By yumyumyum
Submitted by Misti
Date: 2002 Jan 24
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You Could at Least Wave in My Direction

another message from mom offering to buy me
a haircut
no, mom
what I want and need and desire the most
is a pair of overpriced running shoes
but I'd never ask you for that
I'll cut my hair with my own scissors
ignoring all the lies I read in the cheap magazines
where does a costly cut get you these days
if you aren't applying for a news anchor position
my hair is wild and screaming for attention
I'm learning to listen
to my hair

lately I've been thinking of how much I really
hate the telephone
nothing good can come from it
but pigeons have germs

I've bled on the phone
turned anemic
and he couldn't tell
the wishes were whispers
they didn't go through

you know I'm too smart
to go cop
but good behavior
won't stop the urges
and the splurges as I regurgitate
the meditations
no medications
seem to fix