By Misti
Date: 2002 Jan 22
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EXT.-Outside the front door of the topless bar.-Night.

Vito is sitting in his black BMW. The motor is running. Vito is talking on his cell phone. Frances walks toward the car and Vito glances at her without a smile.

Vito is talking on his cell phone as Frances sits beside him in silence. Vito is 33. He has black hair and eyes and a conventionally handsome face.

Vito: I'm on my way over right now. I just picked Frances up from work. I'm not budgin' on the overhead, guy. That price quote is absolutely ludicrous. We'll discuss it further over cold beer and Laura's amazing grilled pork chops. Well, have her make some. What else is she good for? Alright, alright, spare me the sordid details. Too much information, bro. Later.

Vito puts away the cell phone and squeezes the back of Frances's neck.

Vito: What took you so long?
Frances: One of my regulars stayed until closing. He's going through a rough time. He needed to talk.
Vito: So tell him to get a therapist. You're not a shoulder to cry on.
Frances: I don't think I'm up for Jerry and Laura. Why don't you just drop me off at the house.
Vito: I'm not goin' over there alone. You can distract Laura while I talk business with Jerry. So what's this regular's name, anyway? Is it that sleazeball I always see sitting at that same table by the main stage? The pervert with the big nose?
Frances: He pays me a lot of money. He gave me two hundred tonight.
Vito: What's his name?
Frances: Mr. Cummings.
Vito: Mr. Cummings. Is this Mr. Cummings your sugar daddy, sweetheart?
Frances: I've been workin' there for the past three months and it never bothered you before. You got me that job.
Vito: I don't mind you takin' your clothes off for strange men. It's no skin off my back. I know they'll never get you in bed. But I don't like the idea of one dirty old man providin' you with your cash flow.
Frances: So I'll quit.
Vito: Yeah, I think you should. I'll put you to work in my club.
Frances: As what, a cocktail waitress?
Vito: Exactly. You can just hang out until the club opens next month. Work on your tan and people skills.
Frances: I'm going to miss having my own cash.
Vito: Don't you worry about that, babe. I'll give you a generous allowance.

Vito caresses Frances's thigh. Frances looks out the window.

Frances is putting clothes in a washer. She glances up at the bulletin board and notices Marie's sign. Frances closes the lid on the washer and puts the quarters in. Walks over to the bulletin board and reads the sign.