone and ICQ
the romance of it all
is that Southern men love them, anyway
and breed with them
in trailer parks
where plantations once stood
when the South was rosy