By Randy1
Submitted by Randy1
Date: 2001 Nov 09
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A Forever Love

Even though I may never see you again...
I will always love you.

And we will always share the same stars and sky,
that forever hover above you.

Even if never again I should kiss your warm red lips,
or let my hands linger on your soft round hips...

I will always love you.

Or should I collapse and die,
never again to laugh or cry...
never again to ask "why"?

I will always love you.

Echoes of our love remain,
after the mountains crumble to dust.

Echoes of a love real and true.
Even a love beyond passion and lust.

No matter what else I should ever do...
one thing in my life will remain constant and true...
that one thing is my feelings of love...
my feelings of love for you.