By Misti
Date: 2002 Jan 04
Comment on this Work

Folk Etymology

resolution for 2002:
capitulate self-improvement until further notice
dance a generic jig of jubiliation
presently not in the mood to renumerate
flaws and idiosyncrasies
don't want to learn how to play the flute
the guitar, maybe
but not the flute
and definitely not the accordion
already have a harmonica
just blow
and the rest
will come

it's a new year, baby
a palindrome like 1991
which means this is the year to do it
all the way back to eighteen
confused and flushed
back before Saturn was making its strange transit
through the heavy planets
Saturn was someplace else
glowing like neon guava spitting out new
juicier seeds

is hurriedly a word?
then come to me
that way
however much it hurts
don't wear a bowtie
Pee Wee Herman is a tough act to follow
swallow me fanciful whimsical brimming over
oomph la la
tax season is almost upon us
and I'm tired of Caesar salad