By Misti
Date: 2001 Oct 13
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Croix de guerre

you house my primal ecstasy
keep the fire lit
the shadows dancing
you browse my library
and tenderly take notes
I carouse on a full moon
and don't arouse
your suspicions
you love me sultry
or bellicose
without superficial conditions
with courage you cross
my barbed wire border
bring order to my chaos
a tulip for each loss
cayenne for the sauce
a tipsy party host of reasons
to celebrate seasons
puddles to splash
frisbees to catch
windows to unlatch
and open to let the spring bounce in
a stocking to hang from a smiling hearth
sanctuary for my wounded heart
it's never too late to teach a new pony
old improved tricks
or treat a junkie
to a kinder fix
only a select few know to never
abandon the dying and demon possessed
no credit for the answers
half-heartedly guessed
and never substitute
a scallop
for a mushroom
my blessing
my darling
is that you never