By Misti
Date: 2001 Oct 02
Comment on this Work

Summed Up

summed up I am
a lot of nothing
dressed up in too much
as I unravel
I get further away from who
I'm supposed to be
according to social conditioning
Sunday school
my family
I think of Paul
knowing exactly
who he was
and what he stood for
as he denounced his desires
focused solely
on writing
and expressing his philanthropic love
I think of so many others who knew
and stuck to the plan
I have no plan
no more clear ideas
or sense of purpose
I'm 28 years old
and I'm having a midlife crisis
I think of my mom as I load the dishwasher
and vacuum
I think of my sister as I remember
all my Rapture nightmares
and look at the church signs
saying the same thing
in a dozen different ways
I think of my brother
as I look at photos of Cathedral Gorge
and the Valley of Fire
and there are memories
of mania
still not dulled or faded
sharp memories
glass in my shoes
all the news fit to line a box with
the blues still swollen
inside me delirious
the more I listen
the more lost I get
in the song
oh it is wrong of me to pretend
I am not my mother grandmother or sister
I can't hold it all together
I can't protect

I think of all the times
I clung to you
feeling like you were the one
who gave me a new childhood
to heal me
it's okay to create
it's okay to be puerile
it's okay to get excited
over crayons and paints
and new creations

the elation
isn't true
I'm boring myself
with this pain
I want to know
for once
and without apologies
who I am
and what
I will stand.