By Misti
Date: 2002 Jan 23
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You're Here, You're In

INT.-Marie's apartment-Night.
Marie is sitting at the kitchen table drinking a bottle
of Dos Equis. There's a vanilla cake candle burning in the center of the table. There is a stack of astrology and poetry books beside the candle. There is also a big bowl filled with Cheezits Party Mix on the table. Marie is wearing a royal blue rayon dress. "Andy's Chest" by Lou Reed is playing on the stereo in the den. There is a knock on the front door. Marie walks over to the door and looks through the peephole.

Marie: What's the password?

Frances is on the other side of the door.

Frances: Catharsis.

Marie opens the door. Frances is wearing a white t-shirt and faded blue denim overalls. Her hair is piled on top of her head with a plastic clip. She's holding a bottle of Dom Perignon.

Marie: You can come in. Who are you?
Frances: Frances.
Marie: You don't look like a Frances. I'm Marie, of course.

Frances follows Marie inside the apartment.

Frances: What do you think I look like? A Chelsie or a Monica? I get those two names all the time.
Marie: Neither. You look like...Heather. Definitely Heather. Or Lindsey. Sit down. Have some mix. I'll take that. Lovely. It's chilly.

Marie takes the bottle of Dom Perignon and opens it over the sink.

Marie: So how could someone who can afford a bottle of Dom Perignon for a blind get-together wind up in a ratty laundromat?
Frances: I embrace democracy. Actually, the housekeeper is in Peru for a couple of weeks and the washing machine is too complicated.
Marie: Wow. Housekeeper. Peru. Complicated washing machine. This will all make sense once I know you better, probably.

Frances sits down at the table. Marie hands Frances a glass of Dom Perignon. Sits down and takes a swig of Dos Equis. "Dreaming of the Queen" by the Pet Shop Boys begins to play on the stereo.

Frances: The Pet Shop Boys. I love this song. It's so haunting and sad. I can still remember what I was wearing when I found out that Princess Di had died.
Marie: Yeah, me, too. My sister was a Princess Di fanatic. I was over at her house. I was wearing a Beavis and Butthead t-shirt and neon pink lipstick kisses boxers. I'm surprised you know about the Pet Shop Boys. They were way before your time.
Frances: Well, my boyfriend is a closet Pet Shop Boys freak. He's 33. He'd die if he knew I'd told you.
Marie: My lips are sealed. Is your boyfriend bisexual, by chance?
Frances: I don't think so. I There's no way he could be. He's ubermensch.

Frances sips her glass of Dom Perignon.

Marie: I just got rid of my super man. He wasn't so super, after all.

Marie grabs a handful of Cheezits Party Mix and pops a pretzel into her mouth.

Frances: Was he cheating on you?
Marie: No, nothing that devastating.

There's a knock on the front door.

Marie: I'm expecting three more people. Two chicks and one dude.

Marie gets up and walks toward the front door. Looks through the peephole.

Marie: What's the password?
Male voice: Um...catharsis?

Marie opens the door. The male voice belongs to a short, stocky guy age 17. He has a dirty blonde buzz cut and intense blue eyes. He's wearing black jeans and a black Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt. He's holding a copy of Baudelaire's *Flowers of Evil*...the English translation.

Marie (imitating Ozzy Osbourne's tortured, inarticulate British accent): Bloody hell, if it isn't that Cameron bloke! Come on in, mate. The party's already started. Where the fuck are your party favors?
Cameron: I'm underage, remember? And I'm guessing you're Marie, even though you didn't have a British accent over the phone.

Cameron enters the apartment. Marie closes the door. Frances smiles at Cameron and raises her glass.

Frances: Welcome to the madness. I'm Frances.
Cameron: Hello, Frances. I'm Cameron. I brought some weed and Baudelaire. So can I join the club?
Marie: You're here. You're in.