By Misti
Date: 2002 Feb 18
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Astrology & Dreams & Self-Analysis

yesterday was plain awful
and I'll say it again
yesterday was plain awful
like vanilla ice cream
generic vanilla ice cream
not Blue Bell vanilla ice cream
generic vanilla ice cream
without chocolate syrup
or melted caramel
or crushed peanuts/M&Ms/Oreos
or whipped cream
I ate yesterday and got queasy
it isn't easy turning 29
in Nederland, Texas
and this morning I dreamed I was a desperate
girl hiding
in caves
I kept digging digging digging
covering myself with dirt
I labored an elaborate labyrinth
I wasn't  hiding from America
I was hiding from a husband
who made my head bleed
I was hiding from myself
but it didn't work
does the masochism come with the Virgo Ascendant/Moon
like limp French fries
or is Mercury in Pisces square Saturn in Gemini
to blame
for my wishy washy wanderlust
gypsy with burning eyes
bitten bottom lip insanity?
inertia will never work
I can only blame myself if the big three O
isn't better
no one has the key to purgatory
no one has the syrup
I'll have to put down the chart
and get proactive
Sonic is oblivious to this angst
there's nothing worse
than melted ice in a Sonic Coke
and mediocre ice cream