By Misti
Date: 2002 Mar 10
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broken rainbow

all day long I ached
all day long I felt you
        you had me, again
        you thrust yourself
            back into
             my life
        you fucked me
        and told me it was
        you fucked me
        and asked for a thank you card

all day long I felt raped,
for some reason
I did my laundry in a daze
sore and stupid
loathing myself
pondering my panties
as they spun around
and around in the dryer
while strangers eyed me
thinking, maybe
What a Strange, Angry Girl
all day long I knew it was nothing
just another OOPS!
just another UH-OH!
just another reason
to drive off a cliff
with the radio on

all along I've loved you
despite it all
because of it all
all the damage done to me
all the roses I'll never see
I know you and we both know
how well you know me
but the love is lost and will never be
the rainbow I had
hoped for.